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Trump Alone at the Top

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I've already become accustomed to the typical bias, it's factored in. However, what they are doing over the past couple months, specially so as we are approaching crunch time is out-of-this-world.


I used to tune into them as part of the rotation of networks that I will view but this is just nuts.


If you have Sirius, you might try POTUS channel. The "P" is for politics not president. I'd especially recommend the Michael Smirocnish show but other shows also make an effort to address the middle.

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If you have Sirius, you might try POTUS channel. The "P" is for politics not president. I'd especially recommend the Michael Smirocnish show but other shows also make an effort to address the middle.


It's not about getting political news. There are plenty of places for that. We're talking about just straight up news. Get up, read the paper, catch up on local and world events.


Unless there is something like a hurricane or a shooting or a Kardashian robbery, there's really not a single news outlet that isn't just pimping out their desired storylines all day long.

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Good news, Trumpster Divers! Two women are accusing Trump (via the NYT) of touching them inappropriately.




And now CBS news has UNEXPECTEDLY unearthed video of Trump in a Entertainment Tonight Christmas feature with 10 year old girls, and Trump telling one of them he's going to date her in 10 years.


If only someone could have predicted this predictably stupid stuff would come up.




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Good news, Trumpster Divers! Two women are accusing Trump (via the NYT) of touching them inappropriately.




And now CBS news has UNEXPECTEDLY unearthed video of Trump in a Entertainment Tonight Christmas feature with 10 year old girls, and Trump telling one of them he's going to date her in 10 years.


If only someone could have predicted this predictably stupid stuff would come up.




Was the 10-yr old, his daughter?

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Good news, Trumpster Divers! Two women are accusing Trump (via the NYT) of touching them inappropriately.




And now CBS news has UNEXPECTEDLY unearthed video of Trump in a Entertainment Tonight Christmas feature with 10 year old girls, and Trump telling one of them he's going to date her in 10 years.


If only someone could have predicted this predictably stupid stuff would come up.






Aaaaaaand creepy.

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Patriots QB Brady walks out of press conference after Trump question

New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump have long been considered friends. Trump has called Brady "great friends" in the past, and Brady has been caught with a "Make America Great Again" hat in his locker.

Brady was asked by a reporter about Trump's "locker room" talk that was released last week ahead of the second presidential debate.

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In posts per day, who posts more: B-Man or that liberal guy who the board ran off but whose name I forget because I had him on ignore?


Not Connor. What was his name? I refuse to cheat and look it up.


I am so happy to have forgotten his name, but I do remember his habits.

Edited by Benjamin Franklin
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In posts per day, who posts more: B-Man or that liberal guy who the board ran off but whose name I forget because I had him on ignore?


Not Connor. What was his name? I refuse to cheat and look it up.


I am so happy to have forgotten his name, but I do remember his habits.


That was Gatorman. Comparing him with B-man is both inappropriate and extremely insulting, since B-man largely posts links to articles relevant to the discussion, where Gatorman simply posted nonsense and insults.

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That was Gatorman. Comparing him with B-man is both inappropriate and extremely insulting, since B-man largely posts links to articles relevant to the discussion, where Gatorman simply posted nonsense and insults.



Thank you, but that is unnecessary, about every 5th post one of the gang will write some silliness about my posting style , or habits.


It is of little consequence and usually only done to distract from whatever link that I posted last.......and they have no real response to

(see #5114)




The amazing timing of the sexual misconduct accusations against Trump

The fact that these stories are being taken as anything other than a Clinton opposition research drop is disheartening to say the least.

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“So important that you watch other communities, because we don’t want this election stolen from us.“

“I just hear such reports about Philadelphia. I hear these horror shows, and we have to make sure that this election is not stolen from us and is not taken away from us.”

“Everybody knows what I’m talking about.”

- DJT "unshackled"

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