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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Not that I see him as the best as Marino was amazing, but agree Flutie could have won us that game and could have made it the the SB. We had the #1 defense and could have stopped the Rams.
  2. The loudest I remember was the game in 88 when Fred Smerlas blocked the Jets field goal propelling the Bills to their first AFC East championship in 8 years. This was the game where Van Miller coined the term fandemoniem and we tore down the field goal posts. Fantastic game.
  3. He's never had that good of an NFL career and was glamorized by the Disney movie.. I loved the movie, but he was a journeyman and had such a bad concussion, he hasn't been on the field since last September. He's made enough money to hang them up. I doubt any team will pick him up.
  4. Hilarious! Thanks for a funny Sunday morning. You guys are too much.
  5. What is probable is 7-9 to 9-7, but one can hope for 10 to 11 wins and final make the playoffs. I'm finally coming around to the idea as previous success from competitors does not mean a tough schedule this year. Look how hot Arizona and Carolina were two years ago, and look how they both pretty much sucked last year. Who expected the Dolphins to make the payoffs last year? Well can anyone not say we upgraded at every level in coaching? Why not the Bills this year? Billieve guys for now. If I can't have hope in the summer then why even bother being a Bills fan? So for all the eternal optimists like myself I applaud you. Anyone wants to tell me I told you so in October, no problem. I can get negative in November if we suck, but not now.
  6. I just don't see it unless the NFL tries to strong arm him. Besides he has precedence not having to build a new stadium thinking of arrowhead, soldier field, and Lambaugh. He's making too nice of a profit and there is the infrastructure in OP.
  7. We'd be lucky to nab him next year, but I seriously doubt we'll get him. I don't see him going to SF as they are so bad.
  8. This board has cracked me up this morning. Thanks for the laughs.
  9. I questioned Vic on his offensive line assessment yesterday on Press Pass on NFR. He made some good points but wouldn't acknowledge my comments for their strengths. I hope he's not looking for an interview anytime soon from Glenn or Wood.
  10. As talented as he was for the Ravens, teams need to say no. The NFL should pressure teams not to take him. Why? Their own self interest. What I mean is imagine what will happen to NFL popularity and bad press from a player with known issues with a weakened disk in his C4 if I remember correctly laying on the field for the whole nation to watch paralyzed or killed on the field. Remember when Kevin Everett almost died it changed special teams rules. Remember how you felt in the stadium or on your couch watching him on the ground and the news that day he might die. I don't want anything to do with someone putting themselves at that kind of risk. It's why I don't ever want to see Aaron Williams in an NFL jersey again. He seems like a nice kid. Sometimes you have to protect a player from himself.
  11. The whole team should use yoga as part of their training. The amount of soft tisssue injuries would reduce. If Darius was serious about not getting another hamstring pull, he'd be doing yoga 4x/wk
  12. Agreed. If TT would get rid of the ball in under 3 seconds like every decent QB, the line would look like champs in pass protection. I'm fair balanced as I see a lot TT does well, but he has to improve in seeing his targets faster.
  13. 50% is high but always expected when you coaching staff and they run a different scheme. On NFLR, they have quoted often that most NFL teams turn over at least 30% of their team each year for various reasons, and higher when you change coaching staffs. I'm not overly concerned about it. What is harder is these players to learn another new system which is why I'm skeptical we make the playoffs, but the Dolphins did it.
  14. I know people want to just blame Whaley, but it's Overdorf's job to advise on off setting language, and a firm number on a player and when to walk away. None of us will ever know whether he is decent or not, but Beane hasn't fired him yet, so he's probably staying.
  15. I read we were 7th in scoring last year. Yes, we need to pass more, and I believe Denison will put us in a position to make that happen. McDermitt turned around every defense he coached. That's what has to improve this year.
  16. Whether he is successful or not is debatable, but what he said is what a coach should say. He's trying to turn around a failed program. His success is probably not going to happen with Bortles at the helm. He's a coach killer.
  17. Maybe Darius won't be 20 lbs overweight this training camp with that marine for a position coach and MMA person as our head coach. I have a feeling what Gilleslie described will be the same here. It's one of the reasons I like this staff.. they haven't won any games yet, but they are making lots of the right decisions in hiring the right disciplined coaches with past success, and McDermitt even runs with his players at practices. He's done it since Philly. Thank god no more Camp Rex
  18. My vote has always been to keep the Ralph and just upgrade it. We go to a game each year as we live in FL, and if they just had some more concession options and a little state money in 2022 maintain the building.
  19. I hated when one of my sons years ago asked me about Viagra when we were watching the Bills, but there is nothing we can do about it.
  20. If the Bills want him, they'll get him. They have a lot more money than Baltimore. I certainly hope we pull the trigger. I'd love to see Kim Pegula make a call to Mrs. Maclin if she has that much influence in her husbands decision.
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