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  1. That is indeed quite the low bar. The Bills had some of the worst offensive lines in the NFL for many years. Don't you remember the Ostroski days? Tyrod is a band aid for a shaky offensive line. They look good on the run because teams must stay back a bit for fear of TT taking off. The pass blocking is not good at all. The right side was flat out terrible last season.
  2. so nobody is going to take me up on my bet? i make an accurate true statement that i am a bad musician and a good performer, that i have written hundreds of songs (only three good ones but legitimately written songs nonetheless), and that i can step up on a stage and do them any time you ask. a bunch of you respond like petty jealous pussies by calling me a liar so i offered to do them on demand in front of any audience you can arrange if you pay money to a charity and what happens? nothing but more horseshit from you. no self reflection that maybe you were a dick. no apology to me who obviously is fully ready to show you the truth any time you want. just more petty butt hurtery lets note what has happened here: i have thoroughly pwnd every one of you that was involved in this in a negative manner. i pwnd you up and down life in a thoroughly embarrassing fashion. dont be upset, it happens, its happened to me many times before, it just happened to you right now. you should reflect on what a bunch of dicks you were and try to not be dicks like that in the future. i dont say this for me i say it for you bc YOU are the ones that suffer when you act the way you did here. and you have a record of your dickitude, so theres no reason not to use it to your benefit however, the squelch meter is now going way way up on several of you. certain posters shouldnt expect replies from me until you demonstrate youve made progress on limiting your total ass of a personality and try to improve yourselves and if you think im 'arrogant' or condescending, honestly i dont care. this is america so if you dont like something i say you are free to blow me. im not the one being the total dick here. thats you. somebody needs to tell you youre a dick for your own benefit, and i just did peace brothers. work out your salvation in earnest, not with fear and trembling, but with the knowledge that you CAN in fact change and have a profoundly positive impact on your lives
  3. Again, might be a bit of an overstatement, "attacking" vs. "expressing disappointment." But more importantly: the ENTIRE point of how the US government is supposed to work is that the people aren't supposed to be able to fear the leadership. If President Trump can intimidate a private enterprise, the problem isn't Trump.
  4. Mahomes is my guy for the Bills and I doubt it's going to change much by April... He's the one I want...And I would not be at all afraid to take him in the 1st...Preferably with a trade down of course...But if not I'd take him at 10 without hesitation... I think once he gets settled in the NFL and the bad mechanics get fixed (and it's all fixable) he's going to be special...You can't teach what he does effortlessly, and he shows zero fear...His field presence reminds me of Russell Wilson... I think he'll be better than Dak...Maybe not as a Rookie...But he certainly could be...And he's a better natural passer than Dak... I really, really like the kid...
  5. GOP votes to rebuke Elizabeth Warren for quoting Coretta Scott King in debate on Jeff Sessions for attorney general. So now even the words of Mrs. King are forbidden by Republicans. And people wonder why minorities fear the loss of civil rights protection under "so-called president" Trump.
  6. I almost posted a photo of the cat woman plastic surgery fiasco, but it scared me to the point I fear my dreams tonight. I like you guys too much to post that. Suffice it to say, less can be more.... Christie will do just fine, thank you.
  7. Why are people so against automation when they don't give a crap about any of the other ways that changes bring about job loss? I never see people speaking out against ride sharing because it takes away jobs from taxi drivers or bus drivers. How many people treated the advent of cable television as a threat? After all, it takes viewership away from traditional television networks, costing them jobs and money as well. Do you have a wireless phone? Have you canceled your land line service? Do you know how many union technician jobs have been lost because of that? Similar examples are endless. It's called progress, and it happens in every industry, large or small, and people are too easily made to fear it for it's inevitable loss of jobs. While jobs are eliminated by progress, new ones are created. The automation of factories and assembly plants not only ensure a consistent product, but also move people out of unskilled and often dangerous jobs, while creating the need to people to engineer, operate, and maintain them. I think that people are allowing themselves to be manipulated into having what's nothing more than a selective fear of progress.
