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Rocky Landing

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  1. Specifically, "some kind of developing ankle issue..."
  2. Tua has become a known commodity. He's extremely accurate, he's exceptional at timing routes, and he can go through progression very quickly. Those are his strengths. But, his weaknesses don't seem to be going away. He doesn't handle pressure well... at all. He can't break a tackle, and he's utterly terrible at extending plays, or throwing off-schedule. His fragility may be overstated, but he's gun-shy when it comes to getting sacked, and he loses his down-field vision when rushers break through the line. He can get the Fish to the playoffs, but he's not a playoff QB, if he can't extend plays.
  3. This is a guy that understands the importance of an energized fan base.
  4. Dawkins, Edwards, McG, Torrence, Brown is certainly likely. But Kromer always tries multiple combinations throughout TC, and nothing is written in stone. They brought in Will Clapp to compete, as well. There is plenty that can happen that would result in McG remaining at LG, and they wouldn't have to be drastic to occur, IMO. I wouldn't read that far into it. MVS is not a special teams player. Every other WR, including Claypool, has worked out on ST.
  5. This is a good thing to see. Claypool has a reputation as being a poor teammate, and Shakir has a reputation for being one of the nicest guys on the planet. If the Claypool reclamation project is to be successful, it will be with the help of people like Shakir. (Plus, Claypool didn't finish the last few reps of practice due to getting banged up. Good to see he wants to put in the work). As good a leader as you will find in the NFL.
  6. Or MVS, or Hollins, or Shorter, or Shavers. There are six 6'4"+ WRs on the current roster. Likely, there will be two 6'4"+ WRs on the PS this year. The Bill WR room got big!
  7. Also makes sense that they would pair Bishop with the most veteran player.
  8. We know this from every Embedded, every report, and every press conference we've seen regarding the draft. If you can cite anything to suggest that it is McD, and not Beane who makes the final decisions in the draft, I'd love to see it, and I know the Bills organization tends to keep their cards close to the vest. But everything we have ever seen from draft night has Beane making the phone calls, doing the negotiating, and ultimately pulling the trigger. When Beane traded with KC, and then Carolina, do you think he looked over to McD to get approval? I don't.
  9. At least a couple of things missing from that play, though... pads, for starters... I know there are people on here who think we should have gotten Worthy instead of Coleman. But I couldn't disagree more. We needed bigger, more aggressive, and tougher receivers. We needed bullies. That's who we went after. That's who Coleman is. That is very much not what Worthy is.
  10. C'mon Bill, I know that McDermott, and Beane very intentionally keep themselves on the same page. But, Brandon Beane is in charge of the draft. We know this.
  11. On paper (all we really have at this time of year) it is ugly. But not nearly as ugly as you're painting it! To your points: 1) Robert Foster, who absolutely crapped out of the league within three years, had 541 yards receiving in his rookie year under Allen. On the other side of that coin, as has been stated numerous times in this thread, numerous receiver's yards increased significantly under Allen. Diggs' production jumped from 1,130 yards in Min, to 1,535 under Allen in his first season. Diggs went from the 44th ranked WR in '19 in Minnesota, to the #1 ranked WR in '20. Khalil Shakir's numbers jumped from 161 yards in his '22 rookie season, to 611 in '23. And that was as a #3WR. And if you don't want to accept any of those examples as "breakout star" numbers, then you will also have to admit that what you want to define as a "breakout star" doesn't occur on a team that already has an elite star like Stefon Diggs, who was ranked 1st, 9th, 4th, and 7th in his four years in Buffalo, respectively. 2) This is a pretty convoluted standard, and "showed great promise" is utterly subjective. Could you say that Cole Beasley, who never started more than six games in a season (and only once) in seven years in Dallas "showed great promise" before becoming the Bills' starting #2WR? 3) This is the most pessimistic part of your post. The Bills have had a 1,000+ yard WR every year since '19-- Allen's second season. I'm not going to dig into every year since then, but two teams had more than one WR with 1,000+ yards last season: Miami (Hill, Waddle), and Philadelphia (AJ Brown, DaVonte Smith). Hill, and Brown obviously had 1,000+ yard seasons before arriving at their current teams. Waddle was drafted 6th overall, and Smith was drafted 10th overall. But what really makes this non-point utterly pessimistic is that it completely ignores the jump in production that numerous WRs have made under Allen by applying an arbitrary metric. 4) We all know what you mean by a "dumpster dive receiver." Unfortunately, I don't believe there are any sites that post stat-lines for "dumpster dive receivers." But, there have been WRs, who had some level of production under Allen, whom once they left, went straight into the dumpster. McKenzie went from 482 yards in '22, to 81 yards in '23. I guess we can all watch what kind of numbers Davis puts up in Jax.
  12. With due respect, I don't really agree with you. I think it's been a pretty decent discussion, and quite a few good points brought up. There has perhaps been too much redundancy, and the intransigence has been a bit annoying. But, WR is the biggest issue on this team right now, and while you certainly could pare 60 pages down to about fifteen, or so, nobody beats a dead horse like TBD. The funniest thing about this thread is that it started with a basically ridiculous take, that included words like, "...but you can argue he's [MVS] the reason KC won the SB." (I'm as much of a homer as anyone, but c'mon!) Honestly, I wish there were a thread like this for the D-line.
  13. Maybe I have a recency bias, but I really effing hated Mac & Cheese Jones.
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