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Everything posted by DabillsDaBillsDaBills

  1. Sean Mcdermott with the remaining 2 years left on his original contract. If we're SB contenders this season you can give him the mega extension after the season is over
  2. Why are we rushing into an extension when he still had 2 years left on his first contract? His the best coach we've had since at least Wade, but all he's shown so far is that he can take average teams to a first round playoff exit. I would've waited at least 1 more year before extending.
  3. I guess I'm a pessimist, but I'm not happy with this decision. I think he's a fairly average coach. The 2017 Bills were a very mediocre team that finished 9-7 and made the playoffs only through the grace of god. The 2019 Bills were a bit better, but finished 10-6 with an insanely easy schedule. The team is trending in the right direction, but if we don't take that next step I think we'll regret this decision.
  4. Amen to that. I think some of the push for people to get back in the office is from managers that don't do very much work. Pre-COVID they would spend most of their days chatting with people about nothing or scheduling hour long meetings that could've been a 30 second email. Now that they are WFH they have about an hour of work per day and assume everyone else is doing as little work as they are. They feel the need to be in the office to be productive because what they were doing in the office wasn't actually "productive".
  5. Can anyone cite an injury to a professional QB from throwing the ball as far as they can? I can believe average Joe 6 pack throwing out his rotator cuff trying to throw a football. I can't believe an NFL level professional athlete throwing out his rotator cuff by throwing a football. I think it would be a cool competition to have if they are raising $$ for charity
  6. Star has been a pretty awful contract from day 1. Pushing it out another year is not going to improve matters. Maybe we can re-structure the already re-structured contract next year ?
  7. I voted that it will happen on time, but my opinion could change really quickly. A lot will come down to the other sports leagues that are completing or starting their seasons in the next week. The rest will come down to how many players get sick and if there's a major outbreak among players.
  8. How many times has a professional QB injured themselves by trying to throw it as far as they can (contest or otherwise)? There's an awful lot of talk in here about injuries when it seems like a very low chance of happening.
  9. There's a teeny tiny bit of a difference between playing grab ass with your significant other vs playing grab ass with a co-worker.
  10. Here's the highlights New female hires were warned by other women to avoid a certain glass staircase in the building (men would hang out at the bottom to look up skirts) Women were repeatedly told to wear tighter/more revealing outfits (to increase sales) Women were hit on repeatedly after saying no None of the women had complaints directly about Snyder, but did say that he made a male executive do cartwheels for entertainment (as the guy used to be a male cheerleader in college). Inappropriate comments like "she has an ass like a wagon" or "nice, tight body" that sort of thing Actual texts: One message had a male executive referencing an inside joke about a woman, when she asked about he said they had a bet going as to whether or not her boobs were natural or surgically enhanced. Another message a guy was going to pick up a pizza for a woman....if she slept with him.
  11. Define "no history of success" The Redskins have 3 more Superbowl victories than we do....
  12. Honestly I'd be more scared of Tyrod Taylor than Cam as QB for the Pats.
  13. I couldn't care less what he preaches, I'm looking at what he does during games. I don't see a coach that has evolved over the last 3 years.
  14. Is that true? Kneeling in general is a sign of respect/contemplation. Before Kaep I cannot recall anyone kneeling for anthems (let alone it being a slight to the country).
  15. Twitter outrage getting those results ? Twitter is a plague on society
  16. So we're supposed to tar and feather this guy because of a 1 year old screenshot of part of a private text exchange? What if the other person said something about "elite white people" earlier in the message and he was trying to make a joke about it? This isn't even worth an apology IMO.
  17. I do think a lot of people on this board are sleeping on the Jets, but this analysis needs to check their simulations if they really think the Jets have an almost 80% chance of winning the division. I'd put it at Bills 50% Patriots 25% Jets 20% Dolphins 5%
  18. I guess I'm glad Beane has an actual reason for ignoring the comp pick formula, but I find his reasoning to be myopic. Sure, a proven vet backup like Teller probably adds more immediate value to your roster than a comp pick. BUT he costs a lot more in salary, and has no upside. Best case for a player like Teller is that we trade him for a mid/late round pick and eat some dead cap (or we suffer a lot of injuries and we're forced to start him). Whereas a comp pick has a small chance of turning into a star player while on a rookie contract.
  19. 3 years is an extremely short term contract for a 25 year old tackle. I'm curious how this will effect the overall market as most players sign for longer term and more overall money, but a lower AAV.
  20. I'm at a B- Good player at a position of need, but we did pay a premium for him.
  21. Belichek is the best coach in NFL history, and they still have a lot of that great DEF intact. Brady was on the decline last year, no better than about an average QB, and they went 12-4. Depending on who they get to replace him, they are still very much a threat to win the division.
  22. We can use Brandin Cooks as a comparable (both times he was traded) Cooks was actually a better contract:production ratio when he was traded (both times) and he fetched less (both times).
  23. I'm not thrilled with the price. Even if the Hopkins trade didn't happen (where a better WR went for significantly less) we overpaid here.
  24. I get that there's a stigma to trading within the division, but is there really one for trading within the conference?
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