  8. I live in the Md/DC area. So I get a deluge of stories about him and his contract saga. Cousins and his agent have made a determination that if he was on the market he would get a max or near max deal. That is his marker. His position is if you don't want to give me a max contract on a long term deal then either trade me to a team willing to do so or franchise me. He is willing to be franchised every year because he is getting his top shelf money through the repeated tag approach. Cousins is not an elite qb with exceptional physical abilities but he is a very good qb. What would I give up for him? I would not be afraid to give up two #1's for him because by getting the quarterbacking that he provides he instantly elevates your team. When you give up two picks you are in reality only giving up one pick because you are getting him in return. There comes a point where either you get a good qb or you don't. It's time to stop being fearful and not act. If the Bills were not willing to pay the asking price then draft a qb such as Mahomes and develop what you got.
  9. "The most unpredictable athlete in the history of the World Wrestling Federation. Hulk Hogan must fear for his very physique" That was awesome! Great find, made me feel like a 9 year old kid again! RIP Animal, you were a great character.
  10. Nope, I did not ask any questions. He hit on some interesting themes though: I thought his explination of killing an American citizen with a drone strike was interesting. He said they only killed people who they felt were an immediate threat to the US and the US citizen that splattered had been behind the underwear bomber and other acts of terrorism. They never bombed someone because they might be a threat in some way in the future. He talked about the voting rights case his name is attached to that he lost in the supreme court and how courts are already siding with his arguments in lower courts. He pointed to the ruling in North Carolina as an example He talked about Trump's failed executive order and how it was a mistake. He said James Comey was a friend of his and talked about the mistake he made with his interfering in the election. Kind of interesting was his explination of how the divided Justice Department was half for and half against enforcing the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) which was a law and that he decided not to fight to enforce Someone asked him what his greatest fear was growing up and he went into his lower middle class neighborhood background in, I think, Queens? Said there was this thug he was real afraid of that bullied people bad, and he hated it but had to get over it and then the dude got shot robbing a store a few blocks from his house His role models growing up were his dad who did not finish high school, Malcom X who was a thug, then a racist and then a person who came to recognize all humanity as ...well...humanity .... and someone else I should remember but can't. The sound quality was terrible and the African guy that asked most of the questions was almost totally non-understandable
  11. I agree there 100% that there are things that need to be on the top of the list but our immigration challenges have been ignored for a very long time. That doesn't mean it comes to the top it just needs to be addressed. We are so fearful of upsetting people in this country we've become paralyzed. First step is not the wall. I don't even think that's a step. Step one is reducing the incentive which is the issue with companies hiring illegals. I saw a FB post about one of Trump's sons filing for HB-2 visas to hire immigrants to work the vineyards of a winery they own. People went bat **** crazy. "OMG!!! LOOK!!! Trump's son is hiring illegals!!" No you dumbass he's following a system that has been in place to legally hire migrant agricultural workers for a long time. It's there. Use it!!
  12. Facing death chants and hate crimes, Sweden’s Jews live in a climate of fear.
  13. With respect to the highlighted area even if the receiver corps is improved is he going to be more proficient throwing middle of the field passes? Or even with an upgrade to the recipients of his passes will he be better able to make seam passes or anticipatory throws or be able to go through his progressions? I'm not arguing that with better receivers he won't be a better qb. Because he will. What I am questioning is even with receiver upgrades is his passing game still going to be so limited and so basic that it will not give the team a chance to seriously compete. What is lost in the energetic and extended exchanges here is the position of the organization. Even if it is determined that TT should remain with the team it is being done apparently without much enthusiasm by Whaley. While the consensus of outsiders is that the Bills should keep TT, even if only as a bridge qb, the organization he has played for and has closely scrutinized his performances doesn't seem to be too impressed with him or even fearful of losing him. That is a clear indication what the thinking is inside of the building at OBD.
