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How do you explain Diggs invisibility act


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Either he quit on the team or his game fell off a cliff and he’s close to being washed. My vote would be for the former. Either way we should move on from him as soon as possible. 

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5 minutes ago, Buffalo_Stampede said:

I remember hearing McDermott talk about preserving him or something. You wonder if this is planned. 

Do we preserve him for the game after KC every year, because he turns into this Stefon whenever we play them..



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I'll be honest I really thought he was playing through some sort of injury.  One where he was able to still suit up and take the field but enough discomfort he couldn't play at his level.  I thought for sure there would be some sort of acknowledgement of this after the season was over but neither Beane or McDermott said anything in their press conferences and Diggs didn't speak to the media so now I'm even more confused than I was during the season trying to get an understanding of what happened.  I just can't believe he completely fell off a cliff in the middle of the season and I don't question his effort as a competitor so it really is confusing.

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so my silly take:


back in the day, the RB1 was the most important skill guy on the team, in some cases more than the qb.  the teams and the culture and what not were structured so that you really wanted a monster as your rb1.  ricky williams, edge james, LT, AP, even as recently as marshawn, you had these guys who by themselves made your o run and made you better.


that's changed, you now have great rbs, but they are devalued, and rb is a a platoon position no matter who the team is.   you also have different rbs who do different things on teh same team.


i think wr has become what rb1 was back in the day.  the true wr1 is a guy who can by himself ball out and make things happen, the d has to double him, or account for him, or whatever.  him being in makes all the other pass catchers better.


anyhow, based on this, there aren't that many true wr1s in the nfl, cinci might have 2.  miami perhaps, but im not so sure.


and that also means diggs, by this rather restrictive analysis, is not quote a wr1.  he's a great player, a top flight player, but he does not make other pass catchers better, or more open.  he does not draw double coverage, he wasn't even covered by sneed on some snaps.  


it also explains why his second halves and stuff fall off so hard.  he's doing a lot of work to get open, and has generally great hands, but he doesn't show up huge in big games (he tends not to show up at all) and having beez and brown and davis made him better, at least as much as the other way around.

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Diggs has been struggling to get separation in man to man. Brady focus's less on Diggs in his O (he likes the 2x TE set and is more run focused). This means less designed or schemed plays for him. Couple that with his drops, his age, and the emergence of Kincaid and it all just means less for Diggs. Truthfully, as good as he is, he's simply not a game changer, he's never been a guy to just take over a game. I think this will be par for the course moving forward. He's been great for JA, but we need a real game changer here.

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11 minutes ago, UConn James said:

It’s a bit sickening that the Vikings picked Justin Jefferson with the pick we traded to get Diggs.

That doesn’t bother me as much as passing on AJ Brown and DK Metcalf a year earlier. I’m not sure Beane and co can properly evaluate receivers. Of course the same can be said for the rest of the league given how late those guys went, BUT you’ve gotta take a swing on one at some point and he’s never felt any of them were worth the value. 

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I just can't believe he didn't make that deep catch.  That he did not reach up with his hands and catch it like an elite WR should.  He's lost it and probably ran away after the game because he's upset with himself more than anything.

Edited by zow2
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I don't agree that, when we first got him, Diggs wasn't a difference maker or a player that could elevate the players around him. Beasely and John Brown looked a hell of a lot more dangerous with Diggs than they did the year before... and then Smoke dissipated, and the following year Diggs played with the fumes of Emmanuel Sanders and the last healthy bits of Beasely. I think at this point in his career he needs more talent around him to be able to take advantage of whatever he has left to give than what Davis, Harty, and Sherfield provide. We need a true WR1 to let Diggs assume the role of WR2 until we can free ourselves of his contract.

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