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Ed Oliver Hustle plays - Baldinger Breakdown


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He’s been excellent the second half of the year. I’ll admit I thought we should have limited his reps going into the Dallas game given his struggles vs Wash and Philly lines. That might have been his best game, and he’s been all over the place ever since. 

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Some guys just have *it* in big moments. Oliver had a great game against Dallas on (American) Thanksgiving in front of a national audience, and he does the same thing here on the first Sunday night game in 12 years. Tre White is another star who seems to have a cheat mode switch in hype games. It's way early and it might be variance but (hopefully) this bodes well for the future.

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32 minutes ago, njbuff said:

I hope the Jets NEVER live it down by taking Williams over Oliver when Oliver was clearly the more established player of the two.


Joe Benigno is already having a heart attack about the Jets taking Williams over Oliver. Sweet.

To be fair, rookies on the D line will always take some time to develop. Clearly, Oliver is in an ideal situation for just that, and Q. Williams is clearly... not. I will admit that I say this as someone with zero respect for Greggo, and a very large amount of respect for Frazier, and McD. But, I don’t think anyone should sleep on Q. Williams, or consider him a bust. 

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1 minute ago, Rocky Landing said:

To be fair, rookies on the D line will always take some time to develop. Clearly, Oliver is in an ideal situation for just that, and Q. Williams is clearly... not. I will admit that I say this as someone with zero respect for Greggo, and a very large amount of respect for Frazier, and McD. But, I don’t think anyone should sleep on Q. Williams, or consider him a bust. 


I am not declaring anything yet.


I said I HOPE the Jets never live it down. ?

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4 hours ago, cage said:

Wasn't it just 3-4 weeks ago that he was a bust??


Where are they now? Probably upset he’s not in the HOF yet? 


Let the young guys have some time to grow into the job. Young players need time. 

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What I would like to see Ed work on going into next year is his technique at knocking a ball out from behind


One thing Ed is always going to have is that freak speed and quickness of his..he runs things down from behind....learn to pop that ball out the way TJ Watt does......


But yes....he has been fun to watch in his first year






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6 hours ago, eball said:

Another example of McD pushing the right buttons.  Taking away the "starting" position and limiting snap counts through the middle of the season sent the right message and Ed has responded.


@eball And, not that we can confirm this was McD's theory, but limiting his mid-season snaps has probably left more "juice" in Oliver's tank, for the stretch run. Whether planned or not, I like the results!

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Snark in the water....


Not another "high motor" defensive lineman, we need a real difference maker...


8 hours ago, ROCBillsBeliever said:


@eball And, not that we can confirm this was McD's theory, but limiting his mid-season snaps has probably left more "juice" in Oliver's tank, for the stretch run. Whether planned or not, I like the results!


I think it was plan. Maybe they wanted him to play some and find what they thought he could improve on and gave him the time to get coached up. And thats the difference from Mittelstadt going to the Amerks which shouldve happened last year. Ed has got the mindset of embracing the mindset and its awesome to watch.

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14 hours ago, AKC said:

Something else Baldinger could have added is that after forcing the  checkdown Oliver turns downfield to improve his angle and force a new perimeter for the receiver. He doesn’t lose his discpline and go straight to the ball but instead helps to secure a best case/more limited field for our D on the RAC. 


AND Oliver pushed the lineman out if the play.  

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