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Trump Alone at the Top

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I respectfully disagree with anybody to think Trump is a Clinton plant. And I bet if you asked slick right now, he would say he regrets telling Donald to enter the race because he also thought he had no chance.

Agree. The chances that he's doing this to help the Clintons at great personal expense and putting himself and his family through all this is pure poppycock.

He does have no chance.

His chances have grown continuously over the past year, but by no means am I anticipating him winning.

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lol Google. Ok. It's "technical bug" I thought "Don't Be Evil" was their mantra. Or something like that. Most powerful media outlet in the world and they are engaged in political manipulation to get a known criminal elected. Not surprising since the former ceo Schmidt landed some high paying gig in the government.


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The only reason I do not openly disagree with you is that I was so wrong in my predictions about how the last two elections turned out that I have no more faith in my electoral perception, and even less faith in the American voter.

His only chance is if Russia releases emails that are so bad she has to be indicted on charges.


Or something like a Putin/Hillary sex tape.


It's still July. By the time November rolls around those polls will widen, and she'll blow the doors off him.


It's just my opinion. I could be wrong. But I'm probably not.

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His only chance is if Russia releases emails that are so bad she has to be indicted on charges.


Or something like a Putin/Hillary sex tape.


It's still July. By the time November rolls around those polls will widen, and she'll blow the doors off him.


It's just my opinion. I could be wrong. But I'm probably not.

Don't count on either one of these.

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His only chance is if Russia releases emails that are so bad she has to be indicted on charges.


Or something like a Putin/Hillary sex tape.


It's still July. By the time November rolls around those polls will widen, and she'll blow the doors off him.


It's just my opinion. I could be wrong. But I'm probably not.

There is a better chance IMO that you are right rather than wrong but Hillary is such a flawed candidate, such an easy target and it's looking more like the Bernie supporters aren't coming her way anytime soon.

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Ok Captain Conspiracy what happens to the Clintons if she is elected and this comes out as a fact?


And what this really shows is how bad a candidate she is. They conspired to pick the one person she could easily beat and she may just lose.


She is going to be elected, and it'll be a big margin.


If she loses, it'll restore a lot of my faith in the process -- which isn't an endorsement of Trump but it'll show me that I've been off the mark.


Agree. The chances that he's doing this to help the Clintons at great personal expense and putting himself and his family through all this is pure poppycock.


He's doing nothing more than he's done in the past. He's been in the tabloids, run through the muck (when he isn't bathing in it himself), he's been a public figure for decades and his family as well.


The poppycock is believing that he's suddenly morphed from someone who only cares about his own brand and bottom line into someone who's running to make the country great again.


He's not. He's running to keep the Trump name relevant.


He has a very real chance. Better than McCain or Romney at the very least.


He has no chance. He's not even trying to win. Look at how is campaign is organized (under staffed, under funded) -- someone trying to win doesn't go to war against the establishment Clintons without an army.


It's July. By October HRC will have a 7 point lead. I'm guessing she wins by double digits when it's all said and done -- or at the very least it'll be a "landslide" kind of victory.

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He's running to keep the Trump name relevant.


Perhaps, but that's a lot different than your usual assertion that he's doing it help Hillary.


I suspect after the Olympics, Trump's Super PAC will be let loose and he'll start spending more as well.


I didn't earlier, but I'm starting to think he's got a real shot at this.

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His only chance is if Russia releases emails that are so bad she has to be indicted on charges.


Or something like a Putin/Hillary sex tape.


It's still July. By the time November rolls around those polls will widen, and she'll blow the doors off him.


It's just my opinion. I could be wrong. But I'm probably not.




She is going to be elected, and it'll be a big margin.


If she loses, it'll restore a lot of my faith in the process -- which isn't an endorsement of Trump but it'll show me that I've been off the mark.



He's doing nothing more than he's done in the past. He's been in the tabloids, run through the muck (when he isn't bathing in it himself), he's been a public figure for decades and his family as well.


The poppycock is believing that he's suddenly morphed from someone who only cares about his own brand and bottom line into someone who's running to make the country great again.


He's not. He's running to keep the Trump name relevant.



He has no chance. He's not even trying to win. Look at how is campaign is organized (under staffed, under funded) -- someone trying to win doesn't go to war against the establishment Clintons without an army.


It's July. By October HRC will have a 7 point lead. I'm guessing she wins by double digits when it's all said and done -- or at the very least it'll be a "landslide" kind of victory.


