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  1. This is what we do, lets get it going! We did it for Lamar and Andy. Lets show Tua and his people what Bills Mafia is Really about. Get better Tua and we will see you later this year!
  2. Everyone is butt hurt from either an 0-4 sb reccord, or a 17 year playoff drought.
  3. Here is what i will say in defense of the KGun style offense. Josh while still young is better and smarter than jim kelly and can improvise better. Yes there are pitfalls with a 3 and out, but there were back then too, for the most part it got us to the SB. You put these receivers in a position to run and gun youll out flank a defence before they know what happens. 0-4 in superbowls, yes, but they never adjusted they way josh can the defense we have is smarter and more agile than the 90s defense. We have lost cause of poor defense you give our defense the ability to teeoff on QBs they will do the job, if they play prevent, they dont prevent a damn thing.
  4. Yes i was a bills fan at that time, i was very much aware of that. So basically you think this team is crap and has no shot?
  5. So you think this bills team cant get to let alone win a superbowl? Did you know who any of the guys were on the KGun before they were the KGun? Tracks....
  6. Well now you are just being an ass....but the red endzones might be fun
  7. If teams arent expecting it, is it not something to consider? Looking forward is always needed, but to disregard past success is foolish at best.
  8. So imagine what they could do with a hurry up O killing defenses and not allowing them to breath Yes full time no huddle offence, only going to huddle to run the clock out
  9. Could Josh and this offense recreate some form of the KGun offense of the early 90s? Keep defenses on their heels and wear them out by halftime and rack up unfathomable point totals? With all the injuries on he defence, does the offence become our best defence?
  10. I know we all hate him, but his resume is next to none, and he has a new job with Fox, but would he be a good Qb coach for Josh, maybe in the offseason like josh had in Jordan Palmer. Maybe just as a mentor to help him see things and do things he may never thought of, Josh has thr baiscs down now he needs to refine, if he could have Bradys prowes combined with his athletisism he could be pass brady as the GOAT. Thoughts?
  11. My original though send an email to his and travis's pod cast, watch/listen to him read it. And see where it goes. Yes im bored and this was just a fun discussion to have....***** lets involve pat mcafee too and see how far down this rabbit hole we can go
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