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Do you think Allen feels relief after the Diggs trade?

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12 hours ago, Beast said:

FWIW, Cowherd is claiming he heard Allen was getting tired of Diggs last off-season.

diggs is a good player but you only want to get the questions about his tweets, comments, missed workouts etc… so many times. 

fun while it lasted but completely predictable finish too. 

No hard feelings but diggs will be a hired hand and not a truly beloved bill when memories of this era crystallize. 

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9 hours ago, Augie said:


She said it, she meant it, and of course she had to walk it back. It looks pretty simple, and it sounds like the truth to me after watching him getting in Josh’s face and all the other “cryptic tweet” stuff. His pattern here and in Minneapolis gives me no reason to believe she was inaccurate, just remorseful that it got out. She had zero to gain and much to lose (like her job) by that getting out. 


also We don’t see a lot of his off field but if you set aside the basic he’s a player stuff- I think the “don’t want him to date my sister” was always more than just that he was prolific with women and also that not a lot of teammates would want him at their thanksgiving table, proverbially 


he’s talented, he’s hard working, he can contribute to winning but I think he likely struggles immensely with who he is vs who he wants to be seen as. Charisma and success buy him a lot of plausible deniability but there are a lot of reasons to think he’s not consistently pleasant. I do think he wants to be liked/admired.

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12 hours ago, NoSaint said:

diggs is a good player but you only want to get the questions about his tweets, comments, missed workouts etc… so many times. 

fun while it lasted but completely predictable finish too. 

No hard feelings but diggs will be a hired hand and not a truly beloved bill when memories of this era crystallize. 


He has been the best WR over a 4 year period in Bills history.  The trade doesn't change that fact.  He has had a pivotal role in the success of the franchise.  No need to rewrite history due to the current situation. 

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20 minutes ago, nedboy7 said:


He has been the best WR over a 4 year period in Bills history.  The trade doesn't change that fact.  He has had a pivotal role in the success of the franchise.  No need to rewrite history due to the current situation. 

where did I say he wasn’t good? 

it was absolutely fun while it lasted as they are talented guys accomplishing impressive things. 

He will likely not be beloved in the way tre, our safeties, or going back a Fred Jackson or Kyle Williams were. 

he was a great football player. He may be more of a good bill though. 

do you believe he will be remembered as a beloved icon of Buffalo football in this era, or moreso as a high achiever here in passing?

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On 4/4/2024 at 11:16 AM, Buffalo_Stampede said:

Diggs doesn’t get traded unless Allen okayed it. Allen wanted him gone or felt they’d be better without him.

This is correct. 👍🏻 

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On 4/4/2024 at 10:48 AM, Dr. K said:

I'm sure he would like at least one more high quality WR, but I also expect he is somewhat relieved and looking forward rather than backward. 


It offers him the opportunity to demonstrate that his success was and is not dependent on Diggs. 

Oh no, the only way he proves it’s him is if everyone including Kincaid prove to be complete busts.  The rest of the world is convinced “Diggs made Allen”, but if they get a rookie who puts up numbers and shows out as a true #1, the narrative will be that WR is a stud and Allen kicked out again.  Forget the fact he’s made Diggs, Brown and Beasley have their best years ever, but yeah, it’s all Diggs.


I think Allen is going to have to shoulder a little more this year, and he best come in ready.  That said, he has the chance to show the world what we all know, this is his team, he IS the Alpha dog of the team and the arguably the league. 

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Josh Allen strikes me as the guy who called up the current roster of receivers, and talked to them about how they will replace Diggs' production.   Yes we will add some draft picks, but to start, its the other guys we have signed that will need to elevate.


I'd venture to guess he's glad to see a guy who didn't want to be here, go on his way..


I just think we will be better off....

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Allen got a gorilla off his back.  Diggs was positioned to receive his lowest target share and count in his for years in Buffalo.  The film and analytics point to a declining player.  His contract paired with his attitude made the move the obvious one.  Consider similar aged wrs could gain more than a 4th a likely top 40 or 50 pick made too much sense. 

