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Everything posted by BigDingus

  1. Anyone who is young should be playing. Anyone who isn't Tyrod should be playing at QB.
  2. Yes, the Bills are bad at evaluating talent, that's why when talent is basically d*** slapping you in the face like is the case with Tre'Davious White, you keep the SOB lol And see, told you the Pats turn other teams' scrubs into gold ;P
  3. Helllll no! Do NOT offer Tre' Davious White! I hope that was a joke lol. Does nobody understand that we NEED to keep our draft picks in order to be successful? Look at how many 1st & 2nd round picks are still on this team over the past 7 years! Since 2010, we only have TWO... Shaq Lawson, and Cordy Glenn. That's it. I don't remember if we're dead last or second to last, but in terms of the amount of draft picks on our roster we're at the very bottom of the league. All the successful teams rank at the top in draft picks retained on their rosters. And if there's 1 QB I don't want the Bills to go after, it's Eli Manning. He was never a great QB, just played great in certain moments. In his prime, he was certainly better than what we have now, and possibly still is to some degree. But we need to develop our own guy for once, or get somebody young enough that they'll be on this roster for a long time (like Kirk Cousins). Even Alex Smith is only 33 and could potentially play 5+ more years... Drew Brees is 39 and still playing great, so imagine if we had a chance to grab him when he was 33, then have him for 6 years. That could be Smith. If for some reason we wanted Eli, I'd hope we'd at least have the common sense to give up no more than a 4th round pick or later. I mean we took a 6th for Dareus, and at this point in his career he has far more impact than Manning would at his respective position.
  4. Matthews would be an all-star on that team. He has 3 straight years of 800 or more yards with no decent QB play, but now got stuck with the lowest of the low in Tyrod (expect similar results with Benjamin when he returns). Belichick likes special team contributors so Tate would definitely get a look. And Jones started off slow but has rebounded about as well as anyone could with this crappy team. He has the most receiving yards of any WR on the team, and has great upside with good size. Again, Belichick & Brady have taken FAR worse and lesser known WR's and won Super Bowls with them. Brady would have a field day with him as a target. And again, Clay would pair up nicely with Gronk, and we know Belichick likes to run double TE sets.
  5. I'm actually not sold on Cleveland drafting a QB #1 overall. They just spent a high pick on Trubisky, and though he hasn't been good this year, we've seen rookies have awful first years & come back strong the second (looking at Goff right now). There's also a ton of QB's becoming available in FA, so you never know who will fill their spots that way. And Elway likes the old veterans to go along with a dominant defense. Brees will be available. Who knows?
  6. Every year people say "this year's class is weak, wait until next year when ______ & _________ come out!" At some point you need to take your shot & stop second guessing. Fans are the ones who really get cold feet. They're really high on people until that year comes, and if they fall short of a Peyton Manning or Andrew Luck in their play, they waiver. People act as if there's a 100% sure-thing, and that person will always be "next year." It's that mentality that has made us made us pass on some great QB's over the years. There's also times we could've traded up and drafted a guy but have been too afraid to. Even Goff & Wentz were called reaches last year by many... Mariotta, Winston before them, and so on. We didn't have shots at those guys, but it's still a reoccurring theme come draft time. It's very likely that 2, if not more, QB's in this class are going to turn out to be true franchise QB's. Determine who your guy is, do what you have to do to get him, and stick with them. If we drafted Goff, and he played like he did last year for us, Bills fans would've already been calling him a bust and been ready to move on. It's crucial we put him in the best position to succeed, surround them with talent, and have a coach that calls plays geared towards his respective skillset. McDermott deserves a chance with "his guy." Then, regardless of how the 1st year goes, stand behind him going into the following season. Keep the same scheme, build up the lines, give him a dynamic supporting cast, etc. We've got to stop calling for coaches heads and instilling new schemes every year. And most importantly, we have to stop waiting until "next year" for that 100% guaranteed QB that doesn't exist.