  14. NBC News’s Anti-Trump Propaganda Ad Exploits Children...........Propaganda video illustrates why Americans distrust the media Democrats and the progressive left have a propensity for using children as political props to push for everything from carbon taxes and gun control to illegal immigration and transgender bathrooms. There seem only two domestic issues that the left refuses to consider in relation to children: abortion and the national debt. Hillary used children in her “role model” ad against then-presidential candidate Trump, and now NBC News has compiled a video entitled “Dear Mr. President” in which they present children expressing their fear of President Trump. This anti-Trump ad hard-hitting news segment, however, is being called out as propaganda. Mostly because it is. Fox News reports: Setting aside the fact that all of this hysteria about Trump being a racist and his agenda overflowing with items aimed at harming black and minority communities is based in pure fantasy, the exploitation of children and the very real and potentially long-term emotional and psychological effects of creating (completely unfounded) fear in the hearts and minds of children is unconscionable. One of these children says that he fears Trump will “hurt” black people. On what this is based is anyone’s guess because one thing about which Trump has never wavered in his many decades of political see-sawing is the need for stronger black communities that are safe and that afford children the same quality of education and opportunity afforded to more affluent communities. Another child says that he doesn’t “like [the president’s] definition of ‘American’,” and again, it’s not at all clear on what this assessment is based or what the child even means. Needless to say, no one asks, either. It’s not surprising that NBC is in hiding over this anti-Trump ad. The number of likes on this video is 103 as I’m typing this, while the dislikes are 9,047. One might think that in the wake of their cable and network news ratings, the “mainstream” media would work to rebuild the trust of the American people. Apparently, though, they’ve decided to take another route and double-down on the precise reason that public trust in mass media is at record lows.
  15. Just trying to hide from Trump’s ‘reign of terror’...........Media outrage over protections – for us Howie Carr Friday, February 24, 2017 Apparently Angel Luis Rivera Aponte, aka Miguel Baez Zapata, didn’t get the memo about how he’s supposed to be hiding “in the shadows” because of President Trump. On Tuesday, this Dominican national was at the Division of Motor Vehicles in Manchester, N.H., trying to get himself a driver’s license, claiming to be from Manchester, instead of Lawrence, where he’s really from (surprise, surprise). Alas for Mr. Aponte or Zapata, the New Hampshire State Police arrived. According to the press release, the state police, with a little help from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), “were able to confirm that the documents he presented were fraudulent.” Hey, he was just forging the documents Americans can’t be bothered to counterfeit. The charge: unsworn falsification and tampering with public records. I got that N.H. State Police news release yesterday just after I had read yet another sob story about the reign of terror that the Trump administration is allegedly unleashing on America. The New York Times headline: “Immigrants Hide, Fearing Capture on ‘Any Corner.’ ” If only the story had been posted a day earlier — in Spanish — perhaps Aponte or Zapata or whatever his real name is could have avoided spending the night in the Hillsborough County Jail. http://www.bostonherald.com/news/columnists/howie_carr/2017/02/carr_just_trying_to_hide_from_trump_s_reign_of_terror
  16. yeah i guess thats correct. we lurched right after 9/11 to assuage our fear, we lurched left under obama, and this cycle was a populist shift, but with two different versions of populism - libertarian and nationalism if it was actually sanders vs trump we never would have had this disaster presidency. or if hillary hadnt cheated
  17. Well, Obama actually did not do it.....he tried, failed, and then ultimately apologized ( http://www.judicialwatch.org/press-room/press-releases/documents-show-obama-white-house-attacked-excluded-fox-news-channel/) and I thought it was classy for the Fox competitors to stand by Fox to force this change, I wonder why it was not reciprocated this time, by the CNN competitors? - to the same extent. You must admit Obama proved to be a bigger man then than Donald is now, on this topic, no? However, I feel with your excitement on watching some of the left become unhinged all the time that you most likely can't see or will not admit this. And let me preempt the goof balls and call myself a: snowflake, libtard, someone needing a safe space, blah, blah, blah....just to get that out there and over with.....in the hopes one of the un-ending Obama bashers could actually have a decent conversation, yet I fear this forum is more of an outlet than a place for civilized and thoughtful discourse. I know, stupid me. I do say, the one thing that is consistent here is that there is rarely a decent, well thought out conversation....watching the many Trump supporters is so very predictable. Yet, I have to say good on them, really ....if the last 8 years were really that horrible for you, literally (not idealogically - or who is the real snowflake?), than I am glad (seriously) you feel good about Trump and yourself and hopefully this makes you a better person and more productive citizen; as a rising tide raises all ships. Personally, I think trump is an imbecile of epic proportions, but you know what.....to steal the quote from John Kasich......"when you are on the plane you cheer for the pilot"... I certainly did not take glee from watching the "right / christian conservatives" become angry, confused, and unproductive when a "black man" became president - I held empathy for them and wished them well; and knew the many checks and balances would not allow too much extreme-ism and this proved true. In retrospect, really, the last 8 years (undeniably) were a strong 8 years for this country on many fronts, this cannot be argued (certainly, idealogically it could, but idealogues of either side or impossible to accommodate). And I am confident 8 years from now, we as country will be as strong...unless of course, there is more to this Russia-thing than we know....then all bets are off. ....
