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Poyer talks about 13 seconds

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That was our year…to have a QB that on fire in the playoffs happens once in a lifetime…Flacco did it, and we should have done the same…what a shame…



Edited by JaCrispy
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This biggest coaching blunder/ stupidity was not forcing KC to burn 4 seconds on a pooch return....Farwell scapegoat 1....then next two consecutive mistakes involved Frazier calling soft zone on the sidelines. Scapegoat 2...Maybe the microscope should be directed at the guy who hires these guys?

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If they run into that situation again, I would just not have anyone rush the QB.  They only have 13 seconds, they either have to throw something fast, or hold onto the ball longer, in which case its good for us.  They are going to do a quick throw so the rush isn't going to get there, and given the time, just put 11 guys in coverage and force a really tight throw.

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4 minutes ago, Pine Barrens Mafia said:

Awesome haven't had a nice chat about 13 seconds lately 


It’s been, well………at least 13 seconds. 



I didn’t check, sorry if I missed one. 


To the OP, it’s legit material, IMO. Tired, but legit. Not ragging on you. 

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5 hours ago, Not at the table Karlos said:

Everything falls at the feet of coaching. If “we all made mistakes” than coaching didn’t prepare them like they should have. 

Sorry.  Maybe I should have said this:  There is no question the team wasn't prepared for the moment, and that of course is on McDermott. 

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Coaches could have coaches better. Players could have stepped up and played better. And for all the "defensive leadership" and experience on that D....not one of them had the forethought to put any input into the call, audible when they saw what was happening change up anything either.


It was a complete failure on the coaching staff from McDermott down and a complete failure on the players involved. 

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McDermott Supporters and McDermott Detractors should suck it up and go to couples therapy. They rehash the same issues over and over--similar to what couples do.


A counselor can straighten that out once and for all.

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Posted (edited)
18 minutes ago, Augie said:


It’s been, well………at least 13 seconds. 



I didn’t check, sorry if I missed one. 


To the OP, it’s legit material, IMO. Tired, but legit. Not ragging on you. 

I only posted this because the Bills have been very tight lipped about 13 seconds.


But as time goes on the TRUTH will eventually leak out.


Poyer is now speaking out giving Bills fans info on what happened. 


You cannot suppress the truth forever and the fans deserve to know

Edited by JakeFrommStateFarm
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1 minute ago, JakeFrommStateFarm said:

I only posted this because the Bills have been very tight lipped about 13 seconds.


But as time goes on the TRUTH will eventually leak out.


Poyer is now speaking out giving Bills fans info on what happened. 


You cannot suppress the truth forever and the fans deserve to know


Yeah, I think we will eventually even know what film stage they used to film the Moon landings! They can’t keep that secret forever! 


I’m over 13 seconds and who did what. I won’t rehash it (again!), but it’s history. Live and learn, then move on. Lordy! 

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4 hours ago, JakeFrommStateFarm said:


While appearing on "The Danza Project," former Bills safety Jordan Poyer was asked about the drive in which the Chiefs tied the game.

"From getting the ball back without much time, without squibbing the ball, and then [we] give up a freaking screen that goes 30 yards down the field to Tyreek [Hill]," Poyer said. "We [were] just playing soft zone. And you look back and you look at the "NFL Films" and you just see really how much more like connected [the Chiefs were] and they were just way better than us in that time."



Poyer was asked about the soft zones, and it was pointed out that Leslie Frazier seemed to call a lot of those styles of defenses, but Poyer didn't point any fingers. 

"You can point fingers here and there and elsewhere," Poyer said. "It was just an entire operation. There's not really one finger that you can point at all because it was the entire end of our game operation that wasn't good enough."


Sounds like a McDermott issue




Class response by Poyer not taking the offered opportunity to throw anyone under the bus

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3 hours ago, JakeFrommStateFarm said:

Come on.


Yes, absolutely the ST coach should have called a squib.


But McDermott couldn't spoken to him through the head phones and said "Lets make sure we do the squib here.  I REPEAT - LETS MAKE SURE WE DO THE SQUIB HERE !!!"


What was McDermott doing during that critical time in the game ?  Leaving the responsibility for such a critical call to someone else ???

Everyone was on the same page for the squib but the kicker. Bass was warming up when everyone else was preparing. Nobody told him. He should have known, but he didn't. Literally everyone was stunned that it wasn't a squib except the kicker.


It was a breakdown in communication. The ST coordinator needs to make sure all his players get the call, and he didn't.


And then everyone lost their minds and had no idea what to do, and that is a preparation and situational football issue. McDermott and everyone else on defense crapped the bed.


I think if Poyer is annoyed with anything it is about still getting questions about this year's later.

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3 hours ago, Beast said:

It has been beat to death about the squib kick. There is a reason the ST coach was fired and Leslie didn’t come back. 


It’s the first thing Poyer mentions - I’ll take that as the players absolutely believed it should have been a Squibb that wasn’t called.  

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4 hours ago, Just Jack said:

I'm just gonna keep posting this anytime someone brings up that game....


Several factors contributed to the loss

1) 13 seconds

2) they had all three time outs left

3) they had Patrick Mahomes, Travis Kelce and Tyreek Hill

4) some Bills players and coaches were already celebrating on the sidelines like the game was over

5) they only needed a FG to tie and go to OT. 

If the 2020 Bills got the ball back down 3 with 13 seconds and 3 TO’s, I would 100% believe that Josh, Prime Stef, Beasley, Brown and Gabe were still alive to tie game.


Upgrade everyone to Mahomes, Kelce, Hill and yeah, for sure.

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1 hour ago, Just in Atlanta said:

Facts all come with points of view. Facts don't do what I want them to. Facts just twist the truth around.



And we're . . . still waiting!!

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