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Can We Just Take a Moment and Be Grateful For The Pegulas


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You can call the Bills a dumpster fire. You may hate that Terry has zero public speaking skills. But the fact of the matter is that as of today there are now fans in THREE NFL cities who no longer have a team. Regardless of how the Chargers, Rams and Raiders' last cities treated the team or ownership, I think we can all relate as fans to the sinking feeling of hoping the team you root for will stay in town because they are your team.


Obviously this thread will soon be inundated with "that's the kind of thinking that leads to playoff droughts" and calling me a koolaid drinker, but I don't think it's out of line to be grateful to know that my kids will get to be BUFFALO Bills fans. That's all, I don't have a point beyond that.

This isn't a marriage where you tell your wife everyday that you love her. I think we were all grateful when he purchased the team and happy the team will stay. We don't need character assassination of the family, but it's time to instill some confidence that they know what they are doing. Ralph kept the team here for 50 years and had some very well deserved criticism and other than keeping the team here all those years, he is quite honestly considered to be a poor owner of a football product. We need better this time around, right now, they are no better or worse than Ralph.

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You can call the Bills a dumpster fire. You may hate that Terry has zero public speaking skills. But the fact of the matter is that as of today there are now fans in THREE NFL cities who no longer have a team. Regardless of how the Chargers, Rams and Raiders' last cities treated the team or ownership, I think we can all relate as fans to the sinking feeling of hoping the team you root for will stay in town because they are your team.


Obviously this thread will soon be inundated with "that's the kind of thinking that leads to playoff droughts" and calling me a koolaid drinker, but I don't think it's out of line to be grateful to know that my kids will get to be BUFFALO Bills fans. That's all, I don't have a point beyond that.

So really though LA is getting back one team they lost and a Team to replace the other team they lost.


So the reality is Only SD fans are really screwed

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I agree with the initial poster. I am extremely grateful to the Pegulas and I have no doubts that they could make more money if they moved the Bills to a larger market. They love the city and the region and are not in this to maximize their returns. I was extremely upset with the Rex Ryan hire and the way it turned out was exactly the way I figured it would, but they made the hire feeling that he was the right man for the job. He was considered a top coaching candidate around the league and had experience in the role. Rumor had it that Atlanta was going to hire him if we didn't (I think we all wish that they did). I believe they see the error of their ways and are doing everything they can this time around to hire a better coaching prospect. They are willing to invest the resources to make the team a winner and I believe that they will eventually get it right. Nobody knows if the new head coach will be successful. Not me, not you, not Bill Polian, not Doug Whaley, not anyone who works for ESPN or Pro Football Focus, and not the Pegulas. That said, this coach appears to have the background and demeanor to be successful and I support the move. If anyone on this board or elsewhere feels differently, they are entitled to their opinion and can elect to not support the team. It's their prerogative. They are not going to change my opinion or lessen my support of the franchise.

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Are we supposed to completely ignore how well or badly they do as owners from now until eternity because they kept the team here?


Honest question.

For a lot of people, yes that is how they feel. They like going to the games for the event/atmosphere, tailgate with friends and all of that. For them it would be fantastic if the team did great, but it would be a very nice bonus, by no means a requirement of their support. 16-0 or 0-16, they will always support the Buffalo Bills and be grateful the team is there.

Edited by CodeMonkey
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100% agreed. The nastiness from the fans I have been seeing lately is disgusting. Will it reach a point where the Pegulas lose their love of the fans and start looking for a payoff?



Do people really think like this? You believe this is even a tiny bit possible?


Holy cow!

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You can call the Bills a dumpster fire. You may hate that Terry has zero public speaking skills. But the fact of the matter is that as of today there are now fans in THREE NFL cities who no longer have a team. Regardless of how the Chargers, Rams and Raiders' last cities treated the team or ownership, I think we can all relate as fans to the sinking feeling of hoping the team you root for will stay in town because they are your team.


Obviously this thread will soon be inundated with "that's the kind of thinking that leads to playoff droughts" and calling me a koolaid drinker, but I don't think it's out of line to be grateful to know that my kids will get to be BUFFALO Bills fans. That's all, I don't have a point beyond that.

I am very thankful that we still have the NFL franchise I grew up loving. The lives of Bills fans would be quite different today had the team left the community. Thank you Mr&Mrs Pegula!!!


Btw, since they bought the team three years ago the team has progressed to 24-24 .500 record. Since our the last playoff appearance we were playing at a 39% clip. That's improvement.


Patience is wonderful thing especially when you have hope. It is really to bad that some are not tough enough to have hope.

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I'm grateful the Pegula's bought both the Sabres and Bills. Unfortunately, they are new to owning sports teams and are learning as they go. When they took over both teams, they tried to run it like their gas business and gave everyone a chance, Instead, they should have cleaned house with both teams. I feel the Pegula's want to win championships in both sports, but don't know how to do it yet. I also feel that the Pegula's are listening to the wrong person [brandon]. While Brandon is great at marketing and the business side of football, he's been terrible when it comes to football operations. Brandon told Terry to go into the coaching interviews with no set expectations and just like dating, you'll know the right one. That right there was a horrible way to do a coaching search. Just like with any business, you have to have a vision/goal/plan on what your business should be about. The coaching search should have been based on what the football teams vision/goals/plans are, not who interviewed the best or who is the most likable.

