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  1. No fear at all. I have the advantage of life experience whereas you are wet behind the ears. We’ve all seen the school board meetings that spin out of control when a parent begins reading aloud from a library book that most normal adults prefer not to have available at school. You have successfully twisted yourself into a pretzel with this idiotic post to the point you are denying what you know to be true. Next up from you - “there is no such thing as drag queen story hour”. “This didn’t happen and hasn’t happened on numerous occasions” -roundy
  2. Yes, that’s totally happening. Just the other day, I went and read 50 Shades of Gray to a class of second graders. Do you always live in constant fear, or is this new?
  3. No, I don't think so, although I really hadn't remembered as well as I thought I had. Obviously I hadn't been watching him and the Panthers as much as the Bills. His dropoff didn't really come after 2015. More 2017 or 2018. You're right that particularly in passing TDs, 2015 was the standout year. Average overall? No, I'd say he had plenty of good years till about 2017 when his running started to drop off and his passing wasn't too far behind. In 2017 he had the rotator cuff. In 2018 the shoulder injury that reduced his performance at the end of the year and his Lisfranc injury year in 2019 didn't look good either. He was never a great passer, but throw in the running and he was really effective. Until he wasn't. As for variance and three five TD games, that's how stats work. Throw out the best three games and you can make just about any season look much more average. Throw out Josh's three highest TD games last year and he only threw 19 TDs in a 17 game season. He must suck. Again, throw out the best three games in Josh's 2022 and he only had 24 passing TDs. It's just how stats work. Yes, Cam had a lot of passing TDs that year, way above his average, but he was feared for a reason, he was a good productive effective QB through most of his career, till he dropped off. But yeah, he never had another year as good as that 2015. He's an interesting player. I'm glad you gave me a chance to go back and take a look.
  4. If you let them go 1 mph over the speed limit, then eventually they'll all be doing 120. Vote for irrational fears this November!
  5. Just horrible. As said by others, our allies don't trust him, and our enemies don't fear him. The man is a foreign policy disaster. As former Defense Sect Robert Gates said: "I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades." Denying Israel this shipment is idiotic, counterproductive and lunacy. "
  6. Nick Foles won a Superbowl, was above-average accurate, had more 400-yard games than I can even count, AND is No. 6 since 2000 in clutch drives. But he was never really respected. Got to just boil down to the fear factor. Regardless of his stats and consistency, the top five in that list are game-planned for. Nick Foles, probably not.
  7. CIVIL RIGHTS UPDATE: Unanimous 4th Circuit Upholds Religious Liberty in Employment Decisions FTA: “Religious schools should be allowed to employ teachers and administrators who share the same goals, views, and values that adhere to their religion, and the 4th Circuit’s decision upholds that fundamental freedom. The court rightly recognized that the ability of religious schools to make employment decisions based on their beliefs is ‘grounded…in constitutional structure’ and that religious employers should be free to operate without fear of punishment by government officials or courts.” In its decision, the 4th Circuit wrote: “Our court has recognized before that seemingly secular tasks like the teaching of English and drama may be so imbued with religious significance that they implicate the ministerial exception…we think the principle carries through: The ministerial exception protects religious institutions in their dealings with individuals who perform tasks so central to their religious missions – even if the tasks themselves do not advertise their religious nature.” https://adfmedia.org/case/billard-v-charlotte-catholic-high-school .
  8. Shaking in the garden, the fear within you grows, Here there may be roses, to punch you in the nose. Put my arms around you, love you til you cry, Wrap you in your sweet perfume and squeeze you 'til you die. When push comes to shove, you're afraid of love. RIP Robert Hunter
  9. Yes, I did not intend right people as moral approbation, but indicative of the folks who speak that way. I don't necessarily think, however, that folks who live in a rural backwater are bound to be backwards. Further, I live in a rural backwater, though I suspect you may find my own proclivities insufficiently advanced. Have no fear, however, I will not "bless your heart," no matter what.
  10. I'm not pretending Davis will be difficult to replace. I was one of his consistent critics. I also acknowledge Diggs was not good the second-half of the season, so nothing I am saying is obviated by those truths. I also liked the draft, apart from settling for Coleman as the sole WR taken, and have said as much several times on these boards. Nor am I unable to see that Beane could not have covered so many holes and acquired two WRs early. Further, I am not chagrined that Beane failed to select a day 3 WR. All that said, I can only restate that the dreadful nature of the WR room at the end of 2023 does not mean taking Coleman and the free agent additions to date are somehow a tangible improvement to the WR room. The inadequacy at the end of last season ought not to justify the kind of investment shown by Beane. I think more was needed. You are free to disagree, of course, and you are generally a bright and witty poster. Nonetheless, I have a hard time seeing the current WR room contributing to significant offensive prowess, though Brady may have an offensive strategy involving RBs, TEs, and burly WRs to mitigate those fears.
