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McCoy's nightclub fight and the ongoing investigation


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I like cops.



groups of off-duty cops in a bar/club often can start feces with people and look for trouble. I have seen it and experienced it. More than any other 'group'.



It isnt anti-police. It is just personal experience. Whenever I hear about an incident in a bar involving off-duty cops, I can imagine some of the events that took place and things that were said... and likely be correct

I know of a few PD's that have their own 'Bar' in the cellar of Department building to 'drink off' a hard day/job. Then city taxi's take them home.

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But I don't want to get too off-track here, so let's get back on topic: it's not Whaley's fault that a player that's never been in trouble with the law had a run-in over the weekend.

Something else to note, this wasn't just Whaley's move. Of course those that are against him will ignore the fact that this decision was made all at once by Whaley, Rex and Pegula while they were on Pegula's yacht. And there's pretty much a clear record that Whaley is not in charge of contacts.


My comments are less disturbing if you took the time to understand them. I find it disturbing you find my comments disturbing without even knowing the basis behind them.

If my memory serves, and it very well may not...I get a lot of posters confused over the years, but this is a personal argument. There's a cop in the family.


I don't see that happening. They take a bigger cap hit to do so, and even if he's suspended (at this point there is no arrest and no proof he did anything so a good lawyer should prevail on any charges) they would rather have him for 12 games (or whatever it is) than zero

I'll admit, my first thought after hearing the news was, "maybe this means they can get rid of him!" He may be a good RB, but I just don't like him and wish he wasn't on the roster, especially with this cap hit. It sounds very likely that he's not going to get convicted of anything here, but is everyone so sure the Bills don't have some kind of standard behavior clause in their player contracts that get them out in cases of arrests/convictions?
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I in past jobs have had a lot of dealings with police.


- When I was delivering pizza part time (on top of my day job) the police were always looking out for me......I many times had to deliver to the more run down apartments of town and many times they have had my back hanging around to make sure I came out of the complex and didnt get robbed or worse.


- Now that I am a co owner of a Towing business.....I deal with the police much more directly. There is a bit of a "you got my back and I got yours" thing that goes on....and at the same time.....a lot of !@#$s as well....


but how is this any different then anyone else?

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The first officer drove himself to the hospital, where he was found to be suffering from broken ribs, a broken nose, a laceration to his right eye and a sprained thumb, police said.

The second officer was also admitted to the hospital, where he received stitches over his right eye and is being treated for a possible skull fracture.

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Wow what a jerk. How dare he do his job and stand in the way of your dog getting her nails sanded? Plus you should be able to break ordinances and stuff because you're special.


Dude if you have a problem with the ordinance get it changed at the city council. Are there cops with bad personalities? Yes. This guy had a bad personality while DOING HIS JOB.

Not surprised you feel a kinship to him. Any cop that really wanted to DO THEIR JOB could pull over everyone going 1 mile over the speed limit but most here in Ohio wait until at least 10 over. The context of the situation didn't matter to him, nor do I suspect it's worth discussing with you.

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Breaking news that the cops weren't off-duty but were actually undercover and investigating allegations that Shady and his entourage were serving counterfeit champagne. The assault took place after officer McRib and Pillowface found out that dat Crissy be Korbel.

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Well- lets see the Prezzie of the FOP is defending his guys- apparently at this club while in a Bible study- "his guys got the brunt of it" "Maybe McCoy should stay in Buffalo" or some such-



not a chance we will ever get the true story here- witnesses will become amnesiacs- The FOP will twist this into an attack and whoever is involved on the other side will be held responsible for it all-

Edited by racecitybills
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Possibly with a "conduct detrimental" clause. Notably, cap relief is directly tied to real dollars paid. Things like recouping portions of signing bonuses are tied to funds repaid, which basically never happens. But that's all jumping the gun quite a bit. Also the Bills would actually lose cap room in 2016 by releasing McCoy unless they designated him a post June 1st cut.

Releasing him is harsh and not an option nor would I not want McCoy on our team.

Non verified Twitter, so grain of salt



Lock Source: Lesean McCoy did not hit anyone, but people he was with did #leseanmccoy #bills #NFL

That's positive.
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