  18. I think going with Taylor is knowingly settling for being an also ran team. The actual passing part of his game is too seriously flawed to expect anything more. Now, if you think Taylor can overcome these flaws and bring his game to another level, then I can see why you’d want him back. I don’t ever see Taylor elevating his game to becoming a consistent threat with his arm. As for you thinking that Cardale isn't ready for prime time, that’s just conjecture. If Trevor Siemian could give the Broncos competent QB play in his second season, then starting Jones shouldn’t be that big of an issue. Especially with the league’s #1 rushing attack. Even Jim Kelly said that he would have put Jones in the last three games of the season once the season was lost for good. I think fans are just too fearful of the unknown sometimes. You can't wait forever in today's NFL. If the QB you have isn't ever going to be good enough to win a championship, and you just have to move on from being mediocre, then it's next man up and that's Cardale Jones. Yes, that could end up meaning becoming the worst team. But that scenario is actually better than just remaining an 8-8 team, because you can draft a franchise QB to get you back to the top. So I would rather get to the business of finding the franchise QB and since they have Jones, start him to see if he’s a franchise QB. You don’t really know until he plays in real games. Taylor is so limited as a passer, I could see Jones out performing him as a passer in that most crucial part of being a starting NFL QB.
  19. Exactly. There's no point in maintaining average for fear of being terrible. The goal is to win the SB.
  20. Okay so I know it's waaaay too early, especially with the Combine moved back this year but we are now well and truly in Mock Draft season. I know Bandit likes to do just one right before the draft. I will generally have 3 goes.... 1 pre-FA, 1 post-FA and one in draft week. So here is version 1. I also normally like to try and mock a couple of trades in but as discussed in Astro's thread I am struggling this year to find ones that make sense. So this is a status quo mock. As ever, I always welcome comments. Here goes: 1 Browns - Myles Garrett Defensive End Texas A&M Much is made of the Browns' decision to move down last year. What it tells me is they are not going to reach on a Quarterback they don't absolutely believe in. What they didn't do last year was add elite talent. Garrett is potentially elite and if they are not going Quarterback then the Browns should stand pat and pick him. 2 49ers - Mitch Trubisky Quarterback University of North Carolina Kyle Shanahan may well yet swing a trade for a Quarterback he knows or maybe wait and see what becomes of Jay Cutler who his dad drafted in Denver. If he doesn't, however, then he will pick a guy at this spot who he believes can run his play action and screen heavy version of the west coast offense. Trubisky may not quite have the arm you would hope for but he is otherwise a good fit. 3 Bears - DeShaun Watson Quarterback Clemson Of the three Quarterback needy teams sitting at the top of this draft the Bears are the ones probably under the most pressure to "win now." It is year 3 for John Fox and he needs to demonstrate this team is headed the right way. Most people expect Jay Cutler to be released and I can't see him letting his future ride on Brian Hoyer or Matt Barkley. They might prefer DeShone Kizer's upside but I can see the Bears going with Watson's superior production at the college level. 4 Jaguars - Rueben Foster Linebacker Alabama As night follows day the Jaguars draft in the top 5 of the NFL draft year on year. This is the prime candidate for a trade back, especially if a team wants to jump up above the Titans who might be interested in one of the top two receivers. The Jags biggest obvious need is on the offensive line but there is no solution there worth a top 10, let alone top 5, pick and therefore they could look to upgrade at linebacker after Myles Jack's hugely disappointing rookie campaign compounded fears that injury may have robbed him of the playmaking ability he demonstrated in college. 