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  2. Must have misread I thought you meant ownership for some reason
  3. I lived in Hamburg thru 3rd grade and went back to look around a few years ago when I was back for a game. I had lunch at John and Mary’s (a treat for me!) and it looked like the little downtown area was doing well with some cute shops and restaurants. I’d like to spend a bit more time looking around there next trip back.
  4. Are you referring to say target volume or the actual X WR role, your WR1 spot? If it's the actual WR1 spot, then that is Keon barring some sort of injury or disastrous camp. If its target volume, then that is probably a 3 way battler between Keon, Kincaid, and Shakir on who is kind of the go to guy in terms of targets per game. For me the bigger question is who takes the bulk of the snaps opposite Keon as the other boundary WR. We know Shakir will mix in some there, but I think its pretty clear he will take more snaps from the slot and attack all over the field from there more than the outside. So will that be Samuel when Shakir is inside, or will someone like Chase, Hollins, or MVS rise up and get those snaps is the question I am really intrigued by.
  5. No I don’t, actually, and you would know that if you had been reading my earlier posts on this conflict. In my contemporary pie chart of blame, a majority of it is filled with Israel, a significant portion the United States, and some of it actual anti-Semitism. At one point in history, the pie chart was roughly evenly split between Great Britain and European/Middle Eastern anti-Semitism. LOL…so Israel gets all its hostages back and Hamas, in return, gets some vague promise of a future cessation in hostilities? Helpful hint, Leh-nerd: an important part of negotiations is trying to understand the perspectives of all involved parties. This type of offer has already been denied multiple times by Hamas, but the N-th time will be the charm? You say that “a ceasefire is in everyone’s best interest.” Is it, though? The humanitarian crisis in Gaza doesn’t seem to be the paramount concern of Hamas. They’re almost reveling in the internecine warfare because, at some level, they may even think they’re defeating Israel: the IDF can’t hold cities in Gaza, Hamas recruitment is up, Israel is losing respect internationally, Israel’s economy is declining, Hezbollah is getting involved, the Camp David Accords are in jeopardy at the Gazan border, and American leftists are applying political pressure on Biden. You’re trivializing, by the way, the importance of those negotiating factors you enumerated. Land disputes are absolutely integral (read: causal) to this entire conflict and to the motivations of both sides. Hamas prisoner swaps are valuable negotiating leverage for Israel, as are financial settlements (though who are we kidding here…the American taxpayer is going to be footing the bill for any urban reconstruction…regardless of the outcome in November’s elections). Well it shouldn’t have been okay for us then, and it’s not okay for Israel now. Are you attempting to present an argument here other than American hypocrisy? When you are a longstanding imperialistic superpower founded on principles of settler colonialism, you become inured to all the egregious human rights violations you yourself inflict abroad. The rest of the world acquiesces because seriously challenging a superpower has negative consequences. It also helps to have the Fourth Estate owned by corporate oligarchs profiting in some way from the regime change wars, military occupations, coups, assassinations, and illegal drone strikes committed…not to mention the obvious international exploitation of labor and natural resources. It also helps to have the electorally culpable civilian population geographically isolated from the blowback, thanks in large part to two major oceans. My best explanation, however, for the discrepancy in outrage you’re noting: the evolution of independent news media and social media platforms have profoundly altered the landscape of propaganda efficacy, between the Second Iraq War and today. Right, but different wars have different civilian casualty ratios. The one in this ongoing Gaza conflict could easily be as high as 10:1 or 20:1, when you consider bodies still unaccounted for that are trapped underneath the rubble, or the slipshod manner in which adult males get lumped into the category of “combatants.” I’m certainly no expert military strategist, but was it really necessary to raze ~65% of Gaza’s buildings with 70 thousand tons of bombs, including every hospital but one, all schools and universities, media centers, mosques, museums and other heritage sites, cemeteries, etc…not to mention the farmland destroyed and the severe restrictions in humanitarian aid that are creating famine conditions?? The answer is “YES” if you are intentionally trying to make a place unlivable. Just shout, “but…Hamas tunnels!” every time a human rights referee challenges a bomb strike of yours.
  6. Because James Cook would say about 100 words in 21 minutes with him and look high the whole time.
  7. The Mountain West Connection about to premiere in the NFL!! The potential is huge. What's not to love about Shakir! Maybe because he rates high in all of the things that a team would want in a high-profile player. Great background, very intelligent, very well spoken, and he also seems to be our big hope this season in the passing game, which is the highest profile aspect of the NFL these days. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. For the Pats game last season we stayed at Holiday Inn Express in Hamburg. Wasn’t super nice, but was just fine if you’re not too fussy. Reasonable price, clean room, free breakfast buffet, and a very easy trip to the stadium. I would stay there again.
  9. Cool he's training with Moulds. Seems driven... heads on straight... gotta root for him. I wonder, of all the players on the team, why the Bills decided to do an in-depth video on Shakir.
  10. I live in UGA country and all my football friends tell me he is going to start day 1 and for the next 8 years.
  11. lol. You first started by questioning me talking about it being unsafe and then wrote a thesis on how unsafe it is and things to watch out for. Got it.
  12. Clarence Thomas accounts for 85% of all gift value given to SCOTUS justices in the past two decades.
  13. The Westin is in a location I enjoy too.
  14. The Bills just released a 21 minute feature on Shakir. Here's the youtube link:
  15. Good analysis Alpha. I appreciate that. I agree that we should not trade him before this season for a 4th. A 3rd and sending the other team Knox and a later 4th sounds solid. I think Knox is decent. Even good at times. Don't think he has very good hands though. Doesn't pluck the ball when its coming to him. And can not catch anything low. Ball always seems to hit the ground. He is a good blocker, and a tough player. And is pretty solid in the red zone. I wish he was a little more athletic and twitchy. But that is not who he is. But I think he will be a good complementary piece to Kincaid this season. And if he is willing to continue to redo his contract, Beane might keep him around a little longer. (And lets not forget Quinton Morris. He could be sneaky good this year, if we incorporate him more into the offense.)
  16. The plan is to get out of Cap hell and hopefully not get in it again any time soon.
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