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Marcell Dareus entering rehab


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HE's going to depression rehab?


It's pretty common that people with mental issues, such as depression, self-medicate with booze and drugs. (It's especially common in airline pilots - usually booze, wrap your head around that. Why? They can't accept treatment and specific medications without losing their certificates. Zoloft is prohibited ,but booze is fine saith the FAA, just so long as you stop long enough before flying).


A point of rehab is to bring out underlying issues and start a program to address them.


Depression is speculation of course, but it would kind of be a surprise if all the losses Dareus has suffered of people close to him, *didn't* leave him with some sort of mental issues.

Edited by Hopeful
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Actually, I'm a physician. I have cared for many patients who were actively suicidal. I agree, MDD manifests in different ways (although the DSM would beg to differ), but people who are actively suicidal are pretty uniform in their behaviors and mannerisms.

I should have been more careful with my words. I have two main points: People often go out for a big last hurrah before entering rehab and people entering rehab generally start out in a hospital style, supervised setting. I never said Marcel was suicidal, only that it's complicated and it's one of many things that needs to be guarded against. I think it's probably a simple as most people are suggesting. I hope and pray Marcel has no serious issues, and whatever they may be I hope he can deal with them productively.

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Hey, I'm not saying he's not trying to game the system. Not for a second. I just know more about the rehab system than I ever wanted to know. When faced with 30 days of all day sessions with groups and counsellors, people change their tune. There's a reason the initial monitoring exists. I was clear that it's a precaution, but it's common industry wide.


Also, I'm guessing you don't know a lot about depression. It manifests in many ways and it's not just the guy in the chair in the corner who can't look up from the floor.


I'm not saying it's any of this, but I'm sure most people here just don't get the complexity of the situation.

ill preface this with the fact that i appreciate you sharing your experiences with this - i think most people lack compassion and understanding with issues of addiction and your willingness to give it a human element in our discussions is a great thing in my book.


with that said, my gut says that this experience is probably a bit unlike your own experiences with the field of addiction. Obviously we dont know whats behind the scenes, and ill admit i could be totally wrong -- but as much as you were willing to let the issue of going out that night go.... i think it would be different in your book if it was your family member going out with other family members (or key employee with fellow employees).


even if we assumed its a serious addiction that we arent privy to -- yea, the addict might go out and party it up with friends and enablers, but id think youd agree its a messed up situation for the organization for him to do it with teammates. sure, MD might want to, but youd hope someone in the group would have a serious moment with him.


if it isnt addiction, and this is just for show -- youd hope someone in the crowd would at least say "if we are doing this for show, maybe we should keep appearances up for more than a few hours and go back to someones house"

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Addiction or not, this guy's statement (prepared press releases) is 100% different from his actions. I think his biggest issues are that he is immature and selfish. One who hits rock bottom and acknowledges a problem does not go out to a bar the same day he releases a statement saying he is checking into rehab. He is playing this organization for fools. Cut your losses- trade him for whatever you can get and move on.


P.S. shame on his teammates and friends who were with him partying. A true teammate or friend would have gotten him out of there.

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I never meant to imply I was OK with him going out. Not for a second! Just that it didn't shock me. Disappointed? Absolutely! Shocked? Sadly no. And I have zero idea what his real deal is, and never meant to imply I did. It certainly looks horrible. I just hope he figures it out and gets back on the field to help us win some games!!!

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I never meant to imply I was OK with him going out. Not for a second! Just that it didn't shock me. Disappointed? Absolutely! Shocked? Sadly no. And I have zero idea what his real deal is, and never meant to imply I did. It certainly looks horrible. I just hope he figures it out and gets back on the field to help us win some games!!!

I'm at exactly the same place as you.

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I never meant to imply I was OK with him going out. Not for a second! Just that it didn't shock me. Disappointed? Absolutely! Shocked? Sadly no. And I have zero idea what his real deal is, and never meant to imply I did. It certainly looks horrible. I just hope he figures it out and gets back on the field to help us win some games!!!

no worries - i think i may have worded mine poorly. i was mostly getting at the difference between the person going out with his friends/enablers there being semi-expected VS the person going out with his expected support system being a big red flag on both sides.... and that being regardless of how serious the situation.


ie you wouldnt be OK with it but its not unheard of or the end of the world if you heard your loved one went out for a last party -- but if that was with your wife and kids it would be a much bigger WTF moment. whether serious, or just for show.

