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Buffalo Bills Fire Offensive Coordinator Greg Roman


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Bills biggest problems going forward:


1. No QB

2. Too much money tied up in players who are/will be going into decline: McCoy, Dareus, Glenn, Hughes.

3. Mediocre drafts/giving up a pick for Watkins = no infusion of younger/cheaper talent.


I can't stand Rex, but bad coaching is not the biggest problem.

Glenn and Hughes are in decline?? Now you are just talking sideways to make a point...that's nonsensical.

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OH! now that's an interesting take on the subject.

Well, seriously. The offense didn't allow Fitz to throw for 374 yards or the Jets offense to have almost 500 yards of offense. Matt Forte rushing for 100 yards, 3 TD's


The Bills defense was the worst part of that game last night and once Hughes went down the Bills had zero QB pressure

Edited by Nihilarian
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In pass protection only.

They also blocked well in the running game. The problem is we don't have a one-cut back that will hit the hole on time and in stride. LeShady did that one time last night for 25 yards. But he picked the wrong hole on the 4th and 1, and he keeps bouncing outside for minimal or negative gains.

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Do you think Rex was going to allow his brother to be fired? Dream on!


There is little talent to build around on the roster. Think about it. Who can you build around that will be here in 2-3 years? Watkins can't stay healthy. Dareus is an addict. Gillmore is gone as a FA. Taylor is a stop-gap QB. Not sure about Lawson or Ragland but the Bills talent pool is pathetic.


Wait a minute.... I am constantly reading about the great roster that Whaley has built. Could that not be true?

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One could say the cluster of idiocy midway through the 4th quarter on the Jets 45 down 24-30 lost the game last night.


Manuel sneak on 3rd and inches? Okay, didn't work. Let's have Manuel trick them to jump offsides! If it doesn't work we'll just waste a timeout that may be extremely valuable later in the game. Okay, timeout is over. Let's bunch everyone up - no wideouts, everyone get together on 4th and 1. Hand it off up the middle right into ALL of the big bodies and directly at the strength of the Jets defense which has given us trouble all night. Go! (Stuffed)


That was absolutely a fireable offense.

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I was wondering if I was the only one who noticed that. I came in late and turned on just as TV was showing a ball flying through the air targeting a Jets receiver. I said "who's QBing the Jets?" Seriously, I did! Then I saw it was Fitz "whoa, really?"

Bizarro world.

Jets keep that up, AFCE might have some competition, if Forte holds up.

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Are they changing offensive philosophy, then? I doubt that anyone else is more qualified than Roman to run a power run scheme.


That said, I'm not against them spreading it out more. Let Tyrod sling it a bit and earn that paycheck. Create more space for Tyrod and McCoy to run.

Weird move.

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Helps when he's facing minimal pressure. Fitz was on our teams for years, so we know what he can do. Hughes was the only one last night to even tough the qb. I place part of the blame on the fact that the defense was just gassed. the offense could not stay on the field.

Defense did pressure him early and hard . I was caught thinking , Bills defense are going to destroy him tonight.

shame on me.


Thanks Cornerblitz.


Football is a business that pays for results. I don't think it's optimal to fire a guy mid-season, but it's entirely possible that the post-season analysis included a laundry list of improvements for G-Ro:

1) more timely play calling

2) better game management: time outs etc

3) installation and practice on a hurry-up offense


So from the first 2 games, regardless of the number of points the D allowed, we see that the Bills still have absolutely no hurry-up offense, have poor game management, and the scuttlebut is plays coming in late. If that was behind the firing, he's being fired for performance issues, and scapegoating really isn't the term. Gabriel is NOT in a position to know if he is, or if he isn't, but he can surely see the game management problems on the O side of the ball.


Then we get to the concerns raised last year by Dilfer, Billick, and Simms about the type of passing game the Bills were running.

good post

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Glad it isn't Palmer.


Overall, pretty stoked.


That Baltimore game was one of the worst performances since 1979 and minus those two bombs, the play calls were iffy. Anthony Lynn interviewed for OC positions before. Who knows, the Bills have 9 days to prepare for the Cards, who travel east and their record reflects they have issues traveling east.

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too bad I like the guy but coaches need to realize that when you had success with another team doesn't mean you can do the same thing here. In SF he had a mauling Oline, crushing fullbacks and power runners, we don't have any of that here and has been why are running game has been inept. The only reason we led the league last yr was because TT inflated the stats. And now that teams have figured out TT he has been exposed for what he is, which is an athlete with a big arm who can't see the field.

They have a crushing FB that they rarely use.

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It wouldn't make sense to fire everyone during the season there is only so much you can do. The offense has stunk both games.


I never liked romans style. We have playmakers we rarely use. I watch other teams move down the field. In Buffalo I'm just hoping we can get a 1st down.


But I agree the whole thing is pitiful and am glad they are trying to do something. Even if it has low odds of payoff this season.

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