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Dr. Who

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  1. If you only knew how to extrapolate, you could have been a player.
  2. No one actually knows how they will perform in a role until they are placed in a position that demands the performance of that role. This is nearly a tautology. Short of personal knowledge, the best anyone can do is surmise on the basis of public achievement. I think her persistence over time, and through injuries, is admirable. Further, her experience admits some existential awareness of the life of an athlete. It's your prerogative to consider all that relatively trivial, but then I suppose there's just not enough to offer a basis for conversation.
  3. If the strength of our WR room is depth, with question marks at best at the top, and the OC turns out to be mediocre and lacking innovative qualities, it's going to be a long year. Folks want hope, so they're not going to buy this narrative. I sure hope you are wrong.
  4. She's driven, competitive, and bright. Those are all excellent qualities that should transfer.
  5. Panthers play a relentless game, and they have a very good goalie playing at the top of his game.
  6. Haven't heard anything about Coleman yet. Not sure he's hit the field. Probably needs to start running a day early to arrive at the same time as everyone else.
  7. Much stronger game for the Cats. Some pretty dirty play from the Oil. Good for Evan Rodrigues.
  8. I don't like the WR room, but the massive cap hit entailed in trading Diggs significantly ties their hands for 2024. I don't get the sense Pegula is averse to spending on the Bills, though maybe the cost overruns on the stadium are creating a temporary money crunch, I dunno. I do think there's a pretty good possibility the Sabres have been operating with an internal cap in recent years. The rumor is TP met with KA and his hockey guys to talk about some money implications to proposed splash moves this off-season. If that is true, it would mean he is now ready to spend more lavishly on the Sabres. A signal might be if they buy out Jeff Skinner, which may or may not be a good idea, but would probably be needed if they want to bring in a big fish.
  9. It's my experience in life that character is normally pretty durable, good or bad. Sometimes strange circumstances reveal something you didn't suspect, but upon retrospect, it often makes sense. There are cases of reformation. In this case, lots to be skeptical about. I hope it works out, of course, but I don't really like the risk if he's that negative an influence.
  10. I'm not sure what Okposo could have done, though I agree that he was not a stellar captain. The problems for the Sabres were roster construction and coaching. Folks have their own idiosyncratic reasons for selecting a team when your home team is not in play. Sometimes you root against a rival you can't stand. That's not the case here. I've always liked Reinhart. I like cats. I'm rooting for the Panthers.
  11. So, there's a thing about gang warfare and wearing green is dangerous? And the NFL said, let's get the Packers and the Eagles to play there? If green cleats were a problem for a soccer player, what exactly are these teams supposed to do about their uniforms?
  12. That is my surmise.
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