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Ice bowl 67

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During the 1992 playoff comeback win when you beat the Oilers?

At the game....my whole row was empty in 3rd QTR....sitting basically by myself. My brother said....let's stay...if this is the end let's give them a big thank you at the end of the game. I stayed the whole game

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In the old section J-2. A few rows up, Bills side, scoreboard side. One of the reasons we didn't leave is because we smuggled in so much booze/beers (those were the days), no one wanted to bother carrying it back to the car. I admit, I was resigned to our fate. Then, well, you know. Hilarious to watch people scaling the fences halfway through the 3rd.


Partied at the old Morrisey's on Abbott after. Lived in the neighborhood. Once we showed our stubs and said we stayed, I don't think we paid for a drink after the first round. Didn't make to work until Tuesday. And I was late lol.

Edited by gomper
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At the Fraternity House Sports Bar in Tampa with another Buffalo buddy transplant. By the end f the game, we were high fiving and swearing we would both road trip to Pittsburgh for the next playoff game.


Of course we sobered up, and back then realized we have no money (first job out of college), and watched it at the same bar the next week. The waitresses were the absolute hottest in town.

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At a bar in the Flats in Cleveland with my uncle and a buddy. The Boathouse maybe? The Harbor Inn? It's gone now at any rate. A truly great few hours though. My uncle got into an arguement with a guy during the first half and they kept going round and round. My uncle (who is white) kept calling Warren Moon "the biggest choke artist he's ever seen" and the other guy (who was black) kept arguing that he was wrong and that he was only saying that because Moon was black. My uncle (who is not racist) kept arguing why, but the arguement always came back the same place, with the guy basically calling my uncle out as racist.


So my uncle keeps telling the guy that Moon is going to choke away the game because "that's just who he is". That guy was so mad I couldn't believe he didn't start a fight. At halftime he finally told my uncle to put his money where his mouth was and they bet $20 each on who would win. The bartender had been watching most of the exchange and agreed to hold the money. The guy just got more and more mad as the second half of the game went on and finally left before it ended.


I asked my uncle why he made the bet with the Bills down so much and he said that if he lost he was only out $20, but if he won he was going to have a great story. Incidentally my uncle (and I) were born and raised Browns fans. We both really enjoyed watching the great Bills teams, but the bet didn't come from any allegiance. Great few hours there that day.

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At Rich Stadium, watching the game...We had six seats for seasons that year and picked up another 10 for people that wanted to go to the playoff games. Except for my father and I, the other 14 people we were with left before halftime to go wallow (i.e. get hammered) in the parking lot. I asked my dad if we could stay for the third, which he thankfully agreed. Reich threw that pick 6 to start the second half and then we agreed if Buffalo didn't score the following drive we would then leave. They ended up scoring, we stayed and saw history!

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Watched it at the old Strykersville Lanes, the owner used to show the blacked-out games. We had ordered food at halftime, so that kept us there until the comeback began. The bar went from half empty to packed by the end of the third quarter.

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I "watched" the first few minutes of the game at Otto's in Cheektowaga. But it was so crowded and the TV was so small, I couldn't see anything. So I went home and listed to the rest of the game on the radio. I had to be to work at around 4:00 so I was listening to the end of the game in the car. When we won, I ran into the building and all of my co-workers were screaming and freaking out. What a great memory.

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