5 Titans - Mike Williams Wide Receiver Clemson The Tennesse Titans are slowly building a very fine football team. They have spent a number of recent high picks fixing up their offensive line and finding a Quarterback. They have been successful finding pieces in free agency and later rounds to improve their defense.... now they need to give Marcus Mariota a bona fide #1 receiver. Clemson's Mike Williams is not the best receiver on my board and I do have some legitimate questions about his hands but his contested catch ability and his clutch performance in the National Championship Game may well make him a top 5 pick. 6 Jets - Marshon Lattimore Cornerback Ohio State If Trubisky is still on the board when the Jets pick then this is where his "slide" will end. If he is not the Jets could reach for Kizer given their desperation at the position, or they could do something to address a secondary that has big holes and an ageing star. Safety is in play but with Revis willing to move inside corner becomes a bigger need. Lattimore is the best fit in a man system like the one the Jets run. 7 Chargers - Malik Hooker Safety Ohio State This is another team with multiple holes. They could go with a #1 receiver for Philip Rivers, they could add Jonathan Allen to defensive rookie of the year Joey Bosa on the defensive line or they could add a playmaker to their secondary. Malik Hooker would immediately become their best defensive back. 8 Panthers - Derek Barnett Defensive End Tennessee Carolina struggled last year because it couldn't establish a consistent run game putting more on Cam Newton's plate. Leonard Fournette is in play as a result at this spot but the Panthers need to upgrade their pass rush more urgently. I think Barnett is the 2nd best natural pass rusher in the draft and would be an interesting top 10 selection. 9 Bengals - Corey Davis Wide Receiver Western Michigan Cincinnati has spent a lot of first rounders on defensive backs in recent years and their offense without AJ Green for half of the 2016 seasons suddenly looked light on playmakers. Corey Davis is the smoothest all round receiver in this class and would give the Bengals an outstanding 1-2 punch. 10 Bills - Jamal Adams Safety LSU I can't imagine this is the ideal board for the Bills at #10 and a trade back shouldn't be ruled out. But Buffalo does have a major need at safety with Corey Graham ageing, Aaron Williams considering an injury related retirement and a totally bare cupboard behind those two. 11 Saints - Sidney Jones Cornerback - Washington Another top 12 pick for the Saints following another non-playoff season. They have finally worked a lot of bad contracts off their salary cap though and might want to load up for one last run with Drew Brees at Quarterback. If that is their plan they need better play out of their secondary. Sidney Jones is a day 1 starter at corner and a massive upgrade. 12 Browns - DeShone Kizer Quarterback Notre Dame So here is where things could get interesting. The Browns are back on the clock and with a desperate need to find a Quarterback. They could yet swing a trade for one but if they don't then a reach for DeShone Kizer who showed little progression in 2016 for Notre Dame just feels very Brownsy. 13 Cardinals - Jonathan Allen Defensive Tackle Alabama Finally Allen is off the board. The Cardinals have greater needs in multiple spots than defensive line but this is a clear best player available situation and in a division where you have to get past Seattle loading up at defensive line to go against the weakness of their team on the offensive line is a sound strategy. 14 Colts - Soloman Thomas Defensive End Stanford The Colts could go anywhere but Quarterback, so poor was the roster building attempt by now former GM Ryan Grigson. Thomas is the best player on the board and a versatile piece who would be an upgrade right across this defensive line. 15 Eagles - Marlon Humphrey Cornerback Alabama Ledois McKelvin was a starting corner for this team last year and he had been released. Jim Schwartz's scheme focuses on pressure up front that makes things easier for corners. Humphrey is better playing zone than man but he has a good NFL skill set. 16 Ravens - Tim Williams Outside Linebacker Alabama I think the Ravens simply have to find an edge rusher. They finished 7th in total defense and 9th in points per game in 2016 but only 26th in sacks. Terrell Suggs was their sack leader with 8 but he can't go on for much longer. Williams had 19.5 sacks over the last two years for the Crimson Tide and is a good fit as a pass rushing OLB for Baltimore given his experience in Nick Saban's 3-4 scheme. 