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Trump Alone at the Top

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Everyone and their mom is coming out to accuse Trump of sexual assault.


Either they were all holding back till now, or there are a lot of false accusations. One is an accusation. Two is corroboration. A hundred is ridiculously suspicious.


Seriously, they couldn't be more subtle about it? The Republicans only needed one dress to impeach Bill.

It wasn't an open issue until the video. Trump invited this quagmire.

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Everyone and their mom is coming out to accuse Trump of sexual assault.


Either they were all holding back till now, or there are a lot of false accusations. One is an accusation. Two is corroboration. A hundred is ridiculously suspicious.


Seriously, they couldn't be more subtle about it? The Republicans only needed one dress to impeach Bill.


I think it was Carville who once said something like "If you drag a million bucks through a trailer park..."


The issue, for me, is not that the entire female population has been sexually assaulted by Trump. It's that so many people on the right refused to acknowledge it during the primaries, arguing that Trump's attitude toward women was no big deal because it would happen to any GOP candidate.

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Its very simple.


Trump has been a public figure, interacting with all the Social and political elite, for over thirty years.


He never was a racist, until he got between Hillary and the White House,


He never was a sexual predator, until he got between Hillary and the DC insiders and the White House.



They CANNOT promote Hillary..............everyone knows who she is........and don't care for her


They can only attack the Donald, and he makes it easy for them with his poor judgement.







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I think it was Carville who once said something like "If you drag a million bucks through a trailer park..."


The issue, for me, is not that the entire female population has been sexually assaulted by Trump. It's that so many people on the right refused to acknowledge it during the primaries, arguing that Trump's attitude toward women was no big deal because it would happen to any GOP candidate.


It was "$100 bill."

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Its very simple.


Trump has been a public figure, interacting with all the Social and political elite, for over thirty years.


He never was a racist, until he got between Hillary and the White House,


He never was a sexual predator, until he got between Hillary and the DC insiders and the White House.



They CANNOT promote Hillary..............everyone knows who she is........and don't care for her


They can only attack the Donald, and he makes it easy for them with his poor judgement.









No Sir,


He is not a racist because he decided to run against Hillary and therefore he became a racist, he was a racist because he acted like a racist. This is no one else's fault but his own. Let's not minimize what he truly is.

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No Sir,


He is not a racist because he decided to run against Hillary and therefore he became a racist, he was a racist because he acted like a racist. This is no one else's fault but his own. Let's not minimize what he truly is.


But the accusation of racism would have come regardless, simply because he's running as a republican. Had this not been a constant and hackneyed tactic of the democrats, it wouldn't so easily and widely dismissed.

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But the accusation of racism would have come regardless, simply because he's running as a republican. Had this not been a constant and hackneyed tactic of the democrats, it wouldn't so easily and widely dismissed.



C'mon Azalin. Let's not minimize what this douchebag does by saying "well they would have done it anyways". Let's call it for what it is on its own merit. Let's also admit that Republican base voters !@#$ed up in the most royal way possible when they could have selected over a handful of different candidates who could have defeated Hillary. She was such an easy candidate to defeat but this turd bag couldn't help himself, not to mention he was such a target rich candidate to pick apart. The guy absolutely sucks major balls and GOP primary voters royally !@#$ed up.

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No Sir,


He is not a racist because he decided to run against Hillary and therefore he became a racist, he was a racist because he acted like a racist. This is no one else's fault but his own. Let's not minimize what he truly is.


I respectfully disagree sir.


There are multiple quotes of his from years and years ago (many just "revealed" in the past few days :lol: ) where he makes questionable statements about Native Americans, African-Americans, or any other hyphenated group you could name.


Did that cause him to be ostracized or be called called racist ?


Did that cause him to be shunned by society or prevent him from getting a national Television show on NBC ?


Did accusations of racist come up when he was trying to buy the Bills ?




Yes, he again made borderline remarks about how he would handle the Islamic terrorism problem and also with the illegal immigrant issue.


Now, as an opponent of the entrenched DC crowd the Labels are repeated adnauseum.


You are correct that he brings this on himself,........you are "minimizing the media/DNC influence of what is happening.




Edited by B-Man
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I respectfully disagree sir.


There are multiple quotes of his from years and years ago (many just "revealed" in the past few days :lol: ) where he makes questionable statements about Native Americans, African-Americans, or any other hyphenated group you could name.


Did that cause him to be ostracized or be called called racist ?


Did that cause him to be shunned by society or prevent him from getting a national Television show on NBC ?


Did accusations of racist come up when he was trying to buy the Bills ?




Yes, he again made borderline remarks about how he would handle the Islamic terrorism problem and also with the illegal immigrant issue.


Now, as an opponent of the entrenched DC crowd the Labels are repeated adnauseum.


You are correct that he brings this on himself,........you are "minimizing the media/DNC influence of what is happening.






No, he is a racist, bigot and misogynist not because the DNC says so, because that's what he is. Sure, some of the things he said were before he ran for president, but that doesn't change the fact that he wasn't one before hand. The only difference are two things


A) The spot light is magnified and everything that he has said wasn't known to the general public the way it is now.


