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machine gun kelly

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Everything posted by machine gun kelly

  1. Really too bad as he was electric after his first game. These poor Texans with losing two of their best defensive players
  2. Unfortunately I'm sick today so no beer for me. I'm a little nervous, given could be a trap game, but have to believe McD will have them ready.
  3. Agreed. It's all about the coaching and Beane is showing he and his staff are finding gems.
  4. He had 1 1/4 good years, and progressively played worse as people figured him out he is one read QB. I don't agree with his way of protesting, but he has the right to do it. He has said if he is hired he will not continue to kneel. I don't see owners wanting that hot potato. Besides agents jobs are to promote their client.
  5. Franchise QB's almost never leave. There is zero chance he leaves Carolina.
  6. He's not playing. He's just flying in tomorrow so possibly the Saints.
  7. It jus depends on the quality of these college QB's at the end of their year. Several have come back to earth during their season. I think we'll pick someone, but potentially not package picks to move up. I used to think the opposite, but not sure if there is any slam dunk guys who's worth it. I do agree we need to keep adding talent with all of these picks.
  8. We can't overlook the Jets, as the Saints found a defense. That will be tough with. That potent offense.
  9. Hard to say as you never know who's showing up with the Raiders.
  10. The only trade I wasn't crazy about was Watkins. We would be better with him and now that we dumped Dareus, which they planned all along we could have afforded him. He isn't hurt finally so that's the part that sucked these last few years. TT would be so much better with Watkins.
  11. Far overdue. I'm not old enough to have watched him live but the clips of him were fantastic. Too bad Sagan ran him out of town.
  12. Good decision. He barely played and didn't play well. Out of shape, drug suspensions, and didn't buy into new culture. Save a ton of money on the cap. I used to like Dareus, but had enough of him.
  13. I agree. People of him from 2013-14. He's not the same person, been injured from being out of shape at the beginning f each year, as stated above a bloated contract, and now we have 2 1's, 2 2's, 2 3's, 2 4's, and 2 5's as he'll finish the year out. That's a total of 12 picks in all 7 rounds. We'll upgrade to this system.
  14. What happened to her? Not living in Buffalo, I sometimes don't get lol the info. Regardless whatever happened I'm so sorry. I couldn't bear losing one of my three children.
  15. Ice Bowl, you're a class act. Let's hope Rodgers gets back in December and you can weather the storm. My favorite QB in the NFL. Thanks for the kind words. On a separate note, I always root for for you guys, Cleveland, and KC except for when you play us. Love real football cities.
  16. He's really stepped up this year. We needed it with Clay out.
  17. Freakin moron. These idiots deserve everything that happens to them. Some of the partying is fine, but jumping on a table on fire is ridiculous. Makes you want to rethink the police going onto the private lots to protect these fools from themselves.
  18. Listening to WGR this morning at the gym and they speculate the only way Glenn goes is for a 1st and possibly a player. I still think they keep him. I don't know if anyone including the Broncos would part with a left Tackle with recurring ankle injuries.
  19. My funeral. I moved away 25 years ago and still just as much a Bills fan as I was as a kid.
  20. As much as I agree with many of you in what I think of Lynch, other than his first game, he's really been a non-factor most the year. Cooper is who we have to stop. He went bananas finally last TR. we need the other Cooper who keeps dropping the ball this year.
  21. Ice Bowl, always nice to hear from you and sorry about Rogers. I don't agree with the comment about Starr, Favre, and Rogers. Green Bay picks Mgmt, coaching and QB's well. I do think Rogers covers up some deficiencies on you're team as he is fantastic. Eventually he will be on the same plain as Brady and Manning. If Thompson would put a better defense together, you guys would win a lt more SB's. As far as TT, he's a placeholder for next year's draft. We'll see if they allow TT to play out his contract and let our 1st round pick next year sit and learn, or if they throw him in there and place TT as the back up. It's also possible someone likes TT like Denver and trade him for something.
  22. I couldn't agree more going back to the Power Run game, but my guess no way Dennison's changing his scheme.
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