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Diggs traded to Texans for picks

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My take on this is it was unexpected by me this year. I'm also happy in some ways cause I said at the beginning of the offseason that Beane should rip the ban aid off and rebuild for Allen's back 9 

I now view Beane looking to swap 1st rd picks in 2024, and add a 2025 1st and 2nd rd pick plus some change to make a huge move up in this draft to grab a top WR.

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Just now, CaliBills said:


I agree as well but with a caviot.


There is only 1 ball that can go around so if it wasn't them getting schemed open or thrown to, it will be Kincaid/Shakir/Samuel now and who ever we trade for or draft. 


The reason I see this and Davis being on another team, is at crucial times in games and in the playoffs, drops were happening more than they should.

Solid point on davis.  They could have kept him if they wanted.  That money was workable.  But they simply decided that stuff like the Denver drop wasn’t worth the cap space. 

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2 hours ago, Process said:

Where there is smoke there is fire. People have been dismissing Diggs comments but it's clear he wanted out. The guy is a diva, and a clown. 


Him and his brother publicly going after Allen. Loser. See ya.

It was pretty obvious to me when he was dropping balls and taking himself out on key 3rd downs during the second half of last season that he quit on the team and wanted out. His body language said it all. I was ridiculed by other people in this group. Time for Beane to go get a wr1 in the draft. I believe he will

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Not a bad trade value wise. What makes this a C for me is the dead cap it blows. Would have been better to try to trade next year but whatever. So the Bills don't have a 3rd and what a 6th rounder this year?

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1 hour ago, HappyDays said:


Reposting this because it's going to get lost in the thread:



The Bills kept the issues under wraps for the most part. But anyone who knew someone close to the team was aware of his constant distractions, both in public and behind the scenes.


Honestly... You could could literally feel it. Though I will be the 1st to admit I ignored that feeling and hoped for the best every day... But it was there. And it was tangible...

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35 minutes ago, The Jokeman said:

I'm not happy with this move either but honestly I can't believe Beane would just make this move without something up his sleeve as I can't imagine his plan is to go into this season with what have now. Granted I'm not a fan of trading up to get a better WR prospect as no guarantee a rookie going to step in as a WR1 no matter who he is.


It used to take about 3 years for WRs to come into their own. I don't think that's true any more for the WRs rated at the top of the class -- or for some later draft picks who have talent and are willing to work really hard to improve their skills like Nacua.   I think coaching at the top collegiate programs has really improved, and there are also lots of camps or "schools" for WRs to learn fundamentals.   I also think that many collegiate football players who are aiming for potential NFL careers prepare for that as seriously as other college students who want to become doctors or scientists or musicians.

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Gave it a B


A '24 RD2 would've been an A, but having two RD2 picks likely allows us the freedom to package our RD1 pick next year in a deal this year.. should we choose to do so. 


I don't think he had a ton of leverage.  Not much of a market for a 31 year old 18M WR coming off a meh end of season with questions about whether he's still a true WR1 or not.  


In fact, the only leverage he probably had was... ok, well, we'll just keep him this year then.  


Getting a 2, even if next year, is a solid deal. 


Edited by SCBills
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I’m actually fine with this. I wish it would’ve been a 2nd rounder this year with such a great WR class but as long as we get multiple WRs in this class we will be fine. Josh won’t feel like he needs to force the ball to Diggs anymore and I think long term this was the right move. Hope we hit on the right WRs in this class though

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In order for us to trade up in the top 10 to grab a WR. We would have to likely give up  next year 1st and with the way the Bills roster is currently constructed with question marks all around. That something we can’t afford to do. 

Edited by BillMafia716ix
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