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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Why do,people start ridiculous threads. They will never trade Luck. I hate these stupid threads.
  2. As a person living in FL for 25 years, I couldn't agree more. You'll drive yourself looking at models as there are too many factors that will contribute to it's trajectory. Wait til three days before and you get a better picture of it's possible path. I'll give you an example. In 2004, Hurricane Charlie was pegged to give a direct hit to Tampa. Scariest time in my life as it was a tightly bound Cat5+ Hurricane with winds over 155 mph. We were preparing for South Tampa to completely under water as it is below sea level. I remember sitting in Home Depot for 8 hours the day before to wal up all the windows and doors. Well 40 minutes prior to hitting land it turned south by 100 miles and hit Port Charlotte and Punta Gorda. It completely destroyed both cities. This is why I don't even want to think about any benefit of another home game at the expense of Carolina. I'd rather say prayers it dissipates or downgrades to a tropical storm. Sorry to be a downer, but unless you've ever been in a hurricane, they are the scariest things imaginable.
  3. Thanks s isn't rocket science. They are discarding quickly players that don't fit these coaches schemes, and are bringing in people who do fit their scheme while adding a crap ton of picks. Whoever mentioned they may do it again next year, it's possible if anyone this year doesn't adjust to our scheme. I wouldn't be surprised if Dareus is traded going into 2018 as his biggest hit in cap is this year so someone will probably pick up his contract. These guys aren't dumb. They are not going to cut him as he provides too much value. They'd rather get something for him and next year would make sense.
  4. To the OP, were you not watching Spiller these last couple of years. Also, yes, he had some explosive runs in Buffalo, but more times than not he had zero gain runs and was frustrating because he's not patient and sees the hole.
  5. Thank You! It was becoming a pain in the butt. Not many surprises other than why is Vlad still on this team. Tomorrow should be fun with waiver and who we replenish and then the further cuts. BTW - you guys may know this but Vic confirmed for me on Press Pass we stay at 10th on waiver wires vs. 28 with. The trade. You guys probably knew this, but I wasn't absolutely sure.
  6. I read that story and maybe he didn't hear the story that Kaepernick admitted when he was demonstrating his legal right to do what he did, he stated in an interview he never heard a more aggressive negative response from Bills fans. He is a back up at best. He probably should have just tried to go to another team at that moment. That doesn't mean he doesn't have the right to do it, but simply it's stupid when you are assuring you're going to get cut.
  7. It was a decent trade as we could use as any pics as possible, and he wasn't a fit for this defense.
  8. Why keep going over stuff from what Clinton was still finishing his presidency? Ralph kept the team here, made sure to sell to someone who would not move the team, and then basically donated almost all the proceeds to Detroit and Buffalo. Al Davis screwed up too in his old age. As much as I hate Jerry Jones, at least he was smart enough to turn over a ton of control to Steven, his son, which has improved the team. Don't get me wrong I HATE Dallas, Jimmy Johnson, and want them to never win another SB. I'm hoping the GB of the world keep killings them in the playoffs. The only reason I don't hate the Giants is they beat the Pats twice in the SB.
  9. For those of you not living in Buffalo, and not willing to pay for pre-season access which is dumb, it is replaying tomorrow morning at 10am tomorrow on NFLN. I record them and watch when I have time. I appreciate the breakdown from my fellow Buffalonians who was able to see the game. BTW- fun fight last night. McGregor did better than expected especially the first five rounds. Then completely ran out of gas. You can tell he was not in boxing shape. Harder than people realize what it is like to go 10 rounds. The ref made the right call, as Mayweather would have destroyed him in the last two rounds.
  10. I'm perplexed by some of these changes, but you can't blame Beane for the Hogan loss. That was stupidity by Whaley. Hogan was hurt the year before. Now Brady will get him to the Pro Bowl without Edelman and you know Gronk will get hurt at some point like years past. We can only hope in December when we play them twice. The defense will be in full stride by mid season and kicking butt. We just have to hope we're the #1 running team again and can improve somewhat in passing the situations. I really don't want to buy into the sky is falling mentality yet. There is more than enough time in late October to start that discussion. Why just give up now?
  11. I like on one of the other threads. The idea of trading for Chad Kelly. We'd only have to Give maybe a 6th. Polish who I disagree with people saying the game has passed him by because he is a HOF and knows how to evaluate talent. Pick him up from Denver and work him into the system. Cut Yates, and develop Peterman. If TT is out of concussion protocol in two weeks, no problem. He wouldn't play next week anyway.
