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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. What's the harm in having new blood? I'm sure sick Sullivan. Then again, I won't pay the $3 a month for the BN so I don't have to worry about it.
  2. I can't see trading a previously successful LT. they are so hard to get, I can't believe we would trade Glenn. I can see Groy getting in the line up and Dawkins at RT. Miller has lost the confidence of the coaches Nguyen staff. We'll see.
  3. RB addition doesn't make sense when we need WR and pass catching TE's.
  4. His assertion is silly. He gets criticized b/c he's inconsistent. Given who he's throwing to, I'd understand somewhat, but he misses too many open receivers or holds onto the ball too long.
  5. I feel the same. What has he caught 5 out of 21 attempts. That's pathetic. They weren't all bad passes.
  6. I believe people have their own right to decide what to do with their bodies. Does it make sense for him to retire, probably, but it's his choice. I only hope they get better with helmets as it seems like the league is doing everything possible to protect players, but it's a violent sport. I just don't see how they'll ever get rid of concussions unless they turn the NFL into flag football.
  7. He's had two bad injuries, already played 8 years and would cost too much. They want to get younger, not older. This won't happen. Completely against Beane's and McD's strategy. FuNny as they say all the right things, but actions support they are preparing for the future. They are close on defense, maybe more depth,but the bulk of the 8 picks in the 1st 4 rounds will be plugging holes and packaging a couple of picks to get their QB.
  8. Wow two RT's. just kidding John, I know you meant Glenn at LT. The problem is. He's. had a foot problem for a long time. I don't know if a bye week will fix it. I hope you're right as a healthy Glenn would go a long way to help our run game, which then opens up the passing game. We have to hope Mathews, and Gaines will come back after the bye.
  9. Bucs/Cardinals as I live in Tampa and my middle son loves the Cards. Long story. Steelers/Chiefs as that looks to be Thebes game of the day.
  10. I think it's hard to pick out who is the best. As a unit the defense has played lights out. Hyde's excellent, but so has White and Poyer played, Preston Brown has a ton of tackles, the front four have stopped the run all year, and so on.
  11. Doesn't Jim work for the Bills in some capacity? I don't understand why Hughes would call out the most impactful Bill in history.
  12. Ferns you have to stop the gin in the morning. Are you kidding with this thread?
  13. just go to NFL Team Stats for future reference. It's easier to sort than ESPN, besides I hate ESPN. We're 25th in PTS scored on offense, and 26th in yards per game. Atlanta is 4th and 5th respectively in offense. FWIW I alsways follow much more closely in pts scored and pts allowed. Considering we've played two teams that are probably making the playoffs and we're avg a little over 12 pts per game is impressive. We're for real if we beat Atlanta. Cincy and Jets upcoming so if we win this week, we could have 5-1 right after the bye. Do I think we're beating ATL, no but I can hope and root for them.
  14. I thought this was Buffalo Bills morning, not politics. I can certainly watch meet the press, listen to POTUS, etc. but would rather hear about countdown to the game.
  15. We really need a healthy Corey Glenn on th e left and Dawkins on the right. Mills will get destroyed by Miller. Also need to give maybe some tight end help. Maybe even try a 6th lineman. I think our DE can destroy their tackles, but that may not be enough.
  16. It was the Jets.. now Carolina was playing the other worst team in the NFL so no one knows who is going to win. Don't forget Carolina was 6-10 last year to our 7-9. This is a toss up game.
  17. Hard to tell if the defense is playing faster and more cohesive or how incompetent the NYJ are playing right now. We'll start to see after Carolina. I think we can start sound speculation after week 4.
  18. I never remember calling him overrated, only some worried when he might drop off, but that's not happening soon. Let's hope he remains healthy for 16 games as fatso next to him looks like crap. He keeps playing like this and he'll be traded or cut next year.
  19. Pump the brakes. A few years ago KC beat up NE and the Pats won the SB. Oakland and KC as well as Denver will all beat each other up, and several analysts think La Chargers will be better so they may sneak a couple of wins in their division.
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