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Heavy Kevi

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Everything posted by Heavy Kevi

  1. It's not even a down year for Davis. He has almost 250 more yards this year than his personal best (last year). The problem is he was supposed to step into WR2 and he just hasn't been as productive as that position should be in this offense. But even more than the stats... The eye test. He needs a more diverse route tree. He doesn't create separation. He doesn't fight for the contested catches like he used to. He disappeares for long stretches. Fans are disappointed because there was the prevailing narrative that Gabe and McKenzie were going to break out and we were set at receiver. Obviously nothing could be further from the truth, and I suspect this off-season Beanie will finally focus on real weapons for Josh (as opposed to hoping guys already in the building step up). -- To the spirit of the thread. Bass may well be the best pick of that draft, and frankly... With the offense we have now, if he sticks around for awhile, Bass will be the teams leading scorer. Right now though it's hard not to give it to Dane Imo. Has started alot of games, fared well in whites absence last year, and was the "veteran" at corner (not counting nickel) this year until white came back. Gabe still has a chance. But he's running out of time on a team with a super bowl window that's not going to be super patient at WR2.
  2. Yuuuup. Captain checkdown apologists just used that Adriane Wilson hit for an excuse. Boy I sure as frick don't miss his 3 yard checkdown on a 3rd & 15
  3. That moment -chandler jones just smooshing Mac into the turf- is definitely my favorite non-bills moment of the year. Hilarious! Like Mac was made of play-doh
  4. The fins were already docked a first for tampering this year. At this rate they will be hit with something for continuing to put tua out there with brain injuries. Somehow 2 of the 3 concussions (both before halftime) weren't noticed and he completed a game. They are risking tuas life to try and get in the playoffs and it's pretty sick. That organization and culture is just plain wrong
  5. Cook has definitely been picking up steam as the season goes on. The game seems to be slowing down for him and he's hitting holes decisively and is sneakily elusive. Looking forward to some more routes run out of the backfield as he matures more and more. I think has shown enough this year that the Bills will have an entirely new RB room next year outside of Cook. I thought the plan bringing Hines in was to roll next year with Cook and Hines, but now I think it's Cook and FA's, or maybe a later round RB. Everyone loves singletary in the locker room (and I think he's pretty good, not great), but the FO will be making some difficult cap decisions, and cook flashes. Best case, I would keep singletary and cook, but that would surprise me at this point.
  6. Phins: Tua is going nowhere! Nobody seriously thinks that. Despite his problems, this is a QB with a near league-leading passer rating, and at time I last checked, the #1 and #9 most productive WRs this year. He led the pro bowl voting. There will be no Brady, garapollo, or Rodgers in Miami. Don't get me wrong here, my first sentence isn't just about tua playing elsewhere, it's also applicable to the phins with tua- going nowhere. With the landscape of the AFC, the fish need to learn how to play in the cold. All they took away from buffalo was a moral victory, and I continue to believe that though their stadium is dangerous for opposing players early in the season, it's an advantage for opponents late in the season when cold weather teams feel like it's summer and phin players are hiding behind d the heaters in ~50° weather. Their McD is still in diapers, but he has shown enough to think he might be a real good offensive coach if he can reel in some bad decisions (like throwing constantly even though running was working vs us) Overall the roster is pretty loaded, though they lack resources to improve upon it this off-season. They will have to hope for growth from tua and McD. And that's the right approach imo if I were a fan of them Jets: No mention of mikewhite? If I was a jet fan, I'd be handing the keys to this kid. He hasn't exactly looked like a manning out there, but to quote R Lee Ermy "he's got guts, and guts is enough". Jets should move on from Wilson, Flacca, and anyone else they have and bring in fresh blood, but for now it's mikewhite s job to lose. And the locker room loves him! I'd be shocked if they went for any of the FAs mentioned unless garapollo wants to join and open competition w/ white. Saleh is a solid coach. A little bit of the Dan Campbell "heart on his sleeve" type, but a good, likable coach nonetheless. I'm sure jet fans like watching him get animated on the sidelines. As with the phins, I think the correct course of action is to roll with White and Saleh and hope they grow into competence. The defense is top-notch dominant, and Breeece hall is the truth. New Jersey fans have plenty reason to be cautiously optimistic. Pats 🥱 That is all. The whole team sucks and nobody wants to play for hoodie anymore.
