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  1. Why would Harris need forgiving? Willie Brown might for arguably allowing his personal life to cloud his judgment in his professional life. But Harris was dating Brown, who wasn't like it was an affair with a married man. They were dating. What did she do wrong? Meanwhile, Trump's abuse of power for sexual exploitation--while married!!!--goes on and on and on. Big difference I'm not. Along with the fact that Trump is a disgusting bigoted jackhole, I hate his policies. In fact, the former is seen so much in the latter. Well, I feel the exact same way you do in your first 2 sentences except flip parties. As for the ending of this statement, Trump already showed the damage he can do in his 1st Administration and with the Project 2025 initiative and prominent members of his party affiliated with that saying Trump getting in office would bring a needed 2nd American Revolution... Yeah... color me as someone who'd rather not actually see what might become the truest test of our checks and balances in generations Why does Biden need to resign? He's just a bit late in fulfilling the promise he made 4 years ago of being a transitional President. Campaigning while being President would be exhausting to anyone, much less someone in their 80s. Last I checked there's no law that a President is required to run for a 2nd term
  2. Launched her career? It amazes me that Republicans are going to cling to an affair that happened 3 decades ago (already 4 years into a budding career, btw) while ignoring the climbing of the ladder she actually did on her own over the last 30 years. Meanwhile, Trump calls millions of dollars from Daddy a "small loan" and then (if you really wanna go this route), instead of using sex to climb the ladder (one wrung), he uses his power multiple times as widely reported to--at least--coerce sex, if not outright rape and sexually assault multiple women. Oh the irony
  3. Let's see... racist DEI attacks check Conspiracy theory that Biden is actually dead check You wanna throw in the "she doesn't have kids and is a crazy cat mom!" argument? I bet someone has posted the fake pic of her with Jeffrey Epstein or any of the other deep fakes already circulation in the right wing trash social media. Wanna jump behind your man Trump who won't be able to get out of his own way with a woman of color as an opponent. "She speaks in rhyme"
  4. Give me a break. You guys pivot more than a dancer with one working leg And ironically... Trump had legitimate challengers in 2020. No one stepped up in any full throated manner against Biden. But that's what happens with Incumbents in a Republic. As for Harris... guess what... the American people get to vet and choose now. As @B-Man already acknowledged, if she wins, this entire "disenfranchised voters" argument goes out the window. Great opportunity to see how strong a candidate your boy is against someone who has been prevented from "being vetted for 10 plus months" and is a "fake nominee." Wanna start a movement for America as an actual Democracy you and me?
  5. Not uncommon for incumbent presidents who are seeking reelection to get primaries canceled in certain states by their respective parties. Not unique to Biden and certainly not unique to the Democratic party. In fact... that's been the standard for the last 5 incumbent Presidents running for reelection, including Trump. It's common practice and isn't against the law. I don't necessarily like it either, but if you would like a practice like that to actually not be the standard then perhaps you want America to shift to being a true Democracy rather than the Republic it now is. I'd have no problem with that myself... the Country would finally reflect the political beliefs of its vast majority in its political systems.
  6. @B-Man... if Harris ends up being the nominee and she beats Trump, you would agree that in retrospect the entire argument of "disenfranchised democratic voters" would become a complete straw-man argument, right? Biden ran in the primaries unopposed. We are a Republic. Nothing has happened or is set to happen moving forward that goes against the rules and laws set forth by our founders. And if anyone wants the USA to be a true democracy, then you want Democrats as your political leaders because that's what would overwhelmingly be the result if our Country became an actual Democracy.
  7. Nice... tell the first 3 I miss our Bills dialogue. Deranged Rhino is just a loser. Too much ego. Couldn't man up and take the honest L for a bet he lost.
  8. People can easily hold the following beliefs at the same time: 1) Biden was a great President who did a lot of great things in office. 2) Biden should not run for office again because there's no way he's got the faculties or stamina to last another 4 years. I believe both those things and from the time Biden took office and ran back in 2020 he acknowledged the age issue and stated he'd be a "transitional" President. I'm just glad he's finally accepting that title and is passing the torch. By the way... I really haven't popped in here since the mass exodus 4 years ago. I miss some of those posters... particularly @Foxx. I hope this place has been a bit more sane in the last 4 years, but given that politics is the topic, probably not. Glad we all have a common interest in the Bills and common enemy in the Chiefs
  9. Imagine Josh Allen with Andy Reid, Tyreek Hill and Trevis Kelce
  10. Ya know... this is all well and good, but here's the thing you're discounting: by any era, Allen is probably the greatest physical freak as a QB the NFL has ever seen. Elway was a freak for his day, but he was 6'3 and 215 lbs. Allen has almost 2 inches of height and anywhere between 20-30 lbs on him. And while Elway had a cannon for an arm, when you watch highlights of both players I don't see how you come away saying Allen doesn't definitively have the stronger arm. And it's not like the height, weight and arm strength for Allen are because of when he's playing, either.
  11. Not nearly the passers Allen is. They might be the answer if the question is "who's the best running qb ever?" But "dual threat means you better factor in passing, and while Allen might be a small step behind those QBs as a runner, he's leaps and bounds ahead of them as a passer.
  12. Joe Marino explores the question in yesterday's episode: Cliffs notes version: arguably he probably is, but definitely in the next year or 2. Some other good Josh Allen nuggets in the 2nd half of the episode
  13. Heck it's not as drastic but do the same for Mahomes. In 3 playoff games Mahomes has played against Buffalo he is 79/115 (68.7%) for 1112 yards (370.6 YPG) with 9 TDs and ZERO turnovers Throw Burrow's numbers in there from 2022 and it's pretty obvious why we've lost in the playoffs 4 straight years.
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