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Everything posted by ProcessTruster

  1. I'd be curious what the 538 take was for last year, when the Bills were 5-0 in one score games, etc... Let me guess.. "over performed" i would imagine. IMO, seasons and games do not exist in isolation. McBeanes have, are and will continue the process of building and maintaining a winning program, year over year over year. The Division, Conference and SB titles will come as long as they stick to what they are doing. IMO. No chasing shiny objects and going into cap hell just to try and win one single title and then fall into years of mediocrity (the path Rams are perhaps taking?? ).
  2. I'd just like to see the season start earlier... not sure August vacations, etc. really make any difference any more. Its the TV dollar that makes the league go, not sure viewership would be less in late August than early September
  3. and it is more than fair to say they overachieved last year certainly by more than 2+ wins (5-0 in one score games, for example). let it go. progress is not linear. Go Bills.
  4. yeah, around 630 in the dark and cold and wind , you'd be completely frozen ...no thanks. Tough scheduling year this year with 2 last games at home, which should be an advantage, but watching the game Sunday the fans looked really cold
  5. mid 20's, overcast and some snow... wow, please dress for it. been to a few super cold games at the Ralph, it's a challenge staying warm. Hopefully, Ravens will be losing and you can anticipate a playoff spot celebration as the day progresses! I'll be visiting friends at the beach south of Wilmington NC. Should be 70 on Sunday. Nice. Will be doing the polar bear swim in the ocean new years day tho, so will be with you in Spirit
  6. Would love to see Bills win + Ravens loss , which puts Bills into the postseason I believe. The rest is of limited interest.
  7. Agreed. Mistakes are made all the time. Remember when the Colts thought Kelvin Sheppard for Jerry Hughes straight up was a good deal?
  8. So positive that , other than Tre and Ike, the entire roster is getting healthy just before the post season. Fingers crossed covid doesn't take Josh , Diggs or others out at the same time. This could be good....
  9. and last year was the opposite, so the one score game loss problem cuts both ways / breaks even out over time . as long as Bills are 8-1 in lopsided games its all good.
  10. GamePass has stopped providing All-22 replays again, at least on my account. Anyone else paying for GamePass and not getting the All-22 ? Seems to come and go. Frustrating.
  11. 1. W 2. W 3. W Hoping Feliciano and Dawkins are back next Sunday. That's about it. I don't overthink things this late in the season. Go compete. And that's what they absolutely do every game. Not sitting here playing Chris Collinsworth or GM or whatever you guys do. Enough of that stuff on pods and TV anyway. Enjoying what The Process has brought us (so far). These guys are dogs out there. Loved the Brown taunt. F ing shove it in their face. That guy is nasty.
  12. he was a total punk when he played here with the Redskins. bad dude. stay away.
  13. simply impossible to root for the Pats under any circumstance. Is what it is. Not physically or psychologically possible.
  14. Sure, why not? From a competitive standpoint, none of the last 4 games are uniquely troubling to me.
  15. He'll get Travis Etienne back next year, which will help, but yes, looking bad
  16. Ron McDole was still pressing the flesh a few years ago at Redskins games up in the Fedex box. He must be available for a price
  17. Just let the head coach's right to challenge a play apply to PI as well. Just like challenges of ball spotting out of scrum tackle on 4th and inches , PI is as eyeballed judgement call that, given the speed of the game, can be misjudged , with turnover type large consequences. I wonder why PI is not allowed to be challenged??? It wouldn't get out of control, as HCs only have a few precious red flags to use, and would send a message that refs are not the ultimate judge. I like this bc Bucs did to the Bills exactly what they did to the Packers in the NFC title game last year; they held and interfered multiple times, preventing the Packers WRs from getting to multiple balls and effecting the outcome of that game for sure.
  18. If Bills win, all this is forgotten. Bills lose, the f ing sky is falling. Weather stole the Pats game, Refs stole this one. Both are out of the teams control. Moving on....... Next!
  19. running game will be fixed with offseason moves. Roster is what it is at this point for this season. FA RB signing plus Doyle probably starts, plus other moves. I think they know what they are doing ... not concerned. They ran it well in the 2nd half vs TB.
  20. W-L is 22-10 last year and this. Win 2 out of 3 games over the long term and I'm just fine. Probably finish 2020-2021 25-11. I'll take that . Solid football program. Cinci, Ravens and Stillers also lost this weekend. Everyone all bunched up now, and we have the soft part of the schedule coming up.
  21. nah, most of the guys on this roster were in college or on other teams for the vast majority of games when Brady was shredding the Bills. Fans remember, but players also play and think week to week. Besides, they are not playing Brady, they are largely playing the TB defense. Brady will get his points.. Bills O will need to outscore them today IMO. And I believe they will.
  22. nah. just another game. I can see them running the table after this either way
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