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  1. I'm a big fan of the Tour de France, the 3 week long cycling road race through various parts of France (and depending upon the year, parts of neighboring countries like Italy, Spain, Belgium and Monaco), so with the Olympics coming just a week later, I'm interested in seeing how the TDF riders fare. The cycling time trial is tomorrow, with TDF 3rd place finisher Remco Evenepoel likely a favorite. I believe he's the currrent world champion cycling time trialer. The Olympic road race is later in the games, and one of the riders to watch is Matteo Jorgenson of the USA who finished 8th in the TDF and almost won a stage, losing by 21 seconds, to Tadej Pogacar, eventual TDF winner.
  2. You do realize that "financial advisors" are not required to be licensed by anyone, right? Just about anybody can hang out a shingle claiming to be a "financial advisor" or "wealth manager", including convicted criminals. Following the advice of incompetent or shady "financial advisors" is why so many successful people end up in trouble with the IRS or land in bankruptcy court.
  3. I totally agree. He's an excellent QB, not on the same level as Mahomes and Allen, but certainly among the top five or six in the league. I think that he would be a better passer if the Ravens had replaced Roman sooner and moved to install a better passing offense. Roman is great at taking a young kid and turning him into a successful dual threat QB but that kid is never going to develop as an NFL-caliber passer with Roman as OC. Lamar does seem to have some health issues separate from football injuries. I think he's missed either all or part of a few games because of "illness". I remember one game where he left because he was sick and came back later and lit up. Maybe he has a chronic health condition that flares up from time to time or maybe he's just been unlucky and catches any nasty bug going around.
  4. This is true. The Tour de France was affected with several riders not participating (Sepp Kuss of the US) or withdrawing during the race itself. Some riders were who were asymptomic continued in the race. For several days during the race, everyone was masked. it seemed to pass fairly quickly however.
  5. Nebraska tends to be worse. Before global warming, temps in eastern Nebraska regularly topped 100+ for several days during July and August and temps frequently plummeted to -20 in January and February -- without wind chill. Unfortunately, while global warming may make winters milder, it will probably make the summers hotter.
  6. How can you really be friends with people whom you repeatedly insult? I don't think you can. My guess is that Gruden split his life into 2 parts: a public part in which he had Black acquaintances and expressed mainstream social views and a private part which he only showed to friends, acquaintances, and others who shared his personal views of everyone who wasn't a white, straight male. This isn't really anything new. Many years ago, long before "email" was even a word, one of my teachers warned my classmates and me to "never write anything on paper" that you wouldn't want the world to see. I was in junior high, and the teacher had just confiscated a note that had been passed around the classroom. It was good advice 60 years ago and remains valid today, perhaps even more so when just about everything done on a computer or phone can never be completely erased. "This" has always been about the emails in which Gruden expressed his bigotry. People were shocked by not only by Gruden's racism, homophobia, and misogyny, but that there were so many over so many years. The emails were never "released" but were leaked to the media by an unknown party. Gruden hasn't disputed that he wrote and/or forwarded the offensive emails, but rather he's claiming that the NFL leaked the emails.
  7. Cry me a river for Jon Gruden, a racist pig who got what he deserved when the leaked emails exposed him for the hypocrite he is. This isn't an issue of someone being falsely accused of doing wrong or being denied the opportunity to rectify an "injustice". It's simply a ruling on a legal proceeding. If Gruden doesn't like the rules under which his lawsuit moves forward, he can always withdraw it. Thumbs up for whomever leaked the emails BTW.
  8. IMO, owner Woody Johnson wanted Rodgers, and Douglas and Saleh had no real choice in the matter, including bringing in Rodgers' very own OC and WR plans.
  9. I think that a bigger question is would Brady actually be a good QB coach? A lot of top athletes are so talented that they just naturally do some things well and they make up for their weaknesses with speed or arm strength or power etc. IOW, they don't have think about what makes them excel. Frequently, a lot of the best coaches had modest playing careers who depended on studying the game and learning how to play their position better. As for why Brady might want to be a coach? How about because he wants to remain in the game? I recently heard a very well-known former top-tier player was a HS coach in some town out west. Whatever his salary as a football coach is, it's pocket change compared to what he made in the NFL or what he could make at some other job in some other field. Obviously, this ex-player loves the game.
  10. I'm old enough to remember the Electric Company, the OL that blocked for OJ for his fabulous 2003 yard season in 1973. Everybody knew they were going to run, and they still did it. Last season, the OL showed some flashes of that under Brady, so I'm very hopeful.
  11. I don't know about Edwards, but I would love, love, love the Bills to be able to run at will, especially in the red zone. That would make the Bills passing game absolutely lethal, especially off play action.
  12. The Jests are the most dangerous divisional foe IF -- Rodgers comes in healthy and stays healthy Rodgers plays at least as well as a top ten QB which means he not only has to come in physically ready but also has to be "into" the game not distracted by his plans for his life after football the Jests' reworked OL has to gel early and play significantly better than it did last season the Jests' defense has to play well all season Saleh and his staff have to coach better, including adapting to the inevitable setbacks on both sides of the ball I don't think that the Fish are really players in the divisional race unless the Bills have very serious injury problems and the Jests don't step up. They have been a one-trick pony the last two seasons, using their offense to overwhelm poor defensive teams but struggling against teams with good defenses that stop or adapt to their vaunted offensive show. Their defense was decent last season, but they've lost some key pieces in the off season while putting most of their resources into the offensive side, particularly offensive weapons. That doesn't seem to be a good recipe for improving their record against good teams.
  13. I think that MLB is more culpable than that. MLB owners had an agreement in place to not allow black players into the leagues even though there weren't any MLB teams located in the Southern states where separate but equal was written into law except perhaps in St Louis and Washington, DC. While in most of the country segregation was a common practice, it wasn't written into law. Branch Rickey broke when he signed Jackie Robinson -- and I think that he had to do some politicking among other owners to get support for breaking the agreement.
  14. I think what stevewin means is that at other times when the Jests had even modest prospects -- like a winning streak at the end of the previous season or a good draft -- Super Bowl dreams among New York media and Jests fans exploded like dandelions in the spring long before TC, even outside of the NY Metro. That kind of preseason hype has been around for decades ... and it certainly seems much more muted this season.
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