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I never meant to imply I was OK with him going out. Not for a second! Just that it didn't shock me. Disappointed? Absolutely! Shocked? Sadly no. And I have zero idea what his real deal is, and never meant to imply I did. It certainly looks horrible. I just hope he figures it out and gets back on the field to help us win some games!!!

Agree 100%

if he really is going to get rehab he does not appear ready....or this just a ploy.

In either case being there was totally wrong as a place to start rehab or he is stupid if he is trying to fool the NFL and the Bills

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Again, you fail to answer the question & because I've posed it twice, the second time with more details, it's obvious that you won't. I hope that this doesn't come across as crass, but, I'm glad that you aren't my doc, Doc.


So am I because I've answered the question and it's obvious you want to hear what you want to hear. You want a generalization whereas I'm talking specifically about this case.

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For anyone who didn't hear Sal on WGR this morning... While it's not the best optics, there was a planned team event that night that he attended, there are no pics of him drinking or smoking, and though some may think you can decide to go to rehab one minute and then walk straight into a facility, it doesn't work that way. With voluntary rehab You need to find a spot, talk to your family, pack, etc. It isn't a given that he would have entered the facility on sat. Night. Should he have just stayed home for the optics of it, yes! Not smart because it just looks bad. Is it the worst thing for him that he had fun with his teammates before going away for a month... not really. Pretty typical.


I don't know if I trust him that he's completely serious about changing his ways and think he may just be doing it to get his suspension reduced but the pics aren't egregious IMO.

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I should have been more careful with my words. I have two main points: People often go out for a big last hurrah before entering rehab and people entering rehab generally start out in a hospital style, supervised setting. I never said Marcel was suicidal, only that it's complicated and it's one of many things that needs to be guarded against. I think it's probably a simple as most people are suggesting. I hope and pray Marcel has no serious issues, and whatever they may be I hope he can deal with them productively.


This isn't too flattering considering it originated from this board.

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Let me preface this by saying, if I'm wrong, and I hope I am, and he truly needs this, I hope he gets all the help he needs. I have too many family members who have gone to rehab multiple times before kicking the habit.


That being said, it seems to me like this is just a way to show the league that he's really trying, in hopes of reducing the punishment.

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"Last year, I made a mistake involving possession of a banned substance," Dareus said in a statement. "The NFL's discipline for this conduct is part of the drug policy, and I apologize to my family, my teammates, the entire Bills organization and Bills fans that I will miss one game as a result of my mistake. I will work intensely that week and will be extremely happy to contribute to a win in week two for the Bills." - 2015



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For anyone who didn't hear Sal on WGR this morning... While it's not the best optics, there was a planned team event that night that he attended, there are no pics of him drinking or smoking, and though some may think you can decide to go to rehab one minute and then walk straight into a facility, it doesn't work that way. With voluntary rehab You need to find a spot, talk to your family, pack, etc. It isn't a given that he would have entered the facility on sat. Night. Should he have just stayed home for the optics of it, yes! Not smart because it just looks bad. Is it the worst thing for him that he had fun with his teammates before going away for a month... not really. Pretty typical.


I don't know if I trust him that he's completely serious about changing his ways and think he may just be doing it to get his suspension reduced but the pics aren't egregious IMO.

Do you think the poor optics will affect his ability to reduce his suspension? Does it maybe cast doubt on whether he is actually taking his drug use seriously?

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For anyone who didn't hear Sal on WGR this morning... While it's not the best optics, there was a planned team event that night that he attended, there are no pics of him drinking or smoking, and though some may think you can decide to go to rehab one minute and then walk straight into a facility, it doesn't work that way. With voluntary rehab You need to find a spot, talk to your family, pack, etc. It isn't a given that he would have entered the facility on sat. Night. Should he have just stayed home for the optics of it, yes! Not smart because it just looks bad. Is it the worst thing for him that he had fun with his teammates before going away for a month... not really. Pretty typical.


I don't know if I trust him that he's completely serious about changing his ways and think he may just be doing it to get his suspension reduced but the pics aren't egregious IMO.


Dareus didn't say he was going to go crawl into a hole, he said he would be going to rehab. If he really is depressed as many of us believe, I can't criticize him for wanting to spend social time with teammates. Unless something comes out that he was drinking/smoking or acting in an otherwise careless manner, I think this is much ado about nothing.


Wouldn't we have seen something out of the witch hunting local media if this was a big deal?

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Do you think the poor optics will affect his ability to reduce his suspension? Does it maybe cast doubt on whether he is actually taking his drug use seriously?


Why should it matter what exact day and time he enters rehab? He missed the test(s) months ago. A few more days won't change anything.

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