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On 4/4/2024 at 10:27 AM, Ballhawk said:

All I kept thinking was how the "You sure" comment on twitter would feel if I were his quarterback. Contrast that against the famous T. Owens interview where he teared up and said "that's my quarterback!"Online comments are always open to interpretation, but how could Josh not see that "You sure" comment and not feel somewhat salty.


QB/WR relationships are delicate, even Diva WR's usually know they have to maintain them. Once a WR starts thinking he is the cause of the success and is carrying the QB you have a serious problem. The good news is that any WR Diva's that join the Bills moving forward will be joining a team with a mature established elite QB. These types of QB's set the tone (even with Diva WR's), moreover they win with only average to good one's (see most Tom Brady's NE years and Patrick Mahones in 2023).


I think we'll see a fired up Josh Allen next year. The league should be afraid of JA out to prove he didn't need Diggs.


This being the case will Diggs help or hurt CJ once the ball starts going somewhere else?


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On 4/4/2024 at 1:23 PM, Chaos said:

Unless you were in the room, you are only speculating 

There is zero chance they didn’t get his approval before making this trade. Josh is more important than anyone in the organization other than Pegula. Can you imagine the Chiefs trading Kelce without consulting Mahomes?  That would never happen. 

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2 hours ago, nbbillsfan said:

I saw Josh on the golf course yesterday playing with Herbert, he looked like a happy dude. 

So Herbert is a lazy bum with poor work ethic too, why aren’t they playing catch and getting ready for a SB run… bums

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Josh and Diggs have been basically done with each other for over a year. Maybe we find out one day what caused the relationship that was once so tight to fracture so badly. But the reality is they both put on a brave face and praised each other through gritted teeth last year. 


Josh was 100% on board with the decision to move on and indeed I suspect he was even encouraging it.

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I am pretty sure he is at least a little happy Diggs is gone. If you see his interviews about Kincaid he kind of chides and teases him ("rookie!") while praising him. When he talks about Diggs its like walking on egg shells.

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I can't believe that this deal all just came together a few days ago without a backup plan that allowed it to happen. 

Whether it's a yet announced handshake deal for a veteran receiver, or trade-in-principal agreements to move up on draft day for a highly graded receiver, I think that's what allowed Beane to make the move. 

I don't think Allen had any say in the matter, but Beane surely wants to keep him motivated and the rumor that Allen "approved" of the deal is because Beane told him what the plan for the team is. Of course this is ALL speculation on my part.


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11 minutes ago, GunnerBill said:

Josh and Diggs have been basically done with each other for over a year. Maybe we find out one day what caused the relationship that was once so tight to fracture so badly. But the reality is they both put on a brave face and praised each other through gritted teeth last year. 


Josh was 100% on board with the decision to move on and indeed I suspect he was even encouraging it.


My tinfoil hat was the tweet that broke the camels back.  I think Diggs is someone that you have to walk around on egg shells and I think Allen knew that Diggs was exploring trades.  That tweet came out and Allen texted Beane "done with this his s***, ship him."

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Look regardless of his success here, for all of his competitive fire and “accountability” he held his teammates to, he didn’t hold up to his own standard when he had the chance to.  Josh gave him the opportunity to be the man, the star of getting the chiefs monkey off their back.  He shrunk in the moment, and he demonstrated to everyone that he didn’t make the team better at the most crucial time.  At that point he is immediately expendable if there is a willing partner, especially with that contract.  Throw in everything else and it was nearly a necessity.  I like the competitive fire and extreme desire to win, but if you’re going to be that and get paid to be that guy and given the chance to show out that you are what you say you are, then you can’t crap in your hat and disappear when you are to blame.   A play can change so much, but the way it went down made it an easy calculation.   

The Bills lost a great talent but also have a chance to see if a different combination is the one that makes them better.  But they need to nail it in this draft all over the place.  WR C DL S.  Beane just put the pressure on himself but let’s see how this goes. 

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