I believe you guys are looking at this particular election as if it were a normal one. It's not. Forget about Trump's policy positions (or lack thereof) and the standard electoral procedures we're all accustomed to seeing. Trump eviscerated most of his republican rivals (several of whom I would have vastly preferred gain the nomination), and he trounced the rest. It's not because he has better positions on the issues, it's not because he's more skillful at politics - hell, it's not like he even knows what he's talking about half the time. Trump's where he is because he defies convention and ignores custom. Look at what he's done so far this week - he's stolen the headlines from the democrats during the first three days of their convention, a time when the opposition is traditionally quiet and lets the other party carry on with their nomination process. With a handful of sarcastic remarks, he completely eclipsed both Bill Clinton's and Obama's speeches - and despite the fact that I like neither of them, I credit both as being charismatic and effective speakers. The political heavy-hitters haven't been able to stop him yet, and I'm not sure they're going to be able to. He has a following of Republicans who feel as if they've been ignored (whether true or not) by "the establishment", a fair amount of blue dog and union Democrats, and an ever-growing group of people who've never voted before and don't identify with any party. He's tapped into the anger and frustration felt by millions of people, and he has them really believing that he can fix things for them.


Nearly every single person here who leans to the right, is a Libertarian, a Republican, or a concerned independent believes that Trump is not the best person for the job (and I realize that I'm understating that wildly in some cases), but I believe our biases and our familiarity with conventional politics tends to blind us to the reasons why Trump has managed to get to this point, and I suspect that we may be selling him short with regard to his ability to actually win the election.


If anyone here feels the way that I do about the possibility of his winning, then they're likely nervous as hell at the prospect of president Trump, but given the choice between him and Hillary, they may actually find themselves pulling the lever for him, while crossing their fingers and saying a silent prayer.

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I believe you guys are looking at this particular election as if it were a normal one. It's not. Forget about Trump's policy positions (or lack thereof) and the standard electoral procedures we're all accustomed to seeing. Trump eviscerated most of his republican rivals (several of whom I would have vastly preferred gain the nomination), and he trounced the rest. It's not because he has better positions on the issues, it's not because he's more skillful at politics - hell, it's not like he even knows what he's talking about half the time. Trump's where he is because he defies convention and ignores custom. Look at what he's done so far this week - he's stolen the headlines from the democrats during the first three days of their convention, a time when the opposition is traditionally quiet and lets the other party carry on with their nomination process. With a handful of sarcastic remarks, he completely eclipsed both Bill Clinton's and Obama's speeches - and despite the fact that I like neither of them, I credit both as being charismatic and effective speakers. The political heavy-hitters haven't been able to stop him yet, and I'm not sure they're going to be able to. He has a following of Republicans who feel as if they've been ignored (whether true or not) by "the establishment", a fair amount of blue dog and union Democrats, and an ever-growing group of people who've never voted before and don't identify with any party. He's tapped into the anger and frustration felt by millions of people, and he has them really believing that he can fix things for them.


Nearly every single person here who leans to the right, is a Libertarian, a Republican, or a concerned independent believes that Trump is not the best person for the job (and I realize that I'm understating that wildly in some cases), but I believe our biases and our familiarity with conventional politics tends to blind us to the reasons why Trump has managed to get to this point, and I suspect that we may be selling him short with regard to his ability to actually win the election.


If anyone here feels the way that I do about the possibility of his winning, then they're likely nervous as hell at the prospect of president Trump, but given the choice between him and Hillary, they may actually find themselves pulling the lever for him, while crossing their fingers and saying a silent prayer.

A quote from a friend of mine from about a month ago......


"I'm going to vote for Trump but he sure is making it hard for me to do it"

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Perhaps, but that's a lot different than your usual assertion that he's doing it help Hillary.



For clarity, I'm not saying his sole motivation is to help Hillary. I do believe he didn't expect to get the nomination at the outset and thus didn't campaign as a real candidate -- more an assassin. Then, once Bush dropped out, he was kind of stuck. Whether he was actively trying to help Hillary or not is complete speculation and I think it's unlikely. I do think it's possible the Clintons nudged him to run, playing to his ego, because they realized he could help her cause. I just think a narcissist like Trump would buy their sales pitch hook, line and sinker without the Clinton team needing to actively collude with The Donald.


All of that is certainly speculation on my part.


What's not speculation (at least imo) is that Trump will be making money off this campaign for decades. Regardless of what's said about him in the media, this election cycle is a legacy marker for the Trump brand. I don't doubt he's a competitive SOB who wants to win on some level -- but I don't think he cares if he loses. Like, at all. I think he'd welcome it because it'd mean not having to do the actual bullshite that comes with the gig.