  12. He's been a failure everywhere he's spent time including Tampa, Buffalo, and so on.
  13. T-Bomb - have you watched him play? He's an interception machine. He's. not a starter. He'd be lucky to be a 3rd QB
  14. Again, the lack of common sense is over the top by some. Castillo is implementing a new OL scheme and there will be growing pains which is the goal in pre-season to iron out the kinks. So many on this board just rush to fire everyone. Ridiculous. Tells me some have never played sports at a high level. I have and it's an adjustment when you change schemes.
  15. What is wrong with some of you? Never take away the anthem from any of the sporting events. Left wing garbage. They want to protest. Let them. See how well that worked out for Kaepernick. No one who is reasonable condones needless violence of people of color, but defaming the anthem and our military and veterans is reprehensible. I can't believe these comments.
  16. He was playing against back ups in a vanilla system. He may be decent, but yesterday James Lofton on the Blitz made a good point that Dennison is forcing TT to stay in the pocket, focus on quick releases and working the middle. He did that pretty well. In week 1. He expects Dennison to have a ton of designed roll out plays which places pressure on opposing LB's especially if Shady is out side of him so he can pitch it, run it, or throw to Clay, Bolton, or Jones. Too early to tell on TT. If TT sucks in the first four games, I'm fine with a change, but give him a chance while Peterson learns how to make adjustments, read shifts in defense and can call audibles. He'll need at least 4-6 games to learn those things.
  17. Hughes is a terrible idea given his production and not that expensive for a DE. He's perfect for this system. Now the article on trading Ragland to a 3-4 system in KC, but I would want at least a 4th, and a player worthwhile who would fit in our system. LB, DB, WR comes to mind. That would be three players in the system, and next year we would have two 1's, 2's, 3's, and 4's. That would be excellent.
  18. Moss by his own admission too plays off, and TO had a lot of drops. For me it's Megatron, even though he only played til 30 he was so amazing to watch. Great hands, reach, caught everything even when double covered. I also love Fitz. I watched Riceas a kid and was impressive.
  19. My immediate response was WTF? Thinking about it, and listening to WGR yesterday, hearing the speeches from Beane and McDermitt, then listening to Vic this morning on press pass, this could be a good thing. The talent in the trade was definitely a downgrade on each side, but Darby is a man cover going into a zone coverage scheme. Watkins is amazing but he's always hurt. This all depends on the six picks next year getting us a franchise QB, and really hitting on these picks. We definitely can count on the streak to 18 years, but I don't believe we'll tank. We have to hit on the QB next year, even letting TT play next year for him to learn if TT has a good year, and offer TT back up money if he plays well enough. We'll see. I'm tabling judgement on this one until we see what kind of team we have next year. This year 7-9 to 8-8 again.
  20. There is no correlation between these two coaches. Do you not remember the air horn and treating his players too tough. McDermitt is focused on details, disciplined but kind to his players per them. He's not a prick. He also is not telling his players to cheap shot opposing players. From what I read he has an attention to detail, but so does Belicheck and Tomlin. So does McCarthy, and so on. The difference is also Beane was a buffer in Carolina from Gettleman who was known as a prick. We had that great GM Donahue back then (sarcasm) who set us back for years. McDermitt had a good draft, we'll see on free agents, and hired excellent experienced coaches. We're going to be fine. He's converting our defense to what worked well under Schwartz as that is where our players are meant to play. Rex screwed this team up terrible for two years. We actually were 7th in scoring last year, but the defense was atrocious. We will be better.
  21. Agreed. BTW- for the person who hates Rivers, if we had him we would have made the playoffs multiple times. He's one of the most underrated QB's that has had a bad supporting cast.
  22. Has this guy ever heard of yoga? OMG- how many hamstrings when clearly a lack of off season training and prepaeration. God he ticks me off.
  23. These teams that have moved TC back to their home like Tampa (used to be at Disney) was about boosting their own Tampa market, vs a small market like Buffalo placing halfway between Rottenchester and Buffalo (just kidding Rochester folks) expands the market and the theory is to. Expand the fan base so I don't see that changing. They'll never place TC in Canada. Not after that Toronto game debacle. Personally I could care less if they played two of the pre-season games in Toronto if it bolsters up our Canadian season ticket holders as long as all regular season games are in Buffalo. We have to play in London every few years, but hope it's always an away game.
  24. Many of you are right and that back is Tolbert. He can bang the hole. For the comment on not taking hits, he's very good at getting small and evading the big hit. He's the anti marshawn Lynch. Lynch is fun to watch but probable needed that year off being so beaten up.
  25. Boldin was excellent, but not sure if he's lost. Too many steps that he would be easily covered. If he can prove at his workout he still has the speed to play then great. Sign him to the league minimum.
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