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Everything posted by Ed_Formerly_of_Roch

  1. Must have been a slow week for ST. Ramsey did also have two int's so is a legit debate. I'd like to see who came in 2nd, but can't find where they publish that.
  2. Agree, but not anymore pampered than the rest of the population. It has nothing to do with football players, it's just like in general
  3. Reading through this thread, people ripping the coaching staff for not using Hines more last year. The issue was right after the signed Hines, Allen got hurt, then the 1st blizzard happened which canceled a couple of practices. Recall reading article in early December saying that up till that point, Hines and Allen had only been able to practice together like 2 times. That to me was the biggest issue with not using him much as a RB.
  4. Don't see how this changes anything. The way I view it, every potential infraction can be viewed on a scale of 1 to 10. Some refs may call a PI or def holding at a 2 level and another only at a 4 level. Eliminating the ticky tack as you suggest would just move the bar up, but won't really change the subjectivity of calls. Add to that within a year or two of changing the standards, once everyone adjusts the same arguments will prevail, just at a higher level of what's an infraction and what isn't. To me the issue is the players have just got too big and too fast for officials to be able to deal with it consistently.
  5. Would these stats somehow take into account the fact that the defense was often in bad field position to due to a turnover by the offense? Much tougher job for the defense when they are coming on the field on their own 35 yard line because of an int. It is funny how here the first 4 weeks many were praising the defense and McD. Then they have all the injuries, struggling and now it's McD's fault. Yes injuries happen to all teams, but when 3 of your probably 5 best players are out, plus throw in Poyer and Oliver for a game each, not surprising they struggle.
  6. Seems like Beane has a planned tendency top draft players based on potential more than other teams do. As a result of this it often takes longer for the player to start to showcase himself. That's a real problem here on TBD as most here have little to no patience for that. We need them to become stars right away. Factoring in injuries often extends the timeline even longer. There are risks in doing that because some never develop as thought like Edmunds. Others Knox AJ, Brown, even Oliver took longer than hoped for.
  7. Article in the Athletic lists possible new head Coaches for Syracuse and lists ole Dougie as a possibility on a fairly long list of names. Not exactly Bills news, but as an ex Bills HC I'm sure he'd be in the western NY new much more if they did hire him and we post about Daboll and others like they are still here. Saints offensive line coach Doug Marrone, 59, played and coached at Syracuse. Marrone was the Orange head coach from 2009 to ’12 and did pretty well, twice posting eight-win seasons before leaving to become the Bills’ head coach. He was 25-25 at Syracuse and knows what it takes to win there. He’s also not that far removed from coaching in college, having spent the 2021 season as Alabama’s offensive line coach.
  8. Good chance Douglas wins defensive player of the week with 2 Int and fumble recovery.
  9. This could be one of these things where as bad as it looked he'll be playing on Sunday
  10. Before Harris got hurt, him, Murray, and Cook were all active. Harris gets hurt and they sign Fournette. To me that says Fournette was signed to replace Harris. He's not replacing Murray. Yes could he also take away some of Murrays snaps as he's a bit more versatile, but highly doubt there's any plans to have on Sunday the 3 active RB's be Cook Fournette and Johnson.
  11. Do wonder if Ty Johnsons play will spell the end of Fournette's career on the Bills before it ever even started.
  12. The play wasn't stopped for forward progress. It was stopped because he was down the second he made the recovery due to being touched by a Jet player while being down. Play was over before Douglas even got up.
  13. Seems like football is one of the few sports where the teams often enter and exit the field via the same entrance/tunnel. I wonder if that will happen in the new stadium or will it be on opposite corners?
  14. So in no way am I even close to being a conspiracy theorist as many on this board are. Seems there are many posters here that if it was reported a player ate a doughnut with his left hand there's be an entire thread as to the deep meaning of that. For the most part don't believe much of all the Digg turmoil. However: On the 81 yard TD to Shakir, both Davis and Cook and even Allen who was way behind the play all were in the endzone congratulating him on the play. But no where was Diggs to be found. I rewound the play to verify if Diggs was on the field for the play and can confirm he was. Noticed on the TD earlier to Johnson, again Davis was right there, but no Diggs, though didn't replay that one to verify his being on the field. So does start to make me wonder if there is more to it. 4 receptions for 27 yards can't help him feel good about things. One the CBS pregame Nate B predicted he won't be back next year, though likely he had no idea on cap issues with him.
