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  1. The draft was still live when Beane made that comment so he's referring to a veteran WR.
  2. The short arms are concerning, but his 'catch radius' is 48th percentile amongst WRs who tested (versus Hunter Renfrow's 25th percentile, for example). I'm not saying this is the be all, end all but I thought it worth mentioning. He maybe an outlier due to his athleticism: Catch Radius – first discussed by Scott Smith in a piece titled “The Catch Radius Project: In Search of Better TD Production”, the metric incorporates a player’s ability to cover ground as well as his ability to get vertical in order to score a player’s capacity to reaching the football in a 3-dimensional space. Catch Radius affects a player’s ability to succeed in the red zone, particularly on fade routes and 50-50 balls. The equation squares a player’s 40-time, 20-yard shuttle, and 3-cone and multiplies it by the square of a player’s height, arm length, and vertical jump. The values of all six data inputs are normalized to have equal weight.
  3. This doesn't mean there weren't issues between them but I scrolled through Josh Allen's likes on Twitter and saw this from the Week 18 win in Miami. Whatever happened in the lockerroom after Week 1 probably wasn't notable to reporters at the time because by many accounts, they still seemed to be on the same page. Blowup happen even amongst friends and family. Obviously, each individual moment doesn't tell the whole story, but I thought it was interesting to reflect on it nevertheless:
  4. I had the numbers for the Ravens-49ers Super Bowl final score until Baltimore's punter ran through his own end zone for an intentional safety.
  5. Spags brings pressure on every big 3rd down whenever anyone plays the Chiefs, and every single time, the offense looks totally unprepared.
  6. As it stands, Allen is tied for the fewest interceptions in Super Bowl history.
  7. Only Patrick Mahomes could drop that snap and then foolishly almost throw an INT late over the middle.
  8. Niners can win this, and I'm rooting hard for it. But this has that feeling of inevitability that so many Chiefs games have where they look like ***** and pull it out by the skin of their teeth.
  9. You're right, they'll be lucky to make the playoffs. Meanwhile, back in reality, it's 10-6 in the 3rd Quarter of the godamned Super Bowl.
  10. It's true, it's already over. Mahomes famously never overcomes defecits.
  11. No, if anything he sounds like he's tired of answering the same questions but he doesn't even sound angry when he voices it--- more resigned that the chatter is there and can't be suppressed.
  12. I'm responding because you posted something I find ridiculous, the same reason for your original post. Other than thin skin, what are you made out of, teflon?
  13. That phrase is doing a lot of heavy lifting here. Not sure what the point of this thread is, "conspiracy theories aside."
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