  7. You guys would be singing a different tune if Buffalo lost the only 2 Pro teams it had... And don't even act like the Bills weren't at risk of moving. As we've seen the past 2 years, nothing is sacred in the NFL. The Bills would've easily been at risk of being moved...The Rams, the Chargers and the Raiders all leaving their cities, while the Bills are still here. We can all pretend like it wouldn't have happened, or be so angry that we'll exaggerate & say dumb s*** like "would've been better if they weren't here!" but in reality, that's not true at all. Dennison, Hackett, Lynn, Gailey, whoever.... people like to always blame the offensive coordinator when in reality it's the awful QB that isn't executing the plays who's at fault. Let's just keep firing coordinator after coordinator, installing new offenses year in & year out. Yup, that'll do it.
  8. One thing they had in common while they were here - they all had crap QB's. Well the idea that they can't win has been debunked. It's often more about the right situation and the right players than anything else. And as Bills fans, we don't have much patience anymore. We're so sick of losing year after year that we end up shooting ourselves in the foot by firing head coaches & coordinators over & over. We have a new defensive or offensive system every year. We have coaches wasting time cutting all the old regime's players, then spending the draft & Free Agency replacing the holes they created. By then we're still losing, so we fire them & start over. Just look at this board. We have people already calling to fire Dennison & McDermott.... They try to justify it through some mental gymnastics. One thing's for sure - if we fired them before the end of their first season, we'd be guaranteed to only have the bottom of the barrel of coaches willing to come here. Nobody worth a damn would even step foot in this toxic environment with such a short leash.
  9. Well Geno Smith played better than Tyrod today, that's for sure.
  10. Jordan Matthews. And Tate was already on the Patriots. so throw him in. Oh, and definitely Jones. There's 3. The Patriots have used lesser WR's to great success quite often. Brady has made nobody receivers into huge playmakers. People also said Chris Hogan was a bum, and Belichick was more than happy to scoop him up. Scott Chandler was considered expendable, Belichick took him too. In fact, there's a long history of former Bills going to the Pats. Again, Brady has made receivers nobody's ever heard of have career years. Don't even act like a second round talent like Zay Jones wouldn't get a look, or a WR like Matthews who's had over 800 yards every season he's been in the league until this year (so far a whopping 268, yay!). And holy hell Brady & Belichick would LOVE Charles Clay. Doesn't matter if he's not a WR, but as a receiving threat, he's fantastic (so of course he has middle of the road, pedestrian numbers here).
  11. Cut him? Seriously? Yes...let's continue to cut talented players because of things like "attitude" and "character" while signing crappy guys with high-character to replace them. That's proven successful with this team so far!
  12. I tried to like your post, but I got a message that said "Sorry, you cannot add any more reactions today." ...I'm only allowed to like a certain number of posts? I'm so confused why there's a limit lol
  13. There's just too much wrong in this post I can't even begin to start breaking it all down... I usually take great effort into putting together thoughtful & meaningful posts with good info, but the list here is just too long to even wrap my head around. I'll just settle with "I wholeheartedly disagree."
  14. I just don't think he fits the current NFL standard for a QB. It's a passing league, but even so his numbers look straight out of 1960. Although stats don't tell the whole story, they usually make Tyrod look even better than he actually played. Throwing for 300 yards is out of the question, as he's never once done it, but throwing for 200 is a HUGE milestone for him. Here's a big issue though - even his 168 yard passing games are inflated by big runs after the catch from dump passes to Shady or Clay, who usually make a few guys miss then break away for extra gains. On days where this doesn't happen, Taylor's stats reflect more accurately how he actually plays - 9/18 for 65 yards or 9/18 for 56 yards... Yes, every QB gets the benefit of YAC, but nearly all of them throw far more often downfield to balance that out. Also, they hit receivers in stride, setting up big plays and YAC, whereas Tyrod makes his receivers catch bad passes that end up killing any potential for after the catch (see the KC game where O'leary has 15 yards of open space, but has to dive to the ground 2 yards short of the 1st down marker just to catch the pass). That's why he struggles to hit 200 yards passing. The receivers have to do all the work. Tyrod doesn't throw them open, or find the weaknesses in the defense. He doesn't lead his targets to big plays, and he rarely hits people in stride. The only chances at big yardage is when someone like Shady makes 6 people miss after catching the ball.
