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Bills fan since 87

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About Bills fan since 87

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    Rochester (ADKs originally)

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  1. Shoot me a message if you'd like it. No looking to make any money, free of charge. Just gotta be a Bills fan that intends to go.
  2. Im a phone ticket guy now but man I miss those mid to late July days when season ticket packets arrived in the mail. Even though the games were weeks away it felt like Christmas. Especially when they used to add decent swag.
  3. I remember that game. Such a huge late season win at a tough team. Many had counted us out as we had been sloppy that year. And then just a week later we'd get crushed at Houston in the season finale. And a week after that, in the playoffs, we'd get crushed by Houston again...for 30 minutes, and then history. What a crazy 3 week run in a crazy up and down season.
  4. People are still doing lawn parking around Fisher, right? The shuttle is awful, i'd rather pay the $20-$25
  5. Love the old commercials!! Nothing pulls me back like a commercial I didnt remeber but dont know how i forgot
  6. I would NEVER want to live in, near or around Miami...Or Florida for that matter
  7. Every now and then when I am watching a game I find myself wishing for the old days before graphics were all over our screen. Then I watch old games like these (I remember this one) and wonder how I ever dealt without the score/time not being constantly on my screen. If you tune in late or come back from a beer run to the fridge there could have been 3 touchdowns scored. Who knows? There could have been an injury and only 5 seconds came off the game clock, who knows? Still prefer the old announcers though
  8. Hello, I was reaching out in regard to your response on my post looking for the best options to watch oversees.  As I had mentioned I got the VPN down and watched the Bills/Chargers last year in Peru.  But that was a stand alone game on Peacock.  What is my best option, in your opinion, on watching a regional game (specifically Bills/Texans?)  I know there are a lot of options but what is the best?  what is the most cost effective (or free preferably as I'll already be paying for the VPN) 


    I don't have any experience streaming the Bills when it comes to non stand alone games.  Thanks for any advice and of course, Go Bills!

  9. Summer be damned, GET ME TO FOOTBALL!
  10. Haha, I do love to travel. The Mrs and I didn't have kids so our schedules are pretty free to do so. Normally I NEVER travel during football season. But last year she wanted to do Christmas with her family and this year for her 40th birthday she wanted to do fall in Austria and Germany. I said OK, so long as I only have to miss 1 weekend of NFL. We worked it out, leaving the 30th (morning after Ravels game) and come back the Saturday before week 7. I worry that with last year and this year a precedent is being set so I gotta but a hard stop to that next year
  11. So my wife and I visited her folks in South America this past Christmas ands for the first time I used a VPN (Express) to watch the Bills/Chargers game and everything worked great. This October we will be doing an Austria/Germany road trip and during so the Bills will be playing the Houston Diggs. I figured I'd just use the same VPN again as my prior experience was great. But I got to thinking. That Chargers game was a stand alone on Peacock, where as the Houston game is just a regional game. When I was in Peru the Spectrum app was one of the few apps that wouldn't work as it detected the VPN. So, for a regional game what is my best bet, without having to purchase NFL ticket and hope it works right with Express? Btw, I'll be in Mittenwald, Germany for that game if anyone lives there and wants to have me over 😁
  12. Lisbon, Portugal and Marrakesh, Morocco and Lima, Peru are my most exotic "Go Bills". I always get very slightly annoyed when I say "Go Bills" and the other person doesn't respond the same. Silly I know, but it does non the less....Kinda like when someone calls a pizza a "pie". Slightly annoyed.......
  13. Easy, a lot of us turds had dads who didn't root for the Bills!
  14. My fanatacism started in, you guessed it, the strike season on 1987. I was 11 and grew up in a Giants household/area in the Adirondacks (at that time). I remember people making fun of the Bills and it made me dislike the Giants and Jets, so I hopped on board as we made a playoff push that season; ultimately coming up just short. Still, it wasn't until the next season the roots really took hold. I remember crying after we lost to the Bengals in the AFC championship, back then next season felt eons away. Even at that young age I knew right then and there, as my tears dried, that I was on board for life. Fast forward 36 years and my dad is more a Bills fan than a Giants fan now, my undying loyalty to my team over the years converted him; and now that I live in Rochester its a way we stay connected. Now, if we can win just one while we can enjoy it together. Go Bills!
  15. Oh man, why? Why would anyone do that? I'd panick and probably have a heart attack of I ever found myself in that situation.
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