  11. What is happening on this board? Does anyone remember that we had these exact conversations almost word for word last year, when the Bills WRs corps undeniably looked better than it does today? And now we're just going to trudge along pretending those discussions didn't happen and were definitively proven correct on the side of those that thought the group wasn't good enough? Allow me to re-enact the discussion. D̶e̶a̶n̶d̶r̶e̶ H̶o̶p̶k̶i̶n̶s̶ OBJ is washed and we don't need him. T̶r̶e̶n̶t̶ S̶h̶e̶r̶f̶i̶e̶l̶d̶ Mack Hollins is a better WR than people think. D̶e̶o̶n̶t̶e̶ H̶a̶r̶t̶y̶ KJ Hamler is an X-factor if healthy and focused. A̶n̶d̶y̶ I̶s̶a̶b̶e̶l̶l̶a̶ Chase Claypool has been stuck with bad QBs, we can unlock his talent. And don't forget about J̶u̶s̶t̶i̶n̶ S̶h̶o̶r̶t̶e̶r̶ Justin Shorter. And this year we don't even have a true #1 WR we can fall back on. Several best case scenarios regarding player development would have to come to fruition for this offense to even match the talent we had last year, let alone surpass it. The group that wasn't good enough last year is undeniably even worse this year, and the same people that defended it last year are repeating the same arguments from a worse position. Make it stop. Our one hope is that Beane executes a trade for a legitimate outside WR after June 1 or perhaps at the trade deadline. Maybe that's the plan all along. If instead the plan is to re-tool and coast through the year with lowered expectations, they should have at least added two WRs high in the draft. Watching two young studs grow on the field with Allen would have made a down year still exciting to watch, and given us something to really look forward to in 2025. Instead I fear that the regime has learned nothing and will continue surrounding their franchise QB with a just-not-quite-good-enough (or worse) supporting cast.
  12. Even if Russia could reconstitute its army enough (after another year or so of struggling against a non-NATO country) to attempt an invasion of Latvia, yes, I would have to support sending US troops because that's what NATO is there for. And a big reason why Putin invaded Ukraine, i.e. their pursuit of NATO inclusion. Russia invaded Ukraine under Obama. He didn't under Trump. He was always going to invade Ukraine again if/when Trump left Office. You can deny it all you want. But believing he's going to invade Latvia is fear-mongering at this point. He doesn't have the ability. If he had taken Ukraine in a couple weeks like he predicted, sure, he might have tested NATO. But after the B word slapping he would have received by the full force of all those NATO countries surrounding him and would have surrendered. And if you think he's so irrational, why do you think being defeated in Ukraine would make him stop?
  13. You can do what you like, 4th&censor, this is still the greatest country on earth! I choose to be unencumbered by stale thoughts and the dreary existence of an automaton. Frank's post referenced the actions of Kristi Noem being "self-disqualifying"! My point is simply that Joe B... another person's extreme/absurd actions over several decades in the public eye were not, in fact, self-disqualifying, beauty will be in the eye of the beholder. If she propelled Trump over the line, her comments are irrelevant. If she can't, and I'd agree at this point she can't, then it takes her out of the race. To your comments in bold, you rascal, you started off going out of your way making a point about keeping this Noem-esque, then slippery-dipped it back around to Biden the other person that should not be mentioned in this post limited only to critiques of Kristi Noem. Of course, that made my point about "self-disqualification", but that's a discussion for another day, or, God willing, a thread where people are free to speak without fear of recrimination from self-nominated topic bullies.
  14. I think the secondary is probably more fearful of Allen. He's so difficult to sack, and he keeps plays alive forever, not to mention the rocket arm capable of carving up tight windows.