  15. There's no way Mayfield doesn't go top 20 imo... I'm almost certain he'll go top 10, especially if they win their playoff game and get to the National Championship. Also, there's always 1 or 2 QB's whose draft stock skyrockets after the combine, the closer we get to draft day. If the Bills snagged Mayfield without having to trade up, I'd be stoked. I'd be thrilled if we get any of the top guys though, as they're all better than the class we had last year (minus Watson). Reminds me of the Rivers, Manning & Roethlisberger draft class (the one where we traded back into the 1st round & took JP Losman...ugh). Hopefully, we'll have better luck this go-around.
  16. Well said. I always feel a slight sense of guilt when I'm typing out in detail all the things Tyrod does wrong, and why he's a bad QB, and that's because he's a great person. He keeps himself out of trouble, is respectful, classy, and a team leader. He just fails to execute the duties required to be a capable NFL QB.
  17. If Donald Trump had bought the Bills, maybe Brady & Co. wouldn't go so hard on us. On the flip side, if Donald Trump bought the Bills North Korea would target Buffalo first.
  18. Even if the Giants get first dibbs on the QB of their choice, we should still have a great shot at getting a QB we want. I think if we definitively have a guy we're in love with, we need to be most worried about the Broncos. Depending on how they finish, I think we need to make sure we grab our guy before them. I can't see anyone else in the top 10 really chasing a 1st round QB. We also need to pay attention to the Jets. History tells us they're not going to go all-in and draft a franchise QB in the 1st round that they'll have to commit to, but you just never know. They're only 1 game behind us, but also have a tough 4 remaining games (@Denver, @New Orleans, Chargers, @NE). So they may finish 6-10 and pick right before us. Getting swept by the Dolphins would be pretty upsetting, and I'm sure fans will call for the coach's head if that happens, but ultimately it'd probably be better to lose those games. We won't even have to "TRY" to lose to the Patriots, but it's pretty likely we're decent enough to beat the Colts, finishing 7-9 at worst.
  19. Are you high or did you really just say that? Here, let me correct this for you: "THE DEFENSE is the only reason we have 6 wins. Period."
  20. Well ****, I hadn't checked back on standings after the Bills game. Turned off football for the afternoon. But that just further confirms how crazy it is that that division is so tight by being so mediocre.
  21. He was very diplomatic in how he criticized, but you could hear him trying to contain words, often sound exasperated, and trying to be as gentle as possible while delivering critiques. There were times when you could hear sighs coming through, and you could almost visualize him just shaking his head in frustration.
  22. We should just target Alex Smith, then draft a QB.
  23. It's crazy that the AFC West is so bad this year.... The Chargers and Raiders are 5-6, and a half game back from being tied for 1st place. Even the 3-9 Broncos could go on a 4 game win streak and finish atop the division lol. Hope the Chiefs keep sinking.
  24. Aaron Williams would know, as he took that BS cheap shot from Landry in the Dolphins game last year.
  25. I'll always like Tyrod as a QB, but his lack of urgency in the face of adversity will not be missed. As we fall further & further behind on the scoreboard, the last thing I want to see is 2 yard dump passes on 3rd & long. All I'd like is to feel like there's a tiny CHANCE the Bills can start putting together a comeback, or at least a small rally to keep a game competitive...but Tyrod doesn't allow that. There's not even a hint of "we need to at least throw to the chains!" crossing through his mind.
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