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Everything posted by Ed_Formerly_of_Roch

  1. He's saying you keep them in a heating device, maybe every 2 snaps bring in a new one out of the oven. The oven keeps them say at 70 deg.
  2. You think?? Seems KS is a better slot guy than a #2. I can see it being like it was 3 or 4 years ago. Beasley was the slot guy, not the #2, but had more receptions and many more targets than the #2 WR. That brings up what do you do with Davis. I'd like to see him brought back mainly for his blocking abilities assuming he takes a number representative of what he's done. I would then draft a true WR in the 1st or 2nd round. Think that would especially help if replacing the #2 WR with a rookie, when need blocking, bring in Davis and even early in year let Davis play more Davis is then the $4 WR or moves up in case on injury to someone. I'd also then look to sign someone who's a good return guy to take Hardy's place, maybe it's Hines on a cheaper deal, that would allow the Bills to then release both Hardy and Shefeld WR group is then Diggs, rookie, KS, Davis, Shorter, and maybe someone like an Isabella as a PS callup when needed or they sign someone else too.
  3. I have no idea, but I don't live anywhere near Buffalo and when I did live in Western NY it was in Rochester. I just assumed there'd been responses from a number of posters all who knew where the team stayed. I figured I was the exception in not knowing.
  4. Read an article believe it was in the Athletic that states their plan is to fly out of Pitt Sunday afternoon at 3:00. That could change or be incorrect, but that's what it stated. Wow, I figured this was the 2nd worst kept secret in buffalo, behind only the whereabouts of Pegulas jet. Would tyhink they need a hotel with large meeting spaces and areas for food setup too.
  5. Where/what hotel do the Bills typically stay in for home games? How close to stadium? The players probably came to practice today assuming they were going to hotel afterwards as normal for Sunday game. So wil lthey do that and also stay there Sunday night too?
  6. You must have read the same article a couple week back that I did! LOL True could be by bus. Pretty certain it won't be train though. Seems like Pitt to Buffalo is further than NJ to Phil?
  7. I wonder how this affects Pitt travel plans? Did they already leave for Buffalo, I'd guess not. Will they now stay home till Sunday, but then risk having a hard time getting to Buffalo, or will they fly in Monday morning? That creates an unusual travel plan which could mess with them. OK just read they are flying to Buffalo Sunday at 3:00
  8. But if the refs had called the interference on first drive, Bills would have 1st and goal on 1. Much better odds they'd have scored there. So it evens out.
  9. Just remember Dolphins are warm blooded mammals. I do wonder how many dolphin fans who still live in south Florida will make the trip to KC with this weather?
  10. Fines seem to always be announced on Saturdays. Maybe that's the day pay checks go out?? I'll bet if that play is ran 10 times, 9 times, the Bills score. I think with it being the end of the half, with the running clock, the refs were distracted by more trying to spot the ball quickly so no complaints from the Bills and watching the clock. Likely too in situations like with clock potentially running out, that the ref's have different priorities to watch for rather than than what they'd be doing in a normal play with say 8 minutes left on clock. No excuse, but think that was the reality.
  11. Steelers aren't a big passing team, add to that potential weather, not as worried about Douglas and Rapp being out as I would if they were playing Miami or KC.
  12. Yes but these guys aren't brain surgeons. As also was pointed out, some have contract incentives for Int's plus most NFL players have big egos so they will catch it and if given the chance attempt to run it out too rather than take the touchback. Add to that they maybe have about a tenth of a second to process all that, not the amount of time you took to write this post. So yes what you're saying is true, but if the same thing happens 10 times, 9 of those will likely have the same results as what happened here.
  13. I don't know about stepped back, but sounds like a dicey situation with the Giants. I read on Monday Martindale quit, but today read it's up in the air, that he hasn't resigned, nor been fired. Think both sides waiting for the other to blink first.
  14. I'd put the Panthers #1. He's already has a pretty good history. In Tenn isn't this only the first fire/hire?
  15. Think Williams is last years Spector. Give Williams another year and likely have some good young depth at LB. Bernard, Spector, Williams, Dodson's only 25. If Milano injury takes something away from his game and he never plays at former level, we're still ok for a couple years with rookie contracts. LB may be one position we don't need to draft at as would likely mean cutting a good player to add a rookie. Bills began the season looking great on defense, McD is great as DC, then injuries happened. Mid season defense was terrible, was all McD's fault, he can't handle DC role, needs to be fired. Maybe just maybe the problem was needed time for the replacements to come up to speed. Now looking very strong again.
  16. I can see Dallas in that Dallas was always known as America's team and back in the 70's that probably was the case. Even today still the most popular, but many people are Bills fans now because of their style of play with Allen. The Bills also may be the most followed team when losing. Go back 10 years ago when losing every year, they still had a big following. NE is ranked 2nd, but give it a couple more years of losing and see where they go. No one followed them before Tom Brady. Some teams have big following only because of size of city they are in like Giants, Bears.
  17. The problem I see with hiring Martindale as been stated his scheme is much different so likely assistants and even some players also wouldn't fit with the new scheme either so many of them would be gone too. So basically starting over on the defensive side from a coaching and maybe even a player standpoint. The other issue with doing something like this is it's kind of a slap in the face to the existing staff. Coaches typically either expect to be fired if the HC gets fired or promoted to fill openings on the staff. You have coaches like Babish and Washington who'd be logical promotions to DC, but instead passing them over to bring someone in from the outside. Those guys would likely also leave. It's different if the team is struggling and the defense or offensive scheme isn't working and you want big changes, but don't think that's needed here. Bringing in Rivera probably wouldn't be an issue with scheme, but would still be an issue with promoting from within.
  18. Hard to believe the Bills ar 3rd and Jets last, but out of 17 games, 14 of them are against same teams. Only differences are Ravens V Bengals, KC V Chargers, and Lions V Bears, total of 15 less wins??
  19. Is Smith the OL that was hurt and hoping to come back and play or was he filling in and now inactive due to starter being back?
  20. I had a good feeling, but then realized it was just gas!
  21. But what about the spleen? Sounds like they someone had a hit taken out on you!
  22. Lot will depend on this Sunday and the playoffs. A month ago I was thinking this season out of playoffs, next season good time to retool the roster. But if they win Sunday and got deep, then maybe a small retool is only needed and worth kicking the can down the road some more.
  23. Well I'll believe it when the season ends. Wasn't Diggs on the injury report back around late Oct, something with his back. Maybe still lingering effects and Bills feel since he was on injury report for it initially, they can get around it and whatever fine they get, so be it?? Allen isn't on the injury report anymore either, but he even said something about the shoulder maybe a week ago, kind of implying it's much better, but could read what he said as not 100%. Add to that the post yesterday about when the season ends, the whole story will come out about it.
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