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Very well said.


Although I have disagreed with them on a couple of issues, I will always give them a Mulligan. For most of my adult life, there was a real fear that the Bills would move to LA or Toronto or somewhere else after Ralph died.


The Pegulas saved NFL football in Buffalo, and I never have to worry about the Bills moving again.


I had the opportunity to meet them through someone I know. They are absolutely wonderful people. They also are very down to earth . . . as much as billionaires can be (except for the "Top Five" yacht and access to private planes and owning professional sports teams etc).


Terry was not given any money and did not inherit it. He made it based on his vision and the chances that he took.


Kim's life story, which began as an orphan on the streets of Seoul, could not be more inspiring. She is an amazing woman.


Kim and Terry essentially dropped out of the sky to save both the Bills and Sabres. I am forever grateful.

Edited by Peter
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I like the Pegulas a great deal... they all seem like nice, down to earth people for being a billionaire family. and I really appreciate the stability they provide these franchise in Buffalo. I also very much appreciate the resources provided to the teams... and take them at their word that they want to win championships.






That does not give them a lifetime pass to continually fall short on the field. The Sabres, mainly due to Pegula's initial bumbling, are in the midst of their franchise-worst playoff drought... solely on their watch. They continue to refuse to employ someone to run the hockey organization, other than LaFontaine for 5 minutes before some kind of closed door disagreement ended that, and it was sealed shut by NDAs.


They made the exact same mistake with the Bills, and I fear with current management, the team is headed toward darker days before the ship is righted. Like the Sabres, I feel the Bills need someone to run the football program.


I fear we may have a form of Dan Snyder, who likes to be involved in, and make major decisions. The man with the money makes the rules, right? In both organizations, the most senior man on the operations side, is basically a glorified head scout.



At what point does a drought fall on the Pegulas? Year 4 coming up for the Bills. We are almost through year 6 with the Sabres. Both teams desperately need a rudder IMO.

Edited by May Day 10
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I was overjoyed and grateful when the Pegulas bought the team. But their mistake was not cleaning house and hiring someone with football knowledge to run the organization. Now we are left with the lingering effects of their trusting their own instincts on how to run the team and who to hire, and the same people (Brandon, Whaley) who have contributed to the mediocrity. On the other hand, if Trump had bought the team it may have been regionally painful but saved the nation from the coming s##t storm.

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You can call the Bills a dumpster fire. You may hate that Terry has zero public speaking skills. But the fact of the matter is that as of today there are now fans in THREE NFL cities who no longer have a team. Regardless of how the Chargers, Rams and Raiders' last cities treated the team or ownership, I think we can all relate as fans to the sinking feeling of hoping the team you root for will stay in town because they are your team.


Obviously this thread will soon be inundated with "that's the kind of thinking that leads to playoff droughts" and calling me a koolaid drinker, but I don't think it's out of line to be grateful to know that my kids will get to be BUFFALO Bills fans. That's all, I don't have a point beyond that.

Thanks for trying, I for one am thankful we have the Buffalo Bills and Sabres and NOT the Hamilton Sabres and Toronto Bills.

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Maybe we need to ask Terry if he's interested? I have not followed, or cared about the NBA since we got screwed out of the Braves.

Ha! The Pegulas are in over their heads so much already that's the last thing they need. As much as I'd love to see a NBA game live once in awhile without driving 3 or more hours each way, even though they have FNC arena I suspect it is too small for an NBA team. Maybe someday when the Bills and Sabres win championships in the same season ;)

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Ha! The Pegulas are in over their heads so much already that's the last thing they need. As much as I'd love to see a NBA game live once in awhile without driving 3 or more hours each way, even though they have FNC arena I suspect it is too small for an NBA team. Maybe someday when the Bills and Sabres win championships in the same season ;)


KeyBank Center seats 19,200 for basketball, more than 15 NBA cities.

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You can call the Bills a dumpster fire. You may hate that Terry has zero public speaking skills. But the fact of the matter is that as of today there are now fans in THREE NFL cities who no longer have a team. Regardless of how the Chargers, Rams and Raiders' last cities treated the team or ownership, I think we can all relate as fans to the sinking feeling of hoping the team you root for will stay in town because they are your team.


Obviously this thread will soon be inundated with "that's the kind of thinking that leads to playoff droughts" and calling me a koolaid drinker, but I don't think it's out of line to be grateful to know that my kids will get to be BUFFALO Bills fans. That's all, I don't have a point beyond that.



Couldn't agree more. I am with you.


I don't know whether you can trust my opinion, though, as I am also one of those crazies who actually holds the football people responsible. You know, like GM, Coach, Players. Generally, I have a problem s****ing all over the people who paid 1.4 billion dollars to keep my hometown small market team here (let alone, hockey team, as well) over the 5 million per year coach or the 16 million per defensive linemen.

Edited by dollars 2 donuts
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