  15. Scary bunch... Secondaries are trembling with fear
  16. Now replace DEI with the climate cult. I fear the science behind it is corrupted to the core.
  17. Sadly I agree with a lot of this. My scouting report on Coleman was basically (this is almost word for word my original notes on him). 1. Elite size and fast enough without top end speed - seems to move faster with the ball than when running routes. 2. Does not separate, espeically vertically. Lacks explosion in his get off which often results in him giving up leverage early in the down when outside. 3. Hands are okay but doesn't win enough contested catches for a guy with his size (my point there basically not a lot of "drops" in the true sense of the word but a lot of balls he could make a play on and reel in that he doesn't manage to) 4. Better uses his leverage and size when deployed from the slot and gets a free release. That allows him to dictate to the DB better. 5. YAC monster, surprisingly fluid when ball carrying for a guy his size and tough to bring down in the open field. 6. Excellent and willing run blocker. 7. Very young probably not yet fully developed physically. NFL coaching and conditioning could help his explosion which might give him a better chance in time outside. Ideal usage: big slot receiver, some outside use in redzone and goalline. Developmental prospect as an outside receiver between the 20s. Late 2nd round grade. (He ended up #50 overall on my board FWIW) _ _ _ _ _ If the Bills had a true #1 (still had the Diggs of two years ago for example) and were bringing Coleman in as a potential upgrade to Gabe I'd completely have got it. He has some similar traits and good reason to think his ceiling is higher. But if they bring this kid in stick him outside and expect him to be your #1 outside receiver early I fear you are setting him and your team up to be disappointed.
  18. But the reaction around here isn’t that Rodgers is a more than capable game manager that’s better than Wilson, it’s OMG fear the great Aaron Rodgers. I agree with everything you said, but that’s not the contrarian argument. I don’t agree that Rodgers is still an automatic top 5 that guarantees NY the division.
  19. Why are many of you so worried about nearly 41 year old Aaron Rodgers? The expectation around here seems to be that he’ll simply just regain his MVP form…despite turning 41 during the season, despite coming off a major injury, despite still being new to playing in NY, despite increasing media and “extra curricular” obligations, etc etc etc. A “healthy” Aaron Rodgers in 2024 just doesn’t incite the automated fear and respect in me that so many of you seem to have. Tua is more concerning.
  20. Thanks, Shaw. I DO think, as you say in your last paragraph, that he has a good chance to succeed. And maybe I should have more faith in the coaches to help ensure that he does. I think what I fear is that -- given his young age and how raw he is, generally speaking -- that it might take him a while to succeed. That he might be a premiere receiver in this league by year three, but the Bills very much need him in year one. Now, if the Bills had made moves to NOT need him so much in year one, then it would be a different story. But they didn't. If Coleman isn't being counted on to be a big factor until, say, week 6, then it currently means that Mack Hollins or Justin Shorter or Tyrell Shavers is being counted on during that time instead, and you'll have to forgive me for being not at all confident in that being a good thing. I already mentioned strongly hoping that Beane keeps adding to the WR room, and you mentioned that you think he's likely not done adding there. I really hope this is the case. Right now, for the Bills to succeed optimally on offense, they're going to NEED Coleman to hit the ground running. If they put themselves in less of a position to NEED that by adding a capable veteran, I'll feel a lot better about things.
  21. Project twenty five was created by a dem funded PAC. The rest is pure fear mongering and explains the irrational posting of the op. Fear consumes and breaks logical thoughts processes
  22. Frankly, I think you need to have a little faith in Beane and McDermott. I hear all of what you say, and I saw Bado's language that you quoted. I think your fears are unfounded. McDermott doesn't put guys on the field for extended plays if they can't do what they're expected to do. They will move Coleman along at the pace that is appropriate for him. I don't know Xs and Os, but I think you're overly concerned about him getting off the line of scrimmage. First, in his first snaps in the regular season, the coaches are going to put him in position to get easy releases, however they do it. They're going to put him in positions where he can succeed. In other words, I am confident they understand the "path to success" idea, and they will be mindful of that. In other words, I don't think Bado's correct (surprise, surprise) that the Bills will throw him out there because they need a #1 receiver. He'll play as he's ready to play. I'm not ready to assume that Coleman will not have a major role early in the season. He may grow into that role faster than we think. But on the assumption that he simply isn't ready to carry a big load, then I can't tell you who the starting group will be. I think Beane's not done working on the receiver room, but if he is, it's because they're confident they can get it done in the front half of the season while they're waiting for Coleman to get up to speed. Personally, I think we'll be seeing a lot of Coleman by game six, if not earlier. I think they'll find enough ways for him to succeed that he'll start seeing the field regularly, and once that happens, he'll start making plays that get the attention of the defenses. I was just looking at his college stats. Maybe he benefitted from step down in competition at Florida State, but 11 receiving touchdowns in 50 catches is eye-opening, as is #3 nationally in punt returns. In his early snaps, I think the Bills are going to be looking for opportunities where he can get open with some room to run after the catch. I'm not worried. Sure, he could flop, but I don't think so.
  23. People in fear are easy to control. This is the msm bs frank and the other accounts are supporting as factual.
  24. I don't think it's just you. When the public financed a stadium for the Bills, IMO, the ownership situation became information to the public interest. My #1 fear about the Bills for years has been Terry Pegula passes unexpectedly and chaos unfolds in the aftermath.
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