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Heavy Kevi

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Everything posted by Heavy Kevi

  1. I could see this being the case. But as a principle if a starter loses his job because of injury, you should give him a chance to earn the job back imo. But you may be right.
  2. When Lance was upset because SF re-signed JimG, he nailed his own coffin shut. This league does not tolerate bad teammates very well, nor his wimpy mentality. Not to mention he was severely outplayed by a pedestrian Garropollo and Mr Irrelevant. Either way I expect an open competition between Lance and Purdy next year, so Lance better buck the ***** up and ball out or he's about to be a backup.
  3. 🤷 Purdy good story imo. San Fran is a stacked team with great coaching, no wonder all 3 (completely different) QBs flourished in the system. Give the kid some credit. He has not folded to the pressure of a super bowl run, less than a year after being the last pick in the draft. He may not be elite, maybe ever, but he's playing well now and deserves the kind words he gets from the talking heads. And he's in the NFC. So no direct conflict. Weird person to hate right now. But people hate Josh too, so........
  4. In a Josh Allen Jersey thread? Edit: alrighty just realized this was merged with the Jersey thread 🤷🏻
  5. Edmunds and Oliver are very good players. Adams is a bonafide superstar elite weapon right smack dab in our biggest position of need. This is a no brainer. We would fill those defensive positions, and there would likely be a dropoff... But this team needs another weapon on offense. Someone besides josh and Stef to carry this team. Davante could be that guy (in this made up binary scenario)
  6. Ok... A sponsored hype video. Still a good vid nonetheless. The message is clear. And it's the same thing this city NEEDS. WIN IT ALL Love the shnowman!
  7. I like Bill Burr But this wasn't a breakdown of anything. It's just him whining. Am I missing something? We should be reveling in the tears of Boston fans. Celebrating their long awaited return to mediocrity. At least I am. F them
  8. Yup Yup Yup We just need new guys at wideout. For this year though, these two fellas likely need to step it up. Or... Where you at, Odell? Playoffs are here
  9. New list: 1. Win SB There are no others and I'm downright machiavellian about it. End justify the means. Just. Get. It. Done!
  10. I've been saying this all year (though without stats to back it up). Watch out for this offense on 3rd and long. They know you are defending the sticks, so Josh likes to go for the long ball and it has largely worked pretty well. Look at the (seems like forever ago) Gabe Davis for 98 yds. It was like 3rd and 14 or something at the 2 and Josh just rifles that ***** out there to Davis and BOOM, 6 points
  11. Are they EVER going to make KC come to Buffalo?
  12. Really unfair for Cincy. It sucks that we get no shot at the #1, but at least this makes sure we don't go on the road to KC. But Cincy did nothing other than be gracious and now they are automatically on the road in Buffalo and then a coin flip for Balt/Cincy if they meet in playoffs. Crazy. It's like all the NFL did was try to make it fair for buff and Balt but not really Cincy or KC (though KC deserves nothing special)
  13. For real So much privilege with those muddy boots, tractors, and schitt-smell. I grew up in a farm town (still live in an AG district), and affluent is not a word you could use to describe ANYONE from my hometown except MAYBE the guy that owns the dump. Yup. The dump. And he still drives a rusty 4x4 pickup. Looks like crowder suffers from ignorance and lack of perspective on how farmers work and live.
  14. Yeah I think that's not unreasonable. Im surprised there's a multi page thread about what happens if the bills don't want to play this Sunday. Obviously it's a forfeit. And barring "bad news" about Damar at this point, nothing else would make sense. But I expect they will be ready to play, and fired up in a big way. Theres a reason pats fans want them to take another week off. Personally I don't think it matters from a purely football perspective. If they were to forfeit this weekend, they let the pats in to the playoffs, and they are not good enough to compete just like last year. Same story with Steelers and fins. Nobody is scared of any 3 of those teams right now. It's not as if they are the Packers with hof rodg getting hot at the right time. But if the Bengals game gets scheduled to be finished, and they know so before Sunday... Good luck pats No chance. From a competitive standpoint, it's just plain not fair to Cincy, especially given their gracious response on Monday and not forcing the Bills to forfeit in that moment.
  15. I don't entirely disagree with this. But it isn't an "after they pass" situation. It's still somewhat "suspended" just like the game. I, too, would want to get back to some day-to-day routines, get back to work, etc because that's the best way for me to move on. But not for everyone. I also don't think it's unreasonable for them to want to see him come out of the coma and find out if he's going to survive. Just like Monday night, I imagine they don't want to be in some 2nd and 5 type situation, convert and celebrate on the field, while their teammate potentially dies that moment in a hospital bed. The NFL needs to do the right thing and put this game "week 19", and set a precedent of leadership and compassion while still protecting the integrity of the game and maintaining fairness for all the other league teams who are relying on this for seeding.
  16. And the NFL can get what they want in another huge ratings boon. All the stakes would be set, and the game would have very similar implications. They can easily move playoff games. They often don't even know when/where games are going to be until less than a week out. Then the Bills (and other teams watching seeding) don't get a free pass (chiefs) or an unfair advantage (Ravens). Makes sense to me
  17. Yeah I don't think Troy (Aikman) made it up. Though there's a fair chance that him saying that on air was everyone's source. But this idea that it was never considered, thought up, or implemented just seems like... Damage control I'd like to ask Aikman where he heard/saw it and that might just clear alot of this up.
  18. For real. After seeing Josh, Stef, and Tre... All of the sudden it felt so serious. People get hurt all the time, but the look on their faces was pure trauma, and told you everything you needed to know. 15 mins later, after 9 mins of CPR, as he was being loaded into the ambulance, the whole country knew this game should be cancelled. It took the NFL an hour to come to the same conclusion, after trying to force the teams to play after a mere 5 minute break. My god
  19. Omg. That seems like terrible news. Cannot believe it's up to Sean and Zak to decide what to do. NFL needs to suspend it's profits for one mother frickin second and call this game. Schedule another time or give us the L. Whatever
  20. Not really though. Bills are 24th in the league in YAC. Bills lead the league in drops by WRs Josh does have to do it all himself, and many other QBs have it MUCH easier. They have run games, decent Olines, more than 1 decent WR. It's not all that uncommon. It's okay to admit things like this. The problems don't cease to exist just because the Bills are really good right now. Imagine how much better they could be with competent WR play. You know it's a real issue when your franchise QB on a really great team tells the GM to go sign practice squad players to contribute on GameDay (Beasley, Smoke) when your receiving corps isn't even banged up.
  21. True. But it's cool, that's Josh's national narrative. They can keep thinking that, but the narrative I believe Josh will end with is that he plays his best football in the biggest times and on the biggest stages. He's quietly one of the most clutch guys I've seen under center, but the team has not had that full-throttled success yet. Once he hoists the Lombardi, everyone's tune will change and they will realize. But until that happens, this is what "sports writers" are going to churn out.
  22. Sad but true. Hyde is being optimistic. He really wants to come back. Just like when von said 7-10 days right before he was IR'd. But it's unfortunately not happening.
  23. Meh Pretty much every SB winning team is on a long win streak. Generally if you back into the playoffs or rest for too many weeks, the outcome is not great.
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