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  1. I read that about during Wednesdays practice she was in a car, not sure about today??
  2. that the offense wasn't going to largely center around him so he became a distraction more than he was worth. He likely would have lasted one more year based on his contract, but think things reached a level sooner than they expected so decided to bite the bullet and get rid of him now with the goal of becoming younger and felt it was worth taking the bigger cap hit this year, but giving them more flexibility in 2025 than they'd have had if they kept him another year.
  3. While many here will likely disagree with my opinion, but I would also add to your list, for the most part local beat reporters. They have direct access to the players, coaches, and front office that none of us do. They also likely are privy to many off the record conversations. A reporter may talk to Beane off the record and he'll state "we're considering doing X" It may then be reported in an off hand way by the reporter "I wouldn't be surprised if X happens" and everyone here jumps on the reporter as what does he know, especially if they don't like the message. He's not going to quote Beane, but he does have inside information on this. National writers with a few exceptions, they more are often reading tea leaves form afar.
  4. That's not my point. My point is teams are good at gauging what another team will pay for player. So they either need to sign him for an "absurd" amount or they may lose him. You either pay what other teams are willing to pay or lose the player. There's also the other side of this, in the past there were players who were FA and Beane waited them out until was able to sign him for what the Bills and other felt he was worth. They waited until he came down to their level and were able to do that without fear of losing him as others also didn't value him any higher.
  5. The problem there is likely if the Bills didn't give him that some other team would have. One thing I think the Bills and most NFL teams are very good (unlike many poster here) is gauging a players worth and knowing how much to pay someone if they want that player, whether it be re-signing their own or signing a FA, they know what to offer as do most teams.
  6. I'll go with this direction. I was going to post with instead of a surprise cut, was going to go with a surprise of who makes the team and my pick was going going to be Frank Gore Jr. And likely for him to make the roster, Johnson would become a prime cut candidate. $2.25Mil isn't a huge deal in the NFL so that amount hardly guarantees he makes the roster over someone who outplays him. Good chance MVS is on the team, but doubtful it's because of the contract.
  7. That's one of the issues. It's much easier to prove gambling as there are often solid proof. Receipts can't recant or be payed off for silence. Like it or not, gambling also can impact the integrity of the game and potentially the players teammates where with cases involving violence, it's about one person only. As someone else posted, we still all watch the games so add to that.
  8. Rogers does think he's the GM of the Jets. Based on that I'd argue this is tampering and we should be awarded the Jets' 1st round pick in next years draft!
  9. On the other hand if that's the teams biggest need, think we're in pretty good shape then overall!
  10. It must be as that's what fits PBF81's continual narrative. I'm sure this recent heat spell Western NY is having is also due to McD micro managing the weathermen too. It couldn't just be that Diggs is a diva who sulks and goes through the motions when he's not the focus of the team.
  11. How can he be one of the best or top 5 when the scale being given says a B means he is NOT one of the top 10. Sorry kind of picking on you guys when my complaint is more about the OP's scale. Think there's way to much of a gap between the A and B ranking. Maybe B would be better if it said he's not one of the top 5, but when say he's not even top 10 make him more average and what should be more like a C grade.
  12. Realistically who could they trade for that A) is available, B) is a clear step up from what they have now C) they can afford the contract? D) doesn't hurt them either on the field on financially beyond this coming season Think the list gets pretty small if anyone. A guy like Allen makes all the WR's look better than they are. Add in Kincaid at TE and this team is stronger than you'd think. The team looked pretty strong the last month of the season with Diggs doing pretty much nothing. Only 5 QB's had more completions than Allen and only 4 more yards. Is not like if the team had Hopkins last year like many folks wanted Allen would have thrown another 1000 yards. It would mostly mean that others would have less yards instead.
  13. That certainly is true of Brady, was it also true with Manning? Don't recall all the talk about him in the same way it's been of Brady WRT working out, off season, etc.
  14. To me the key is longevity, winning multiply times with same team so do agree with the Oilers In the "modern era" of sports I'd go with Steelers of late 70's as they won 4 superbowls with most of the same roster. Reds of the 70's were pretty good to with a real all star roster. Bulls were on top for close to 10 years so they have to be one of the best ever too. Kept a good part of the roster together too over that span. Even though they never won it, do have to consider the Bills as the best roster ever for a team that never won a championship.
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