17 Redskins - Budda Baker Safety Washington Will Blackmon, Donte Whitner and DeAngelo Hall have all had their moments as starting safeties in the NFL. But they are all now the wrong side of 30 and the Redskins may well decide to take advantage of the strongest safety draft in years to address the position. 18 Titans - Zach Cunningham Linebacker Vanderbilt Having gone offense with their first 1st round pick the Titans come back to snag an athletic "do it all" linebacker. This is exactly the kind of player that Dick Lebeau loves to get creative with. 19 Buccaneers - David Njoku Tight End Miami A shock at pick 19 as the first Tight End comes off the board and it is not OJ Howard. Njoku isn't as rounded a prospect as Howard but he is a more dynamic pass catcher and runner after the catch and Tampa needs to keep giving Jameis Winston weapons. 20 Broncos - Dalvin Cook Running Back Florida State No sooner as the first Tight End goes the first running back follows. A lot of people have Cook and Leonard Fournette going sooner than this but I think every team ahead has bigger needs. The Broncos are going to roll with Siemian and/or Lynch at Quarterback so they are going to need to be able to pound the rock and stay ahead of the sticks. Cook's ability as a receiver out of the backfield jumps him ahead of Fournette as a scheme fit for Mike McCoy's offense. 21 Lions - Malick McDowell Defensive Tackle Michigan State The Lions stay local to take Detroit native and Michigan State prospect McDowell off the board. Detroit has lacked interior penetration since Suh followed the money to Miami and McDowell can give them some of what they miss. He may end up as an end against the run but he will play inside on obvious passing downs and the centres and guards he faces will know about it. 22 Dolphins - Forrest Lamp Guard Western Kentucky Finally an offensive lineman is selected and Lamp will be expected to replace Brandon Albert. That might mean staying at Tackle where he shone for Western Kentucky or, more likely, allowing last year's 1st round pick Laremy Tunsil to slide outside with Lamp slotting in at left guard. The Dolphins identity last year was the hard running of Jay Ajayi and this pick is intended to accentuate that strength. 23 Giants - Leonard Fournette Running Back LSU The Giants have a veteran Franchise Quarterback, they have playmaking receivers (even if they are adverse to wearing shirts), they have a resurgent defense.... their offensive line and running game are the missing pieces. When the o-line choices are not great Fournette might just be too good to pass up because he is the kind of back who can make yards even when plays are not blocked well. He has a bit of Marshawn Lynch in him. 24 Raiders - OJ Howard Tight End Alabama The conventional wisdom is that the Raiders need to address their defense but they don't have a legitimate #1 Tight End either. Howard is not a desperate need but he is the best player available at this point and you can never have too many weapons with an ascendant young Quarterback like Derek Carr. 25 Texans - Pat Mahomes Quarterback Tennessee Tech Brock Osweiler was the worst free agency mistake any team has made since Albert Haynesworth. Whoever watched his Denver tape and thought he was an $18m a year Quarterback should be fired. But his contract restricts Houston from going the free agency route again to fix the mistake. Therefore they could take a shot on Mahomes who has great physical gifts but some pretty obvious flaws. It's a reach but you have to get a Quarterback when you don't have one... and Houston definitely does not have one. 26 Seahawks - Cam Robinson Offensive Tackle Alabama I am not high on this offensive line class and Robinson does not absolutely convince me as a bookend tackle. However, Seattle's line is such a mess at every position other than whichever one Justin Britt lines up at that even if Robinson ends up a good right tackle or guard it will be seen as a successful pick. 27 Chiefs - John Ross Wide Receiver - Washington The Chiefs need more playmakers and John Ross is the kind of YAC receiver that they love to utilise in this offense. He is pretty much BPA at this stage and fits their need pretty well. 28 Cowboys Taco Charlton Defensive End Michigan One thing Dallas has become pretty good at is sticking to