  7. Might actually be an advantage for GB They (GB) are going to feel like it's summer. They'll be getting off the plane in t-shirts. The fins tho will have the heaters on max and will be wearing parkas.
  8. Yeah they have not been good at 3rd and long. As another poster mentioned, middle of the pack. Which is crazy because iirc, through 6 weeks they led the league.
  9. I mean... It's cool that they did that, but did a 9yo kid come up with these? Tre in a sleigh is pretty cool tho
  10. Yeah, kinda.... But at the same time they should be game planning ways to get him touches.
  11. This is pathetic. Like suing GM for DWI deaths. Makes no f'ing sense at all. But it does work for the actual main goal of convincing people that gun crime isn't caused by their own pro-criminal policies like cashless bail, end of mandatory minimum sentencing, and crazy DA's not prosecuting crimes by "marginalized" groups... All with a provably, and massively corrupt Leticia James at the helm. And I though it couldnt get worse than "The Hoch" in the governor's mansion.
  12. Lol... Weird. But it probably will make it easier to get around the facility, at .07 mph. I'm a fat guy too and those things aren't exactly created for us, um... larger folks, and that's for sure.
  13. That's funny. Dak isn't "ass ass"... But I think shady is right, Dak has it pretty easy in comparison to other QBs. Probably the best proof of that is how well Cooper Rush did in Daks absence.
  14. Josh won't win MVP. I just don't see a course for it this late in the season. But I'm sure he'd prefer Super Bowl MVP anyway, and that's still very much on the table.
  15. Meh Run blitz them and force this kid to throw it. Maybe the secondary can get off the INT schneid and pull down a couple. And even if he does run for a bunch, the bears can't score with us.
  16. I'd rather play chargers I think. Don't really want the jets again.
  17. Ok but McKenzie does suck. He is probably the weakest link. Other than that, great game, great year. Let's get that Lombardi gosh dern it!
  18. If the fins can keep their absurd home field advantage, anything is fair game. F them. If the NFL has no qualms with heat stroke, then why do they with snowballs?
  19. It's part of the Bills concerted effort this year the "get W's over all". In years past, the Bills and Josh would be "who they are" and continue to throw the ball, score quickly, etc. The second half of this year they are willing to do whatever it takes to get the W. No style points awarded, they don't care. They believe they are the better team every week and if they just don't mess it up they should win.
  20. So... What if we're playing the chiefs again for our playoff life and Josh gets banged up. Not a head injury but something he "can play through" like those mikewhite ribs. The Bills probably let him back in the game to get the W. And the fans are fine with it. Sometimes I think people lose perspective that these guys are playing for their career. Someone like Mike white might not get other chances, and this is his time to provide for his future/family. These dudes are willing to risk it for the (proverbial) biscuit and it's not like it's just sports. There are millions every day that go to their construction jobs or something else physical- these people are literally trading in their bodies to support their families. And now Mike white is out this Sunday. What if Wilson lights it up and takes back the job? White made himself some money and would probably get a chance to at least compete on another team, a chance he may not have gotten had he not played through the pain in Buffalo. Sacrifice is life. And I gained so much respect for Mike White on Sunday. Heart. Will. Determination. That's what it takes. Kudos to the kid for his mental and physical toughness.
  21. Worst that could happen? Idk he drops balls like McKenzie does already.🤷 Its really a no-lose situation unless you are intolerant of other views than your own.
  22. Yeah I would (and have in the past) sign up for a streaming service that supports NFLN for the "free trial" period and then cancel. Idk who does and doesn't carry it rn, but a couple years ago I did this with fubo, and another year with sling.
  23. Yeah, well... That's just like, your opinion, man I think Odell could play in a few weeks based on what he's said, but doesn't want to play until the playoffs. I think the cowboys didn't sign him because Jerry's ego couldn't handle being dictated to that Odell wouldn't workout and wants the deal he wants. Obviously nobody knows for sure (maybe not even OBJ himself), but if he wasn't going to play this year, he'd just wait for the off-season when he can become the highest paid WR in the game for some needy team.
  24. For real. How many games has McKenzie tried to give away? He did successfully give away the first phin game. Gabe needs to run a more diverse route tree, and make contested catches. Diggs can't be all we "really" have at WR. Upgrade the WR room and I think we're just fine. Even in Josh's bad games this year there are amazing throws that hit the hands, and then the stat sheet as a drop or a PBU because the WRs are soft. As for this year... Odell where you at?
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