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  1. How did that happen, did you close your eyes and imagine it? Three more than your zero. Point stands, they could not possibly win one game?
  2. No shot? Bills currently favored by 1.5. There is a shot, lots can happen
  3. Next year draft with the thought availability is the best ability!
  4. This sounds like your view of what the rule should be and sounds nothing like what the rule actually is. There is always a grey area no matter how you try to define a catch when you slow it down to frame by frame but when the ball comes out of your hands come off the ball and double clutch it don't ever expect that to be a catch. If the ball moves and you maintain your hands on it in a controlled fashion...catch.
  5. Who would want a illegitimate 40M QB handing off to a legit 20M RB? Talk about compounding an error!
  6. Hi Jeremy White! I will argue they are in that one they give the other team a shot in the arm and they dont typically change field position like a punt does. If you through an INT in the red zone on either end it is quite a bit different than a punt, both mean points.... If you mean an "arm punt", throwing an INT 40 yards down the field then yeah not that much different other than momentum.
  7. They would win much more than one game, what is your point? The Steelers won a bunch with him, he won a bunch with Chicago, above 500 and got his team to the playoffs twice. You think the Bills would not win a single game? Delusional.........
  8. I would love for you to quote where I said this. If you want to talk about 13 seconds, and the defense getting smashed by KC last year and Cinci the year before in the playoffs, I am here for that discussion.....that does not align with your narrative on my point of view though.
  9. Continue with the names....it just reflects on you. Did you actually look at the links I provided, how do you reconcile the Bills have this terrible slow stat problem, yet they have the second most wins, most points scored and least points against since 2020? If they always have slow starts wouldnt you expect point differential to be closer or have more losses If you are being truly honest would you say maybe the slow start talk is possible overblown? Curious if you are actually open to discussing this logically vs just throwing out names. Since you dont want McDermott, who would you replace him with?
  10. I think bass is to blame for the blocks. He has weird mechanics and a low trajectory.
  11. They will unravel if that happens. It is not quite 3.5 since the dolphins have a game in hand.
  12. going to 4 of 5 SB's and willing 3 of them give him that grace......I dont disagree with this thread but winning SB's is what it is about. Not to mention he has been bad this year yet they are 7-0....his defense is a big reason why.
  13. The team has the second best record in the NFL since 2020....."years" How significant of a problem is this really? They have like the most points scored and least points against in that timeframe. I cannot image what their output would be if they did not always start soooooo slow. So you say they have slow starts, do you have data that backs that up or is it a "feeling"? How do you reconcile the slow starts and the facts from the links below? How does such a poorly coached team have the most points scored and least points against since 2020...YEARS? https://www.statmuse.com/nfl/ask/most-wins-since-2020-nfl https://www.statmuse.com/nfl/ask/most-points-scored-since-2020-nfl-team https://www.statmuse.com/nfl/ask/nfl-team-defense-fewest-points-allowed-per-game-since-2020
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