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  1. Pretty much agree with this. The guy was a cap casualty but he was totally underutilized. Its not like he is some elite star and we wont be ok without him, but I feel like he would have been a nice weapon for us had they used him. The guy has speed and agility. Something our offense was definitely lacking and may still be. The few times they tried to use him, Allen threw bad passes but Hines would have had big gains on them had they connected.
  2. I just voted other because I feel they are fairly equal. Some think Mahomes is miles ahead of everyone but I don’t think that is true. Mahomes has more success than anyone but that doesn’t mean he has some huge gap in skill. All things are not equal when it comes to success. I believe there are some things Mahomie is better at than Allen and I believe there are some things Allen is better at than Mahomie. Success aside I think these QBs are closer in skill than some people want to credit. To me they are so close that it doesn’t matter. I just like to say they are the top QBs in the league and leave it at that.
  3. This says it for me. I think Cousins is good but to me its like one of those QBs that makes you pay for them because they are good, but not good enough to get you there. He is like Dak Prescott, Alex Smith, Tua, etc. Ones you can't really cut because they win games. Ones you kinda have to pay but don't really want to.
  4. I said like midseason or before that last season that there was something wrong with Bass. Everyone acted like I was crazy and gave me the "kickers miss kicks, Bass is fine" type of line. I can only imagine needing a field goal in the AFCCG with like 2 seconds on a stopped clock and being well in range and the dude shanks it or even just an xtra point.
  5. Great. Cook still dropping easy passes. That needs to get cleaned up. He is explosive and a good rb but if he can't catch the damn ball, it doesn't matter.
  6. Oh damn it didn't even click that both Favre and Rodgers have been on the Jets. Thanks for that.
  7. Not sure it was mentioned somewhere as I dont really have time to read right now, but in the article I read about this signing it said the Bills released Mat Haack
  8. A lot of veteran players miss OTAs. Its probably better for their longevity. I would think he would want to at least start getting to know his teammates better and such though.
  9. What I hate is only having 2 home games in the first 6 weeks.
  10. For 4.5m the Bills should have picked this guy up. I highly doubt they trade for DHop like a few seem to think.
  11. Even if the dude can still play, how many receivers can one team try and stack?
  12. Personally, I can't stand the dude, but he is a winner. Might be the best in history at the end of his career and I respect that, just like I respect Brady for his career. One of these years our team will get over the hump and that will be a great day.
  13. It's not a bad signing. The Bills were never trading or signing anyone big. That was a pipe dream. They are trying to get the cap back under control.
  14. Im big on Shakir. I was one of the first last season to speak up about him. Made a thread called something like "Shakir is our most explosive player on offense." That said, Beane had a lot of confidence last season in Davis and didnt really do much at the WR position then either. I take that with a grain of salt.
  15. It's a reload year. Unless they fall flat on their faces, I doubt it's make or break at all. If they were going to get canned anytime soon then this past year is when it should have happened, so the new regime could do the reloading.
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