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  1. This would be a Two fins down if I was a Dolphins fan!
  2. That is a good way to put it. I am so happy she is getting out in public....I am guessing that was not easy for her.
  3. Anyone who is hook line and sinker on either side is a sheep/puppet. Sitting there and saying no no no its the other side that is that shows the level of brainwashed you are.
  4. You assume he would stay healthy…..he typically is out within a couple weeks when he has to play.
  5. You are not looking at it right. Understand completely you are disappointed and you want your team to win. The whole experience, being with friends/family and sharing that experience should not all be a waste of money because your team lost.
  6. MY opinion as an independent...she is a terrible candidate and they have better options..but then again everyone has an opinioni.
  7. I am no expert....there are others in battlegound states that might be better. Harris being from California does not do much in a state that really matters. Why would Michelle Obama be a candidate for president?
  8. I am surprised they are going with Harris. It would seem others give them a better chance.
  9. Absolutely correct. Step one was remove Biden. Step two is anoint their choice. Stay tuned for that.
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