  15. Hey you never know. Before Kelce there was someone else called the greatest. There will always be a new greatest over time. Can't be! We were all ready to run Oliver out of town in the off season and ripping Beane for giving him a huge overpaid new contract.
  16. Bass has been pretty dependable for a long time so not anywhere close to ready to write him off. Do agree need a new punter in the off season. Was a little concerned in the 1st half on the stalled drives leading to FG's, but overall played well. On the fake punt, was thinking if only the Bills player just held the Jet gunner who caught the pass like they normally do on most punts. Never would have attempted the pas and it just would have been a 15 yd penalty from the point where they received the punt like happens every other punt.
  17. OK I'll take back my earlier "everything is fine" response, am seeing a little glitching near bottom of the screen
  18. It's pretty common practice with all teams to promote from within when coordinators leave for a promotion to HC so it certainly wasn't something never seen before. Add to that you have Allen advocating openly for Dorsey. While the NFL isn't nearly as bad as the NBA with players dictating to the front office as to who to sign and hire, I'm also sure the Bills have seen what's happened in Green Bay so didn't want a repeat and alienate Allen by hiring someone else. The Bills had a highly successful offense so unless there's someone out there available who's going to run pretty much the same identical offense as the Bills have been running, you could set things back as now changing schemes likely the rest of the offense coaching staff, and maybe even a handful of players. Dorsey likely would have gone to the Giants if the Bills weren't going to give him that job so the voice in Allens ear is gone. You also need to find someone who has a good amount of experience otherwise you have the same thing as you have in Dorsey. That basically leaves you with a pool of out of work ex coordinators as this would be a lateral move for any currently employed OC's so they are out or some existing position coach who somehow is going to be much better as an OC than Dorsey did. If you're going that route you may as well stick with Dorsey. Or you hire some hot shot college coach and somehow hope his game will translate to the NFL flawlessly which also doesn't happen very often. In hindsight it's easy to blame McD and for those who never liked McD to begin with this is great for them to complain about. But really not much different done here than done with many other teams on a regular basis.
  19. Agree, I think 2024 could be a small rebuild year for the Bills so let the Jets take off that year. By the time the Bills restock the cupboard, Rogers will be done and Miami and the Bengals will be on 2nd contracts for all their stars and won't be able to afford them all.
  20. He may need to start juicing do build up some strength. Agree with many of the posts, for a CB, speed is their most important asset. Having had a torn ACL and Achilles will be very hard for him to ever be able to recover from that. We've all seen what Miller looks like so far coming back less than year after surgery, would imagine all of 2024 White would be like that and can the team afford to wait for him until 2025 with no promises then as to how good he'd be.
  21. Also agree with many others that Beane and McD can go/stay separately, one has little to do with the other. GM's are more often given 2 even 3 shots at a HC hiring. Actually right now Beane has never hired a HC. Maybe this low energy things is Allens problem. Think he needs a new shrink!
  22. Knox is either 8th or 9th highest paid TE in the league and most of the players behind him pay wise are on contacts expiring this coming off season which likely means by this time next year, Knox may be like the 17th highest paid TE or lower. With the emergence of Kincaid, he very likely will become the Bills primary blocking TE, but also one of the better blocking TE's who can actually catch passes and run routes in the league so can't just ignore him. He won't be the next Lee Smith! Did Allen give input sure, but to say they were signed and given big contracts because of Allen is just laughable. From what's been written, there has been an effort to find a #2 WR, talks with OBJ, Hopkins, and who knows who else. But they also didn't have the money to spend. Add into that hope that Davis would develop also factored in so don't want to spend big money on a player when the answer may be with a guy on a rookie contract.
  23. Allen does have one of the strongest arms in the league. He can likely beat most teams with his arm alone and could become a great pocket passer, but think to do that he has to has to have a much stronger WR group around him, little better protection from the line and a better run game to keep defenses honest, and have a RB that defenses need to worry about, but is also a very strong blocker. Does make me wonder the was these days league wide, RB's often don't get 2nd contracts, will the ones who start out as weak blockers ever be around long enough to develop good skills as a blocker?
  24. Stroud has looked real good. But there have been a number of 1st year wonders who turn into 2nd year dunces. In addition, many other things have to go just right for the team to become top notch all around. I will say this, if Stroud does continue his rise and turns out to be a real star QB, the Texan were very lucky in that they had a star QB in Watson, things went bad with him so smartly parted ways, and this quickly got another star QB. There are many teams that haven't had one star QB in the past 20 years and they've managed to find two!
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