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Trump Alone at the Top

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Seriously dude...posting links to blatantly biased sources is weak sauce...grow your game a little bit,,,do a little R and D....form your own opinions....

Darn it. I was hoping you would explain to the rest of us know nothings the benefits and morality of Clinton's estate tax proposal.

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Just saw a funny post on FB. Apparently Hillary supporters are circulating a video that claims that CNN is now a network full of Trump apologists. :)


I take it they don't have any mirrors in their house.

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Or just make it applicable to liquid assets. Dad has 10k shares of IBM at a cost basis of 22...I can sell those when I inherit and assume a tax liability. A house, on the other hand, is a little less liquid.


Correct. It's a unrealized gain. The gain is not paid on any inherited asset until it's sold. For instance a business may never be sold but handed down from generation to generation. The business to be in if that were to happen is cost basis calculation. :wacko:

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Just saw a funny post on FB. Apparently Hillary supporters are circulating a video that claims that CNN is now a network full of Trump apologists. :)


I take it they don't have any mirrors in their house.


You have to be making that up.


They are (certainly) blind, but they cannot be that blind.

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I usually don't make things up.


Media Matters FB Post




BTW, how do I embed the video in a post?


Oh my God, the responses to that are both hilarious and frightening..................


This gives the "low information voter" a whole new meaning



I'm not very good at embedding videos, sometimes it works and sometimes not.


I just copy the url and put in in the link box (above)

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Darn it. I was hoping you would explain to the rest of us know nothings the benefits and morality of Clinton's estate tax proposal.


The historical and empirical results are in - we live in a supply side low federal tax economy - have for 40 years - do you like the results?


Like the balanced budget?

Like the wealth divide?


AFA the Estate Tax - I am guessing that most people on this board would not be affected by a change in the estate tax - other than if T's proposal went through - you guys would be required to pay more taxes and would be willing to cede more power and control to those more wealthy than you....

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Future commander, err, knee-jerk reactor, in chief.


Only a fool thinks Donald Trump would ever be CiC of this country.




But you keep that scary rhetoric up. I'm sure it's appreciated by the woman who launders millions of dollars from terrorist states in exchange for favors while SoS.

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The historical and empirical results are in - we live in a supply side low federal tax economy - have for 40 years - do you like the results?


Like the balanced budget?

Like the wealth divide?


AFA the Estate Tax - I am guessing that most people on this board would not be affected by a change in the estate tax - other than if T's proposal went through - you guys would be required to pay more taxes and would be willing to cede more power and control to those more wealthy than you....


Are you saying that supply side policies exacerbate wealth inequality?

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Only a fool thinks Donald Trump would ever be CiC of this country.




But you keep that scary rhetoric up. I'm sure it's appreciated by the woman who launders millions of dollars from terrorist states in exchange for favors while SoS.


He's going to come in second.


My point wan't that he'd win, but that's his tweets are an audition for the CiC job.

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Are you saying that supply side policies exacerbate wealth inequality?


Be nice if you comment on what I said.


To answer your question I would say this is my observation:


Things are a compromise - right - finding a balance. Supply side in my mind refers to the approach our government has taken since Reagan - Which is what is good for the money markets, good for big business, and good for the wealthy is good for the nation and this tide will raise all boats. Tax policy is just one component of this. We have loosened credit markets, loosened regulation on Wall Street, created Nafta and China trade agreements to help our big corporations compete.


The "supply side" has done tremendously well for the last 40 years. The wealthy have gotten super wealthy, big corporations have done well, and the money industry has also done exceedingly well. This also has the collateral effect of improving much of the population of the US. I am probably one of those - life has been good to me catching the wave of the supply side.


But for large swaths of America - "supply side" has left them in the dust. The trade agreements left them without a job or with a diminished job and cutting taxes doesn't help them at all.


To me - this is the attractiveness of Trump - he is right - it is rigged - for the corporate, the wealthy and the powerful. legislation is written by them for them - supply side runs the country.


​Supply side doesn't give a hoot about those who have not benefitted from this policy - trust me.


What kills me is Trumps economic policy is pretty much nothing but more supply side - and those who haven't benefitted from SS policies still love Trumpt - because he is a change agent.


So to answer your question: Low taxes is just one element of "supply side" that exacerbates the wealth gap. The evidence is in - we live in it.


The answer? I think guys like Robert Raich (who I am pretty sure most people here hate) has a simple proposition - take some of the benefits from supply side and use them to the people who have not benefitted from this policy = whether this be job training, child care, start up capital, college education....

Edited by baskin
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While I don't necessarily agree with everything in the link, I agree with the basic premise.


If you have voted in any of the past elections, then you voted for the lesser of 2 evils. You have voted for the same coin, different side. Do your research on the Bushes…might make your hair stand on end.

This election is not about the personality nor about “politics” as usual. This is the one election that in all of our history is a fork in the road that we had better choose wisely.

This next president will appoint several Supreme Court justices.

That alone should be enough to make everyone sit up and take notice. If HRC is allowed to stack that Supreme Court, the country is gone.

It is that serious. There is no turning back, none.

Read the rest at the link.

We will not have the luxury to say, we can hang for another 4 years. The communist planks are all in place…that ball is at the finish line and just needs that last punt over the goal posts and it is game over.

That one issue will have ramifications for decades. Your children and grandkids will experience the full weight of that one issue alone.

Here is what we know:

Donald Trump the Good, Bad, and Ugly; currently or in his past:

Brash, rude, egotistical, adulterer, crude, I am sure I missed a few. He is a New Yorker with very rough edges.

