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Trump Alone at the Top

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Your view is short-sighted. Many people who have already obtained extreme wealth desire one last thing and that is power. Not to mention that his perceived wealth doesn't so much come from properties that he himself builds but on his brand.


Let us also not forget that before the elections he was for immigration reform.


Then I would argue that you are being short-sighted. His brand depends on a cozy relationship with Hollywood and the media, something he had to know would be jeopardized if not destroyed by running for president. Sure he may have a small hardcore following from here on out, but it won't be significant enough to get him back on TV or fill his hotels.


And by admitting he was for immigration reform before the elections still contradicts your original assertion that he has no core positions other than what is best for himself.

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Then I would argue that you are being short-sighted. His brand depends on a cozy relationship with Hollywood and the media, something he had to know would be jeopardized if not destroyed by running for president. Sure he may have a small hardcore following from here on out, but it won't be significant enough to get him back on TV or fill his hotels.


And by admitting he was for immigration reform before the elections still contradicts your original assertion that he has no core positions other than what is best for himself.



No it doesn't. It perfectly makes my case, because after the 2012 elections he criticized Romney for "being too harsh" to Latino's. It was always his goal to run for president, then when he saw that the winds were blowing against the idea of immigration reform from the right, he switched his position.


In regards to your first point, if you actually believe that Trump didn't believe that the media and people wouldn't love him as he always cites, (The Latino's they love me, the blacks they love me, the media they love me) then I don't know what to tell you. He believed that everyone loved him. That's what narcissists often do.

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Hillary's positions move with the expedient wind for sure, but it's a leftist wind.



Hillary a leftist? Hah! On the ME, she is a neocon. And she is certainly pro-Wall Street. As she described herself, a Goldwater conservative.

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By her voting record in Congress, Hillary Clinton is squarely in the mainstream of the national Democratic party in America


Hillary Clinton Was the 11th Most Liberal Member of the Senate



Back to Trump:


Trump vows to ignore UN, recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.



Michelle Obama Says She’s Never Heard Anything Like Trump? Really ?



Poll: Republican and Independents Approved of Trump Threatening to Jail Clinton.

Edited by B-Man
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Trump, now secure in the knowledge that he has no shot of winning, has set about taking the entire Republican Party down with him.


So now, not only will Hillary Clinton be President, but Republicans are now likely to lose the House and Senate as well.


Soon to be followed by the Court.


Congratulations, Trumpster divers. You own it.

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Trump, now secure in the knowledge that he has no shot of winning, has set about taking the entire Republican Party down with him.


So now, not only will Hillary Clinton be President, but Republicans are now likely to lose the House and Senate as well.


Soon to be followed by the Court.


Congratulations, Trumpster divers. You own it.


Which will be followed by the Democrat party when they control all three branches and their true colors are on full display. It's going to suck in the short run but in the long run it will show how the two parties have sold us down the river a long time ago.

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She also described herself as "completely healthy" and "not a liar" and "not corrupt".

You using recent quotes when she is totally corrupt. The quote I used was when she was young, and only partially corrupt....

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Which will be followed by the Democrat party when they control all three branches and their true colors are on full display. It's going to suck in the short run but in the long run it will show how the two parties have sold us down the river a long time ago.



The fact is, we just watched what happens when the Dems control all branches, and yet here we are, ready for eight more years of 'free' college and 'free healthcare' and everyone getting taxed out the poopshoot.


It's difficult to compete with the person who promises to give the takers more of the same.

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The best they came up with on Romney was his dog riding on the car so don't oversell what the media would do to castigate a person of moral fiber and mental acuity. Romney didn't lose because of a left wing conspiracy--he lost because he was up against a politician who connected better with the voters.



Come on are you serious? They had entire demonstrations for months with the 99% all thinly veiled at Romney because he was rich. They ran commercials about how he gave some dude's wife cancer. A debate moderator told him he was wrong DURING THE DEBATE....even though he was right.


They relentlessly called him stupid for saying Russia was a threat. :oops:

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Trump, now secure in the knowledge that he has no shot of winning, has set about taking the entire Republican Party down with him.


So now, not only will Hillary Clinton be President, but Republicans are now likely to lose the House and Senate as well.


Soon to be followed by the Court.


Congratulations, Trumpster divers. You own it.


I would not be surprised if a fully Democratic-Party-controlled government tried to ban the Republican Party.


I'm not saying I expect it. But if they did, it wouldn't shock me at all.

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Everyone and their mom is coming out to accuse Trump of sexual assault.


Either they were all holding back till now, or there are a lot of false accusations. One is an accusation. Two is corroboration. A hundred is ridiculously suspicious.


Seriously, they couldn't be more subtle about it? The Republicans only needed one dress to impeach Bill.

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Everyone and their mom is coming out to accuse Trump of sexual assault.


Either they were all holding back till now, or there are a lot of false accusations. One is an accusation. Two is corroboration. A hundred is ridiculously suspicious.


Seriously, they couldn't be more subtle about it? The Republicans only needed one dress to impeach Bill.

You feel the same way about Bill Cosby? Any chance they didn't come out because fear of being crushed and made insolvent by Trumps legal machine?

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