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Hughes doesn't get why Jim Kelly is on the field in 2017


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Your question was why isn't anyone butthurt on Brown and Lewis speaking out for the Ravens and Browns. I said they're not on my team. I don't really follow/care about other teams. Then you re-framed your statement to say 'so you have no opinion about Kaepernick/Villanueva and Trump(?). And no, I don't. They can do as they please. Everyone has protected speech. I was simply weighing in on JK's opinion and how it affects the team. If I were a Ravens fan, probably have an opinion on Lewis' statement and not really care what JK said about McCoy.

no. I am asking if you have opinions of other football players since you only care about the Bills. Because by your answer you don't care about non Bills or non football issues. Clearly, you're mistaken and way off base. Your logic just doesn't fall short. It's backwards and doing handsprings in to a brick wall
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Bills DE Jerry Hughes said Monday he does "not understand" why Jim Kelly is on the field before games, adding, "We are the 2017 Buffalo Bills. Were focused on the future. Were focused on winning games. If he wants to offer anything of encouragement to our team, to our quarterbacks, to our offense, please provide all of that. We could use all the encouragement we need to figure out how they won games back in those days and be successful as they were. But were trying to bring a team together, were trying to bring a community together, were trying to bring a nation together. And by dividing us, by dividing the team, that doesnt work."


I love JK, but this is a great observation.


Borrowing the title of a famous book, I tell my teams all the time to "Build bridges, not walls."


There can't be a pro-Shady camp and anti-Shady camp in the Bills organization. There can only be a pro-Bills camp. One team, one family.

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You want to have a protest I am 1,000 percent behind you. I support you but do not do it at the expense of the American Flag and the Anthem and our Veterns. Being Anti American is a no win proposition. you will lose. If your siding with the liberal fake news media blowing this up your just not very smart.


Protest all you want I support it, just don't do it at work and don't be anti-american about it

people have died for that flag and anthem.


Your all being exposed of who you really are


Get off your high horse. You're not more American than anyone else good god.

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I love JK, but this is a great observation.


Borrowing the title of a famous book, I tell my teams all the time to "Build bridges, not walls."


There can't be a pro-Shady camp and anti-Shady camp in the Bills organization. There can only be a pro-Bills camp. One team, one family.

And Kelly's autobiography was titled "Armed and Dangerous."
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he has been forced to say that or he will be cut. so funny you believe that crap so made up. his first action on what he did on game day is what he believes. Another fake news forced action in the PC world. he fears for his job. He looks like a Isis captured person reading a statement

Ha! This is the hallmark of a coward, they think everyone else is a coward too.

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no. I am asking if you have opinions of other football players since you only care about the Bills. Because by your answer you don't care about non Bills or non football issues. Clearly, you're mistaken and way off base. Your logic just doesn't fall short. It's backwards and doing handsprings in to a brick wall

We clearly have a disconnect about something here, because i'm making myself clear. I don't care about other teams (unless we're playing them this week). I joined fantasy this year, and I had to look up who anyone was.I care about the Bills. JK having an opinion about this became Bills news, therefore I was weighing in. As for other teams or other team's non-football issues, I don't really care unless it somehow affected our organization in a certain way. You should try it. It makes everything less of a soap opera. It's hard enough just to keep up with this team.

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Ha! This is the hallmark of a coward, they think everyone else is a coward too.

read the comments under the video his actions on game day were what he believes. He is in fear of getting cut now he must conform to the liberal globalist agenda and play identity politics. He's like a Isis captured hostage reading a statement. So sad this country is falling apart.



Edited by Thurmanator 12074
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JK has a right to his opinion and shouldn't have to apologize of "make-up" with anyone. However!, if he wants to go and publicly say he loses respect for a Bills player or doesn't think a player is good enough (i.e. his take on ESPN last season about Tyrod)...then he should NOT be on the sidelines.


I'm with Hughes on this one. Either be a supporter or get the heck off the sidelines.

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read the comments under the video his actions on game day were what he believes. He is in fear of getting cut now he must conform to the liberal globalist agenda and play identity politics. He's like a Isis captured hostage reading a statement. So sad this country is falling apart.



read the comments under this video, look at this video, read this guy's comments on the situation, look at this quote fromt his guy in all CAPS, here's another video. my opinion? not sure. just watch this video. EPICCCCCCCC.

JK has a right to his opinion and shouldn't have to apologize of "make-up" with anyone. However!, if he wants to go and publicly say he loses respect for a Bills player or doesn't think a player is good enough (i.e. his take on ESPN last season about Tyrod)...then he should NOT be on the sidelines.


I'm with Hughes on this one. Either be a supporter or get the heck off the sidelines.

I'm not super pumped about his comment, but i don't think he has to apologize? are other commenters suggesting that?

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A lot of people have been out of line in this. Trump, Kelly, McCoy, Hughes, among others... all should STFU. I think the most sensible response I've seen thus far is this guy...



No moral argument is complete without its very own Joe the Plumber: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_the_Plumber

Edited by quinnearlysghost88
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read the comments under this video, look at this video, read this guy's comments on the situation, look at this quote fromt his guy in all CAPS, here's another video. my opinion? not sure. just watch this video. EPICCCCCCCC.

I'm not super pumped about his comment, but i don't think he has to apologize? are other commenters suggesting that?



are you afraid of the truth and what's going on in this county are you afraid of reading this comments under that video. You have no clue what's going on. Trump won by over 4,000 countries to Hilary's 400 or something like that. She cheated Bernie Sanders out of the nomination and all the media can do is play identity politics. People are sick of it and 60,000 factories going over seas and these do nothing politicians. I've voted for Obama twice and now regret it. Millions of Obama voters like me went for Trump because he get America and honors are vets

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read the comments under the video his actions on game day were what he believes. He is in fear of getting cut now he must conform to the liberal globalist agenda and play identity politics. He's like a Isis captured hostage reading a statement. So sad this country is falling apart.




It started falling apart when your boy Trump was elected. But I'm optimistic that something like that will never happen again and we'll see record voting numbers in the next election and as a result we'll have a President that better represents America.

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