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Question for everyone....

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If they're not in Buffalo, they're not the Bills to me.


People from Baltimore did not root for the Colts prior to getting the Ravens - quite the contrary.


People from Cleveland despised the Ravens prior to getting the new Browns.


I see much of the same here.


If the NFL wants to sever one of the most loyal and hard core fan bases that go back to the AFL…and destroy true American football culture….go right ahead and move em to Toronto…….then fuk off. I will never watch your soul-less tainted corporate product even if you keep our name and logo. One move in the direction of Can-Am garbage….putting a maple leaf on the charging Buffalo or the Jerseys and I am done for life.

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This would be a tough one. Since they would no longer be associate with the old home town I would feel somewhat violated. The other side is rooting for this team has been a family tradition like nothing else has. No matter what we are always in touch to root for this team. We celebrate the victories and are crushed by the defeats.

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You could just turn it off like that?




Ask the Cleveland fans if they are now Ravens fans? Answer: No! and it was no before they were given another team.


Ask the Baltimore fans if they now cheer for the Colts? Answer: No! and again, it was that way before they were given the Ravens (Browns).


Ask fans in LA if they still cheer for the Rams, or Raiders? Answer: No! why would they?


So, if the Bills did leave Buffalo, I would probably switch loyalties. And after 13 years of misery, and a bunch more before the Super Bowl run, I think I also have the right to pick a winning team, just so I can enjoy that experience again. And especially so I can feel what its like for my favorite team to win a Super Bowl. Which is becoming a Bucket List kind-of thing for us older fans.


Hmmmm? So who? Patriots? Broncos? Saints? Colts? Well, we'll see when it comes.

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Ask the Cleveland fans if they are now Ravens fans? Answer: No! and it was no before they were given another team.


Ask the Baltimore fans if they now cheer for the Colts? Answer: No! and again, it was that way before they were given the Ravens (Browns).


Ask fans in LA if they still cheer for the Rams, or Raiders? Answer: No! why would they?


So, if the Bills did leave Buffalo, I would probably switch loyalties. And after 13 years of misery, and a bunch more before the Super Bowl run, I think I also have the right to pick a winning team, just so I can enjoy that experience again. And especially so I can feel what its like for my favorite team to win a Super Bowl. Which is becoming a Bucket List kind-of thing for us older fans.


Hmmmm? So who? Patriots? Broncos? Saints? Colts? Well, we'll see when it comes.

If you want to cheer for a Super Bowl winning team, as other have said, just continue cheering for the Bills in whatever new town/country they moved to. EVERYONE on this board knows all to well, that with our luck the London Bills would win the Super Bowl within 3 yrs of the move.

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If they leave wny I'm out. A lot of it for me is that I enjoy the local media that covers the team. However if they moved to canada I would not follow them even if the local media coverage remained, just on principle.

This franchise was one of the building blocks of what the nfl has become. The thought of selling it off to Canadian interests disgusts me.


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I'd throw in the towel on the Bills or whatever they became, and maybe take a very dispassionate interest in the Giants since I'm in NYC. There is too little time to waste on a league that seems to prioritize money and TV ratings above all else. The Bills are the only thing keeping me in it.


When was the last time you saw anything as exciting as what happened this past Saturday in Auburn in the NFL? The Giants' SB win over the Pats, maybe?

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You could just turn it off like that?




Yes.. I very much agree...


I have suffered through Bills fandom because of their connection to the city / region. If they move they become dead to me ... Not unlike the Clippers ... Who cares about them? (with all due respect to our resident board Clippers fan)


I even think moving them to Toronto is a travesty for both cities. Toronto is a city with its own character, traditions and sports. I could support putting the Bills in NF on either side of the border making them a truly shared team with one big if - if they remain the Buffalo Bills.


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It's been 48 years as a fan. I was in 2nd grade when Butch Byrd and Al Bemiller were special guests at McKinley Elementary's Father and Son Sports Night. So many aspects of the Bills, Buffalo, and my life are intertwined that it you take the Bills out of Buffalo, it's like taking a leg or an arm. They leave and I am done. No replacement franchise-EVER.


On another note: The media loves to report on how many different NFL jerseys they can spot at Rogers. Get a clue, hacks, the people attending in different jerseys are there to watch an NFL game, not the Bills. It's a curiosity, like going to the circus. They don't travel to the Ralph, and this is as close as they'll get to real NFL football. Good luck building a fan base with that to work with, Jon Bon Jovi.

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Depends on where they moved, but probably. What's the alternative? Stop watching football? Start cheering for a new team?


Why the hell would you continue to choose to root for THIS franchise even if they moved. Then it is simply a question of who do you like ... trust me you don't like this team absent the town. Nobody does.

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Funny how many around here who have moved away from Buffalo for financial gain are death on the Bills doing the same thing. Ah well.


As a kid, when there were no Bills, my favorite teams were the Brooklyn Dodgers, the Minneapolis Lakers and the Cleveland Browns. All 3 of them moved (and the Browns were replaced in my affections by the new Bills franchise). I hated the Dodgers and Lakers for moving...but then so did I, to Los Angeles, and the romance was renewed. So if you want to continue being a Bills fan if they move, the solution is to move yourself wherever they go.

I won't speak for others but I became an economic exile when the jobs fled the Buffalo area in the late 70s and early 80s. If you call getting a decent job financial gain then I am guilty. Not like I was offered millions by Uncle Sam to serve in the Army. I will be a Bills fan until the day I die or they move. Hope both are decades off.

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Some insightful and even witty comments here. But more importantly ., insight into you folks. And me .


My short answer is...

i will miss all of you as i do the Bills.

I dont know how i will feel down the road but i would its a safe bet i am done with football . Until a potential grandchild starts up Pop Warner and i get sucked into it again .

But the NFL has changed a bit much too much for me and i might just walk away.

The Bills are the ONLY team i focus on. Not something i want to dwell on at this point.


damned good question though .

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I've been wearing a Bills hat all day, every day, for the past 39 years. When I'm at the mx track and someone is looking for me that doesn't know me,

they descibe me as the guy wearing the bills hat. I have only saved three of them and of the three, one is in real bad shape.

I have accidently went to sleep with one on. jumped in the pool with one on, accidently showered with one on. I have accidently worn the hat at my


job several times, where personal hats are not allowed. I get a lot of laughs. But to answer the question I'd have to say; I don't know what I would

do. Not yet anyway. I guess I'll just have to ride it out with the rest of my old time bills fans ... and you newbie bills fans as well. "Lou"

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