There may or may not be more skeletons in his closet. Who among us does not have them.

I know that if more “stuff” s thrown out there, I want proof because I do not for one minute believe anything the wicked lying media says. They are in this to push full on globalism with a communist underpinning.


Read the rest at the link.

Edited by grinreaper
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That is one messed up website. Lots of 'em out there I guess.


Grinreaper, every generation sees themselves as the end of times, fork in the road, pinnacle of history, etc. It's our species narcissism. Take a deep breath. If HRC wins, it will be bad, but just more of the same bad. If Trump wins, it will be bad, but bad in a way we can't yet imagine bad. And both "bads" will not be that bad. 4 years from now, we'll replace whoever wins this round.

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While I don't necessarily agree with everything in the link, I agree with the basic premise.






If you have voted in any of the past elections, then you voted for the lesser of 2 evils. You have voted for the same coin, different side. Do your research on the Bushes…might make your hair stand on end.


This election is not about the personality nor about “politics” as usual. This is the one election that in all of our history is a fork in the road that we had better choose wisely.


This next president will appoint several Supreme Court justices.


That alone should be enough to make everyone sit up and take notice. If HRC is allowed to stack that Supreme Court, the country is gone.


It is that serious. There is no turning back, none.


Read the rest at the link.


We will not have the luxury to say, we can hang for another 4 years. The communist planks are all in place…that ball is at the finish line and just needs that last punt over the goal posts and it is game over.


That one issue will have ramifications for decades. Your children and grandkids will experience the full weight of that one issue alone.


Here is what we know:


Donald Trump the Good, Bad, and Ugly; currently or in his past:


Brash, rude, egotistical, adulterer, crude, I am sure I missed a few. He is a New Yorker with very rough edges.


There may or may not be more skeletons in his closet. Who among us does not have them.


I know that if more “stuff” s thrown out there, I want proof because I do not for one minute believe anything the wicked lying media says. They are in this to push full on globalism with a communist underpinning.


Read the rest at the link.



Yeesh - rather than the histrionics (pretty sure HRC won't start the baby killing in the first term) - why not do this: Go back to the last 10-20 years and look at the bigger Scotus decisions:


Same Sex marriage, voting, campaign finance, probably some worker v. business stuff. Some went conservative and some went liberal. Now that they are the rear view mirror - see what the ramifications of those decisions are and see whether liberal or conservative decisions led to better results.


Here is the part about abortion I don't get: The "conservatives" have had the court for - what - 30+ years at least - Why did they not overturn Roe V Wade while they held the court?

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That is one messed up website. Lots of 'em out there I guess.


Grinreaper, every generation sees themselves as the end of times, fork in the road, pinnacle of history, etc. It's our species narcissism. Take a deep breath. If HRC wins, it will be bad, but just more of the same bad. If Trump wins, it will be bad, but bad in a way we can't yet imagine bad. And both "bads" will not be that bad. 4 years from now, we'll replace whoever wins this round.

We as a country have for the last few decades and especially the last decade spiraled downward to a point where our moral fiber, courage and common sense have gone AWOL. We have cowered at the feet of the Social Justice Warriors to the point where cops will take a severe beating before protecting themselves and students get "safe zones" all the while having their Halloween costumes regulated. HRC will continue this trend. DJT won't.

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We as a country have for the last few decades and especially the last decade spiraled downward to a point where our moral fiber, courage and common sense have gone AWOL. We have cowered at the feet of the Social Justice Warriors to the point where cops will take a severe beating before protecting themselves and students get "safe zones" all the while having their Halloween costumes regulated. HRC will continue this trend. DJT won't.


Yes yes, you represent the species well. No generation hasn't said your words. You'd think we'd get tired of repeating them.

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Yes yes, you represent the species well. No generation hasn't said your words. You'd think we'd get tired of repeating them.

I gave you specific examples and since you can't dispute them you fall back on a simplistic blanket statement. Tell me, what do you think of segregation? You know, the kind of segregation that some colleges are pushing for.

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That is one messed up website. Lots of 'em out there I guess.


Grinreaper, every generation sees themselves as the end of times, fork in the road, pinnacle of history, etc. It's our species narcissism. Take a deep breath. If HRC wins, it will be bad, but just more of the same bad. If Trump wins, it will be bad, but bad in a way we can't yet imagine bad. And both "bads" will not be that bad. 4 years from now, we'll replace whoever wins this round.


I guess the difference is that "more of the same bad", coming off 15 years of non-stop war, the rise of the omnipresent surveillance state, and our continual slide from a democratic republic into a democratic oligarchy (thanks to the legalization of bribery in our political system) isn't just "bad." It's something potentially far worse...


"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."


This isn't an endorsement of Trump by any means, he's not the answer and is fact part of the problem. I'm just pointing out that accepting "more of the same bad" in this case is accepting a complete and fundamental reorganization of our republic into something much different.

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I gave you specific examples and since you can't dispute them you fall back on a simplistic blanket statement. Tell me, what do you think of segregation? You know, the kind of segregation that some colleges are pushing for.


You made an argument that Halloween costume protests are the measure of social decay. You're shilling a line fed to you by your masters and known to always get attention, be it in the form you're puking up or the better headline of looming apocalypse. Spooky indeed.


Some things are good. Some things are bad.


So it goes.


Or if you're you and many others, focus on the bad and commence histrionics. Do you have your basment of Dinty Moore ready for Hillary's ascension? Are you watching a big board of doomsday predictions?

Edited by Benjamin Franklin
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