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  1. Didn't they go in find out it was worse and then do the surgery, like they initially thought what he had was something he could come back from that season.
  2. He was probably all sad Charlie Brown "Why am I even here." before the picks happened.
  3. Or either of the Raiders QB to be as good as the other, they're still really confused about there not being a starting QB.
  4. I don't think Trubisky is terrible in our offense as QB2, the Steelers offense was just awful all over.
  5. Yeah 4 years isn't very long for a Franchise QBs contract, though to be fair with his health history it makes sense even if they do believe in him I guess thought it could be an indicator that they don't but remembered his head injuries and that makes more sense.
  6. It's Bills training camp the answer is Turkeyburger.
  7. Right, and he immediately went on a heater when he went back in.
  8. Yeah he just seems like he's going to be great.
  9. Wasn't that when he went like 5 for 5 throwing ***** dimes?
  10. Raiders: Look at those soft ass Chiefs needing a QB to get it done, real teams don't even need one, that's why we haven't even bothered to find one.
  11. That's awesome, last year I think she visited but only stayed in the car or something, this seems like a lot of progress.
  12. Well I guess that was the, lets not completely destroy our defenses confidence portion of practice.
  13. Clearly they're worried because it's the one place he wasn't dipped in the river Styx.
  14. Having a 3rd solid LB and having depth would be so nice.
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