its board. They have failed to unearth a real number 1 pass rusher and in this mock Taco Charlton (9.5 sacks in 2016) is still sitting there. They could also have some interest in his Michigan Wolverine teammate Jabrill Peppers but positional need makes me think Charlton is a more likely pick. 29 Packers - Takkarist McKinley Outside Linebacker - UCLA The Packers desperately need help on the defensive side of the ball. With Julius Peppers on his last legs Clay Matthews is the only semblance of pass rush they have. If any of the top pass rushers make it this far Green Bay will pounce and in this scenario McKinley is the obvious pick as a 3-4 OLB. 30 Steelers - Hassan Reddick - Linebacker - Temple The Steelers have a desperate need for playmakers at their linebacking spots. They have 3 free agents at those spots in James Harrison, Jarvis Jones and Lawrence Timmons. I am not sure yet whether Reddick ends up inside or outside at the next level but I don't think it matters for Pittsburgh - they need help in both spots. 31 Falcons - Caleb Brantley - Defensive Tackle Florida Thomas Dimitroff's clever re-stocking of his offensive line and receiver corps in free agency will allow Dan Quinn to keep using the draft to build this defense in the image of Seattle. In 2015 he got his pass rusher, last year he found his play making safety and speedy linebacker but what he is still missing is an interior force to push the pocket. Brantley fits the bill and becomes Atlanta's Michael Bennett. 32 Patriots - Ryan Ramczyk - Tackle Wisconsin As ever New England are a candidate to trade back out of this pick (and if Pat Mahomes or DeShone Kizer is still on the board I feel there will be takers) but in this scenario they make a pick and with right tackle Sebastien Vollmer a free agent this offseason and starting left tackle Nate Solder an impending free agent next season Wisconsin tackle Ramczyk makes sense as an immediate starter on the right side (where I believe he projects better in the NFL) who they could consider flipping over to the left at some stage.
  21. Only because "I shall not fear, fear is the mind killer" is copyrighted.
  22. Howard loves Hillary to the point of obsession. Every election he has come out and flatly stated whom he supports until this one. He left it ambiguous. Though, listening to him you could tell he was pro Hillary. But he is pro gun right sand national carry. Knows roe v wade isn't going away. Doesn't fear for our safety with Russia. Supports the Muslim ban...So, yeah, he simply thinks don would have been happier in life not taking this responsibility. If you listen in context to the entire show and history you'd get that Politically Howard knows a lot. But he is in his NYC upper life vacuum. who's Howard stern? I'm kelly Clarkson
  23. The answer to all of this so simple. Just realign the leagues so that the NFC has to deal with the greatest team ever for a few seasons. I know, I know, this is a good idea, so it won't ever happen. We (collectively, royally, not actually) have the power to change things. But people are hesitant and fear new ideas. But if the NFL truly, honestly, believes in parity and evenness in competition, they must act to change the balance of power in the conferences. The Patriots are so good, they skew every data set 3 to 4 standard deviations over from the mean. It's the farthest right on the bell curve if you will. Hashtag stats.
  24. Also known as fear of a shakedown. The problem with taking a political stance on any issue is that sooner or later, it can be used to coerce a stance on every issue. They won't even be able to keep up with their "beliefs". The only core at the center of the NFL is putting football on the field to make money. If that stops, so does everything else. There are 32 owners and getting them all to agree on football issues is tough enough. Pretending that they speak with one voice on all political topics is just plain silly.
  25. Millennials are the most diverse, least hateful generation ever. In many ways they are the generation that has fulfilled the ideal republican virtues of openness and judgeing people by the content of their charter and not what they look like. Tom Brokaws greatest generation was filled with racists, haters and fear mongers. This is also the least religious generation ever.
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