I believe you guys are looking at this particular election as if it were a normal one. It's not. Forget about Trump's policy positions (or lack thereof) and the standard electoral procedures we're all accustomed to seeing. Trump eviscerated most of his republican rivals (several of whom I would have vastly preferred gain the nomination), and he trounced the rest. It's not because he has better positions on the issues, it's not because he's more skillful at politics - hell, it's not like he even knows what he's talking about half the time. Trump's where he is because he defies convention and ignores custom. Look at what he's done so far this week - he's stolen the headlines from the democrats during the first three days of their convention, a time when the opposition is traditionally quiet and lets the other party carry on with their nomination process. With a handful of sarcastic remarks, he completely eclipsed both Bill Clinton's and Obama's speeches - and despite the fact that I like neither of them, I credit both as being charismatic and effective speakers. The political heavy-hitters haven't been able to stop him yet, and I'm not sure they're going to be able to. He has a following of Republicans who feel as if they've been ignored (whether true or not) by "the establishment", a fair amount of blue dog and union Democrats, and an ever-growing group of people who've never voted before and don't identify with any party. He's tapped into the anger and frustration felt by millions of people, and he has them really believing that he can fix things for them.


Nearly every single person here who leans to the right, is a Libertarian, a Republican, or a concerned independent believes that Trump is not the best person for the job (and I realize that I'm understating that wildly in some cases), but I believe our biases and our familiarity with conventional politics tends to blind us to the reasons why Trump has managed to get to this point, and I suspect that we may be selling him short with regard to his ability to actually win the election.


If anyone here feels the way that I do about the possibility of his winning, then they're likely nervous as hell at the prospect of president Trump, but given the choice between him and Hillary, they may actually find themselves pulling the lever for him, while crossing their fingers and saying a silent prayer.


I hear you, and agree with a lot of what you're saying here. There's no question people are fed up and looking to rock the system. We've seen it in Europe, we're seeing it here. I'm just less optimistic that the system is on the level and don't think there's any way the system will let HRC lose... but hoping to be wrong. (again, not an endorsement of Trump :beer:)

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1. His only chance is if Russia releases emails that are so bad she has to be indicted on charges.


2. Or something like a Putin/Hillary sex tape.




1. There was far more than enough convict her already and there is nothing possible that would make the lap dogs at FBI/DOJ like Comey indict her on anything. She can literally do anything and she will never be punished for whatever it may be. It is completely clear that she deliberately hid information from the American public in a manner which had that goal as part of its design. She held one of the highest offices in the land while doing so and a "man of honor" like James Comey looked the other way. Granted the "man of honor" crap was a hoax to build up this filth called Comey the whole time, but guys like that are a dime a dozen in DC and they'll easily find another one if necessary.


2A. Gross.

2B. Mr. Putin, Mrs. Putin or both?

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His only chance is if Russia releases emails that are so bad she has to be indicted on charges.


Or something like a Putin/Hillary sex tape.


It's still July. By the time November rolls around those polls will widen, and she'll blow the doors off him.


It's just my opinion. I could be wrong. But I'm probably not.


There could be a video of Hillary having a threesome with Monica Lewinsky and a Chinese spy with a folder of nuke secrets and a bag of cash on the dresser and it wouldn't cause a ripple.


One thing I've learned about liberals -- they absolutely do not care one iota about corruption. As long as a politician is preaching the left wing line, they absolutely don't care. It explains the love fest with the left wing dictators. Of course if the wife of the other party's candidate copies a few lines from an old speech, look out!!



In the end, enough people will get to the voting booth and say to themselves "holy ****, Donald Trump??" and pull the Hillary lever.

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1. There was far more than enough convict her already and there is nothing possible that would make the lap dogs at FBI/DOJ like Comey indict her on anything. She can literally do anything and she will never be punished for whatever it may be.


Seriously. She could kill a man and dump his body in a national park in full view of the public, and no one would bat an eye...

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Seriously. She could kill a man and dump his body in a national park in full view of the public, and no one would bat an eye...


Not only that, but she could probably make it look as if he pulled the trigger himself without the gun flying from his hand, and leave a torn-up suicide note at the scene, because everyone always tears up their suicide notes before they shoot themselves.

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Seriously. She could kill a man and dump his body in a national park in full view of the public, and no one would bat an eye...

Yeah, but the kid that saw her do it didn't pay admission to the park, which is a serious infraction, and shows blatant disregard for the law.
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Yeah, but the kid that saw her do it didn't pay admission to the park, which is a serious infraction, and shows blatant disregard for the law.


These would be funny if she hadn't spat on the graves of men whose deaths she lied about. She is utterly disgusting.

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Not only that, but she could probably make it look as if he pulled the trigger himself without the gun flying from his hand, and leave a torn-up suicide note at the scene, because everyone always tears up their suicide notes before they shoot themselves.

And then go on TV about the need for gun control

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