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The Media's Portrayal of Trump and His Presidency


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No. The antics of the left and the media will see to that.


But let me repeat: If all Trump does for the next three years is piss people off and appoint two more conservatives to the Supreme Court, I'm good.


I can agree with that


Checks and balances having a conservative Supreme Court is needed

Edited by ALF
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This Trump CNN WWE video is one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time.


I mean, childish, embarrassing and totally bizarre, but the left is apoplectic about it and they are out-of-their-skull hysterical.


He's inciting violence! He's going to get someone killed! He must be impeached!!!


President Trump is a troll. Don't feed the trolls. It's no that complicated.


Unless you're getting a lot advertising dollars for feeding the Troller in Chief that is.

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“After weeks of hearing how assassination plays* and holding up a severed head was just ‘art’ – the leftist response to [Trump’s] tweet is precious,” podcaster Stefan Molyneux‏ adds on Twitter.

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“After weeks of hearing how assassination plays* and holding up a severed head was just ‘art’ – the leftist response to [Trump’s] tweet is precious,” podcaster Stefan Molyneux‏ adds on Twitter.


There were a lot of people on the right attacking his tweet as well. The president should be held to a higher standard given the gravity of his position. America knew what was coming with this guy though and elected him president anyways so it's funny when people are continuously "shocked" by his juvenile tweets.

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America knew what was coming with this guy though and elected him president anyways so it's funny when people are continuously "shocked" by his juvenile tweets.


The only people that are continuously 'shocked' by Trump's Tweets are people who didn't want to become President in the first place. And since his election have 'protested', rioted, worn p*ssy hats, and released sanctimonious Youtube© videos


Most of the Trump voters I know would prefer he stop Tweeting but aren't 'shocked' by anything he says and quite a few get a kick out over the resulting dustups.


I didn't vote for the guy but I do enjoy watching him melt snowflakes.


Love him or hate him, you gotta admit Trump is the most epic Troll ever

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The only people that are continuously 'shocked' by Trump's Tweets are people who didn't want to become President in the first place. And since his election have 'protested', rioted, worn p*ssy hats, and released sanctimonious Youtube© videos


Most of the Trump voters I know would prefer he stop Tweeting but aren't 'shocked' by anything he says and quite a few get a kick out over the resulting dustups.


I didn't vote for the guy but I do enjoy watching him melt snowflakes.


Love him or hate him, you gotta admit Trump is the most epic Troll ever


Some Americans have higher aspirations for their country than you.

Edited by Benjamin Franklin
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Some Americans have higher aspirations for their country than you.

It's really sad what Trump voters have become. There's no sense in pretending the man is fit to be president anymore, so now they're resigned to laughing at all the damage he's causing. I imagine that shtick will grow very old by this time next year.

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!@#$ you


It's a completely accurate statement, whether you like it or not.


The man was a community organizer and a senator for what, 2 years?

You're ignorant.


He was a US senator for 3 and an Illinois state senator for 7. Graduated from Columbia and Harvard law, president of the Harvard Law Review. He was a civil rights attorney, professor and community organizer. Way more than you or Trump have done, pissant.

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It's really sad what Trump voters have become. There's no sense in pretending the man is fit to be president anymore, so now they're resigned to laughing at all the damage he's causing. I imagine that shtick will grow very old by this time next year.


Please explain specifically what he has done to prove he is unfit to be president, and specifically what damage he's causing.

Well done David Duke.


Do you honestly think a white Barack Obama beats Hillary? :lol:


White Barack Obama never makes it in Illinois to begin with. Hell, black Barack Obama barely made in Illinois without first getting someone's divorce docs unsealed.


But you keep playing the race card. It got you eight years of Barack, which got you four years of Trump.

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