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Everything posted by ProcessTruster

  1. Looking forward to the Pats wallowing in 9W -8L purgatory for many years to come
  2. go get him ; plus Chandler Jones and we are all good
  3. so we still don't know what happened on the kickoff ? Bills fans really deserve to know what communication and decision-making actually happened
  4. yeah, whatever. Barring a rash of serious injuries or Beane screwing up the cap (both pretty unlikely) Bills will be right there for the next 3 years, no matter what any other team does. Works for me. Give me a solid winning program worthy of getting (with breaks, which every SB winner gets the year they win it) to the SB, and I'm happy. Going for broke to win it once (and then go 10 years in the wasteland, like LA) is crazy when you have such a loyal fanbase to feed. LA can do it , bc their fans would just as soon go to the beach.
  5. this is good. appears Bills O line is better at Gap run schemes (pulling with combo blocking specific guys) , which is exactly what Greg Roman was doing with Shady last time Kromer was here. He will make our guys better at Gap blocking one would assume. Good stuff. Zone running schemes (sliding from block to block; handoffs) in general requires instinctive O line and RBs, which we do not generally have. Go Bills.
  6. yeah good for him , but let someone else pay him. McD needs to start getting aggressive on D and I think he knows it.
  7. for f's sake, stop the NHL and NFL all star games. turned it on for 5 sec just now, renfrow catch a pass and they tagged him. OMG
  8. he signed for $3m with Falcons for 2021. He will want more for 2022, but thats a pretty low starting place
  9. McBeane's are killing it (again) Trust the Process
  10. whoa, wait a second.... so Heath Farwell screwed up the kickoff? How so? is there evidence that he, for example, failed to relay a McD short kickoff call to Bass? What do we know?? I really want to know if this was player or coach screwup and which coach. Any more evidence?? thanks
  11. after 20+ years of enduring bleeding mediocrity and "hoping" for wins, frankly I am still wallowing in the joyous pool of knowing my team can compete and win against any team in the league on any Sunday (or Saturday or Thursday or Monday) and that the team is built for many years of this. right now, that is good enough for me
  12. Josh Allen is this generation's John Elway. He's just waiting for his Terrell Davis. Get er done McBeanes.
  13. Love the " Winter Soldier" thing. could build something around that....
  14. yeah, exactly, hence my OP where I'm like, "hey a bunch of teams want our coaches for the first time since my kids were born.. woohoo! " a good thing
  15. pretty lame effort frankly.. i mean,,, Tee Martin? seems like yesterday the guy was playing college ball for who, Tennessee? boy really dating myself now...
  16. there will be like 1500 actual Rams fans at the game.
  17. well, so much for that theory of success/progress. forgot about that one. geez. I'll go back in my corner.
  18. Great indicator of franchise success/progress. Anyone know the last time this happened? I sure don't (and I'm old enough I probably should remember).
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