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  1. except that was not your point. once again, here is what you wrote: "Mexicans are overwhelmingly catholic (strike one), often mestizo (strike two), and don’t share a language (strike three)." Mestizo=latin mixed race which is not shared with the US in any great number and an obscure and seemingly racist term in this context. language is not shared officially. according to you both are strikes against commonality in our cultures. So Catholicism is the outlier in this argument? Catholicism actually is shared which apparently you don't like or accept as evidenced of your post about origins of Catholicism in the US. Your meaning is quite plain here. You don't want more Catholics coming into the US. It's a strike against their immigration. I'd tell you to stop lying but you won't. It's who you are and all the deception evidenced here will continue as will support from your fellow far right extremists here. Jump on the bandwagon MAGAs!
  2. The two-party system is our 2nd largest problem behind money/lobbying/greed in Congress.
  3. It would be a catastrophic mistake to switch systems. This system is a perfect fit for Josh and his talent. It allows him to leverage his athletic ability and skill more so than other systems would.
  4. Everything but a Baggie of Cheerios — Media Is Always Babysitting Biden STEPHEN KRUISER In the twenty-plus years that I've been writing about liberal bias in the mainstream media, I've never seen the hacks work as hard as they have for Joe Biden. Most of their past effort was spent on the character assassination of Republicans. All they had to do when His High Holiness the Lightbringer Barack Obama was in office was scream "RACISM!" in response to any criticism of him. With President LOLEightyonemillion, they've had to create a man and a politician who never existed, then keep that fiction alive. They're still in the character assassination business too. The poor dears are definitely stretched a little thin these days. During the infamous basement campaign of 2020, the Dems' flying monkeys in the mainstream media rewrote the bulk of Biden's curriculum vitae, creating a kindly, wise man who'd had an illustrious career in almost half a century of sucking at the taxpayers' teat in Washington. The real Joe Biden is a combative spaz whose years in the Senate redefined mediocrity and only became vice president because Obama wanted an insurance policy. Once Biden was out of the basement and into the Oval Office, they couldn't hide him anymore. It's been apparent from the get-go that he lost a few mental steps. The fiction maintenance had to begin immediately. https://pjmedia.com/stephen-kruiser/2024/04/03/the-morning-briefing-everything-but-a-baggie-of-cheeriosmedia-is-always-babysitting-biden-n4927868
  5. I can’t even really comment on this because it’s obviously all such a disgrace. Utter mockery of our justice system. All hinging on a deeply partisan judge and heavy politically left lean jury. Anyone trying to continue to hype this have got to feel dirty about doing so .. even some honest Dems have started clearing their conscience and questioning all of this. I’d suggest more do the same.
  6. Being rich and famous can definitely work against you in cases like this. There is some merit to the thought that there is a tendency in our legal system to make examples out of people with handing out the strictest punish possible allowed by the crime committed. I'm not saying that's the case here but I'll be interested to see what comes of it.
  7. Too hard?!?! 🤣 The bill was flat out racist, when you hear how Biden referred to black people… There is racism on both sides, my friend…Just because Biden has a “D” next to his name doesn’t mean he is absolved from his white supremacist sins…👍
  8. You know what is documented here. you lying and you making trash comments (almost always including insults) to get said replies. You making sexist and racist comments could be part of the reason. Just curious. what did you call him prior? what lie were you telling?
  9. Your judicial system Want the list per leftist rules of things these “women*” shouldn’t be deciding? *They can’t define what this is Omg
  10. Just look at the MAGA racists responses to that Tweet. As predicted. Meanwhile - Mayo on diversity, equity, and inclusion: “I learned a lot at Optum about diversity and inclusion. You better believe that being the first black head coach here in New England means a lot to me, but those guys taught me that you have to take people – black, white, green, yellow, it really doesn’t matter. Old, young.” What being first the black Patriots head coach means Jerod Mayo (boston.com)
  11. He was a ~50/50 guy in Brady's system. Hollins seems like more of an outside guy. I think it will start off with Diggs and Hollins outside and Samuel and Shakir in the slot and the rookie being brought along slowly.
  12. That’s perfect, trade our best defender because he was injured. Great way to attract FAs. Milano’s value is more as a veteran leader with Hyde,Poyer, White , Phillips, Lawson all gone. Milano is a top 5 OLB. He allows us to play defense with 2 LBs in Sean’s system.
  13. He's absolutely great in the system, but there have also been moments when things break down and he escapes and makes a play, is he at the Allen and Mahomes level of gifted, no obviously not, but he's better than what people say he is because of that system.
  14. To your point. I think we’re foolish to worry about it. I’m sure they have a plan. im not sure how well the heaters in the ground will work. But I think I remember seeing there would be some crazy drainage system included. So for all we know, the heaters will cover all but the very worst snowfalls. And honestly, if it’s that bad, we wouldn’t be playing the game anyway. Just like the last few years with the snowstorms we’ve had.
  15. Still same system. They don't change systems mid season. He changed how he called the game...and how he gameplanned but same system. New terminology and concepts don't happen mid season.
  16. There were serious, systemic, ethical and procedural issues with how Team Obama handled Benghazi, but no need to litigate that if you are a fan of what happened there. I would suggest if anything, it’s SOP Congressional Committee 1,765.0+. Of course. That’s my magic.
  17. Living a quality life, living traditional values, raising children and shaping the world “kept women down”? That’s complete bulls#it. It is not the only way, and not everyone chose that path, but your premise is wrong. Education is important, of course, but a strong argument is made these days that our system is flawed, extraordinarily expensive, and saddles people (women included) with unreasonable debt that crushes them. There are alternatives to a traditional education, and college is not for everyone. Not every person wants a family. Open your mind for goodness sake.
  18. I'm not a Republican and I didn't and will not vote for President Trump. You must have me confused with someone else. As to your first question, my answer is no. That would depend the system being on the up and up which it obviously is not. How many college tuition/loan reform packages have been passed in the Senate?
  19. The political system runs on bullsheet and being such only the least amount of truth to keep it running is revealed. To inform the public would result in the elimination of all speculation.
  20. In some respects this is long over due ! The end zone should have some kind of lighting system that when the ball crosses the goal line it lights up on either side of the field to indicate the crossing, then if there is a replay if the lights come on before their knee goes down TD easy peasy . Same with first downs and such i think it would make the game better and make it move a bit faster . Even if they do implement this there will be still be many things fans can complain about !!
  21. They were uncharacteristically harsh to KC to start the game but that seems to be all out of their system now.
  22. One grows up with a different perspective when he’s shown the uglier side of life. Our experiences make us who we are. This just so happens to be a very comfortable life for white Americans. I know you guys probably cringed when you hear that, but it’s the truth. Now I’m not saying life is easy as a white person. No no no no. Not at all. You have to work hard to get everything you want. Nobody handed you anything. I would never take anything away from anyone, BUT minorities have to work just as hard AND deal with hate, racism and prejudices. So it’s harder.
  23. Im not disputing the system he’s in masks his deficiencies but you still have to execute…
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