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How the hell does any coach put Preston Brown on all hands team?

Kelly the Dog

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15 hours ago, Kelly the Dog said:

I don't think so. That assumes he completely ignored coaching and wasn't supposed to charge, in the one position that is usually the charge guy. It's impossible for me to imagine he was supposed to block but charged the ball at 7 yards. 


It does happen where guys do completely ignore their assignment.  That's why we see blown assignments on the regular.

My HS football team was coached by a guy who played in college and had tryouts for the NFL but didn't make it.


Our linebackers and bigger guys were in the front line to take out the oncoming guys.  They were supposed to let the ball go through even if it's kicked right to them.  The 2nd line, the WR and defensive backs were supposed to either secure the ball or knock it out of bounds. 


We did have our MLB one game not listen, went after it like Preston Brown did but he fortunately secured it in the air and took it to the house.

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16 hours ago, pennstate10 said:


I think this is a pretty silly comment. 

1). I doubt McD chooses the special team hands team. That responsibility falls to the special team coach..

2). I really doubt this is an "in game" decision by anyone.  This is a professional team. They practice these plays, and they know who will be playing. I'm pretty sure McD isn't prowling the sidelines saying "you, you, and you, get out there for the onsides kick"

Agree with both thoughts

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16 hours ago, Kelly the Dog said:

I'm not sure if this is a Crossman, I assume, or McDermott thing, but who the hell puts a guy like Preston Brown out on a 100% sure onside kick. That is coaching malpractice to a criminal degree. And then he charges and muffs it. That is literally insane. No one. No one. No one does that. He's not even a LB known for his hands. That could have blown the season and it's malpractice of the highest degree. 


I am thinking it was to add some size to the hands team. If you put out all smaller guys then whats to stop the kick and blowup. 


So Brown kinda out there to take on that blowup the catcher play

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24 minutes ago, DrDawkinstein said:

At this point, I question how you put Preston Brown on ANY unit. Dude is totally ineffective and soft. And to add to him standing there and watching while Gronk injured White, yesterday I saw him go out of his way to help Jarvis Landry up a number of times. WTF man?!?

Totally agree.Its painful watching 1 of the worst mlb in the league.And it was disgusting watching him help landry up yesterday.Hes a bum and should never been on hands team for an onside kick

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16 hours ago, Kelly the Dog said:

He could look at Crossman and say WTF is Brown doing in the spot every other team puts a hands guys in there?!!!!


And then he has him rush the ball, short of ten yards by a few yards, and muff it. 

:lol:  This isn't madden; McDermott didn't "have him rush the ball".

16 hours ago, Kelly the Dog said:

I don't think so. That assumes he completely ignored coaching and wasn't supposed to charge, in the one position that is usually the charge guy. It's impossible for me to imagine he was supposed to block but charged the ball at 7 yards. 

It's far more believable that PB did something he wasn't supposed to do than to believe the plan going in was for a LB to be the one to charge and get the ball.  You're just way off here KtD, both in your insistence that a LB should never have been in that area of the lineup and in that Brown couldn't have just screwed up his responsibility. 


All that said, I will STILL blame Crossman. Brown may have made the wrong decision, but it's on the ST coach to practice this over and over and drill the right move into their heads.  A mistake like that reflects on the coach responsible for the play.  IMO, Crossman has proven that he is not a good ST coach.  I was very surprised when he was retained.

Edited by Acantha
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50 minutes ago, Royale with Cheese said:

Here's the Patriots hands team formation.

Multiple linebackers on the front line.



Here's the Packers onside kick formation.

Multiple linebackers on the front line.



The Eagles onside kick formation.  Multiple linebackers.




Stop presenting facts.  I hate that.

43 minutes ago, Commonsense said:

It's the player's mistake not the coaches. Preston Brown playing hero and almost screwing it all up.


Exactly!  I'm surprised that some posters were not aware of this.  On the other hand, considering the penchant to quickly and constantly criticize this coaching and managerial staff does not make it all that surprising.

It's a silly critique. 

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Brown is not out there to be a hands guy,  he is there to slow down the wave of players trying to recover and to allow our guys to get the ball.


The kick-off was so short that Brown actually did the right thing .. he just did not make the play.   It is not a mistake to recover it before 10 yards, it happens all the time on a poor kick.  Before it travels 10 yards it is not a free ball and the receiving is the only team that can legally touch the ball.  So Brown did not do the wrong thing.  The just failed to execute. 


His gaff aside, Brown is a guy I am not very high on.  He can't cover and he is not a great run stuffer either.   I still am pissed he did not go after Gronk but heck, I'm old school in that department. 

Edited by Bob in STL
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Guys complaining don't watch much football. Green Bay vs Seattle. The guy who muffed the recovery was supposed to block so Nelson can catch the ball.

Brown is an idiot and I cant wsit for him to be upgraded.  His job is to wall off the gunners while the real hand team players behind him recover the ball.

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17 hours ago, pennstate10 said:


I think this is a pretty silly comment. 

1). I doubt McD chooses the special team hands team. That responsibility falls to the special team coach..

2). I really doubt this is an "in game" decision by anyone.  This is a professional team. They practice these plays, and they know who will be playing. I'm pretty sure McD isn't prowling the sidelines saying "you, you, and you, get out there for the onsides kick"



A lot of "armchair" and "in hindsight" coaching going on.

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