B) He has said many things since he began his candidacy (Muslim ban, Mexican rapists, Mexican Judge, African American crime memes he's posted, etc etc etc) The list is endless.


He is a horrible human being not because the DNC says so, but because he truly is a horrible human being.

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C'mon Azalin. Let's not minimize what this douchebag does by saying "well they would have done it anyways". Let's call it for what it is on its own merit. Let's also admit that Republican base voters !@#$ed up in the most royal way possible when they could have selected over a handful of different candidates who could have defeated Hillary. She was such an easy candidate to defeat but this turd bag couldn't help himself, not to mention he was such a target rich candidate to pick apart. The guy absolutely sucks major balls and GOP primary voters royally !@#$ed up.


I'm not doing that at all. I'm only pointing it out because far fewer people are offended by his antics than can even be explained by blind partisanship. The only difference in this case between previous elections and this one is that Trump continually hands them quotes and sound bites to use against him.


And stop putting this all on the republican base. The party leadership is every bit as responsible for this mess as the base - if not more so (as an independent in Texas, I'm ineligible to vote in the primary, so I can say I had nothing to do with his nomination). You, me, and every other right-of-center poster in this forum have bitched and moaned about how the republicans have shown no spine whatsoever in recent years, being cowed by the news organizations for fear of being portrayed as heartless, racist, bigots - which is exactly how they're portrayed anyway, regardless of how true or untrue it may be. The base has been frustrated over this, in my opinion rightly so. The leaders haven't been leading, they've been in duck & cover mode. This is what we get when we don't have leaders - a wealthy, connected, egotistical, uncouth opportunist with a big mouth and nationalistic bravado. The biggest reason that he has the following he does is only because he's not Hillary Clinton.


But he's there because the republicans, both the base and it's leadership, put him there.

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I respectfully disagree sir.


There are multiple quotes of his from years and years ago (many just "revealed" in the past few days :lol: ) where he makes questionable statements about Native Americans, African-Americans, or any other hyphenated group you could name.


Did that cause him to be ostracized or be called called racist ?


Did that cause him to be shunned by society or prevent him from getting a national Television show on NBC ?


Did accusations of racist come up when he was trying to buy the Bills ?




Yes, he again made borderline remarks about how he would handle the Islamic terrorism problem and also with the illegal immigrant issue.


Now, as an opponent of the entrenched DC crowd the Labels are repeated adnauseum.


You are correct that he brings this on himself,........you are "minimizing the media/DNC influence of what is happening.




Says the guy who links nothing but right wing websites

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I'm not doing that at all. I'm only pointing it out because far fewer people are offended by his antics than can even be explained by blind partisanship. The only difference in this case between previous elections and this one is that Trump continually hands them quotes and sound bites to use against him.


And stop putting this all on the republican base. The party leadership is every bit as responsible for this mess as the base - if not more so (as an independent in Texas, I'm ineligible to vote in the primary, so I can say I had nothing to do with his nomination). You, me, and every other right-of-center poster in this forum have bitched and moaned about how the republicans have shown no spine whatsoever in recent years, being cowed by the news organizations for fear of being portrayed as heartless, racist, bigots - which is exactly how they're portrayed anyway, regardless of how true or untrue it may be. The base has been frustrated over this, in my opinion rightly so. The leaders haven't been leading, they've been in duck & cover mode. This is what we get when we don't have leaders - a wealthy, connected, egotistical, uncouth opportunist with a big mouth and nationalistic bravado. The biggest reason that he has the following he does is only because he's not Hillary Clinton.


But he's there because the republicans, both the base and it's leadership, put him there.



You are, because what you are doing is that you are essentially placing Trump on the same level as whoever would have been put there by stating that "it would have happened to any of them anyway".


And in regards to stop placing the blame to the base. I absolutely will not do so and I emphatically disagree with your point that the so-called Republican establishment had something to do with this. Talk radio and right wing online blather has made it's way to mainstream Republican politics. I along with GG have made our points on this matter, we will just have to disagree on it. But I blame it not just mostly on the talk radio/online right wing sites but almost the entirety of it.


They have spoon fed their audience into believing that somehow they were going to stop some of the things that Obama did, when in reality they couldn't. I loathe talk radio and the online right wing propagandists, I view them as a bunch of self-interested hucksters who are out to make a name and buck for themselves.

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You are, because what you are doing is that you are essentially placing Trump on the same level as whoever would have been put there by stating that "it would have happened to any of them anyway".


And in regards to stop placing the blame to the base. I absolutely will not do so and I emphatically disagree with your point that the so-called Republican establishment had something to do with this. Talk radio and right wing online blather has made it's way to mainstream Republican politics. I along with GG have made our points on this matter, we will just have to disagree on it. But I blame it not just mostly on the talk radio/online right wing sites but almost the entirety of it.


They have spoon fed their audience into believing that somehow they were going to stop some of the things that Obama did, when in reality they couldn't. I loathe talk radio and the online right wing propagandists, I view them as a bunch of self-interested hucksters who are out to make a name and buck for themselves.


Of course the establishment had something to do with Trump. Arguing otherwise is letting them off the hook for the many problems within the GOP itself that allowed Trump to rise to prominence. Ignoring the role played by the establishment republicans in Trump's rise (indirectly and directly) is not only dishonest, it's foolish as it will only assure the GOP never recovers from their disastrous course they set upon in 2008.

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You are, because what you are doing is that you are essentially placing Trump on the same level as whoever would have been put there by stating that "it would have happened to any of them anyway".


And in regards to stop placing the blame to the base. I absolutely will not do so and I emphatically disagree with your point that the so-called Republican establishment had something to do with this. Talk radio and right wing online blather has made it's way to mainstream Republican politics. I along with GG have made our points on this matter, we will just have to disagree on it. But I blame it not just mostly on the talk radio/online right wing sites but almost the entirety of it.


They have spoon fed their audience into believing that somehow they were going to stop some of the things that Obama did, when in reality they couldn't. I loathe talk radio and the online right wing propagandists, I view them as a bunch of self-interested hucksters who are out to make a name and buck for themselves.


We all knew that Trump was a douche before he ever ran for the nomination, and his behavior before and since surprises no one. He's providing sound bites to go along with the exact same type of trashing that's been done against the republicans for years. You may not agree, but that seems obvious to me.


Sorry, but I think it's a cop out to blame the base's discontent with leadership on anything other than the leadership. The base put them there, right wing radio or no, and if they fail to appease the base, or otherwise adequately represent the concerns of the voters, it's on them. Whether it's a fair assessment or not, Cruz's popularity with the base is for his admittedly futile, but defiant stand against Obamacare, which earned him the ire of the party. You don't need a talk radio Svengali to open peoples' eyes to the contrast between Cruz and the likes of McConnell. I do not deny that people seek sources of news that display their own confirmation bias, but to put as much onus on that as you seem to be doing looks to me as if you're looking at one side of a polyhedron and dismissing the others.



Of course the establishment had something to do with Trump. Arguing otherwise is letting them off the hook for the many problems within the GOP itself that allowed Trump to rise to prominence. Ignoring the role played by the establishment republicans in Trump's rise (indirectly and directly) is not only dishonest, it's foolish as it will only assure the GOP never recovers from their disastrous course they set upon in 2008.


I don't think the GOP will ever recover from this, if "recover" is to be defined as "going back to the way things were before". One way or another, the party is changed. Most republicans I know gravitate toward libertarian values anyway - I know I do. An exodus to a party that more accurately represents limited government and constitutional liberties is a good thing in my book.


Says the guy who links nothing but right wing websites


Why don't you try contributing something some time?

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I don't think the GOP will ever recover from this, if "recover" is to be defined as "going back to the way things were before". One way or another, the party is changed. Most republicans I know gravitate toward libertarian values anyway - I know I do. An exodus to a party that more accurately represents limited government and constitutional liberties is a good thing in my book.



I'm not against people jumping ship to a party that represents their views better, I'm all for it. By "recover" I mean the GOP is facing an existential threat. There's a chance, I don't know if it's 50/50 or 75/25 or whatever, but there's a real chance the GOP will cease to exist within the next 8 years.


Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's just an outcome that might have been avoided had the GOP establishment done a better job shepherding the party after getting duped by W and Cheney's brand of "conservative" leadership which bloated the federal government faster than any progressive in this country ever dreamed possible.


I agree with your overall point though. If party members and leadership want to save their party, they have to be honest about what got them into this mess. Excusing the party leadership and establishment from the Trump blame isn't being honest and it'll never fix the issues that allowed Trump to metastasize in the first place.

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Why don't you try contributing something some time?


A waste of effort Az,


Baskin thinks that he knows what others are thinking and motivated by, that's why he doesn't bother actually reading any links.


and why he is incorrect about the variety of authors that I (and others) link to..............it's easier to be lazy and just assume.



Back to the Trump circus.................


CNN’s President Says It Was A Mistake To Air So Many Trump Rallies And “Let Them Run”

BuzzFeed ^ | October 14, 2016





Trump camp says it raised $100M in September

The Hill ^




Trump campaign fact check: Armrests in first class seats did move

CNN Money ^ | (CNN all over this vital political issue........... :lol: ).......................but not Wiki-Leaks






Donald Trump: We should Take Drug Test before Debates



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I agree with your overall point though. If party members and leadership want to save their party, they have to be honest about what got them into this mess. Excusing the party leadership and establishment from the Trump blame isn't being honest and it'll never fix the issues that allowed Trump to metastasize in the first place.


Yep, that's the way I see it. :beer:




A waste of effort Az,


Baskin thinks that he knows what others are thinking and motivated by, that's why he doesn't bother actually reading any links.


and why he is incorrect about the variety of authors that I (and others) link to..............it's easier to be lazy and just assume.



I figured by replying in one brief sentence, I'd be speaking his language, and more likely to receive something more substantive than the usual smarm.

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