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  1. Spoiler alert: he’s going to give it to Tom Wambsgams
  2. Normally don’t care for Meidas Touch but this was good
  3. The couch thing is fake but funny. The dolphin thing is true and also funny. JD Vance is a great content creator for the left
  4. Sometimes I wish the Dem Party was half as competent and scheming as righties seem to think it is...
  5. New Vance weirdness just dropped: Did they do *any* vetting with this guy?
  6. "Why didn't Obama immediately endorse Harris?" Obama endorses Harris "I didn't like Obama's endorsement!" There are dangerously high levels of copium on the board today. Proceed with caution.
  7. In less than a week: Harris raised over $100 million 60% of donor had not donated this cycle Over 20,000 new volunteers signed up (more than 100x the normal rate) NYT/Siena poll moved 5 points towards Harris Emerson poll shows she improved over Biden: 4 points in Arizona 5 points in Georgia 3 points in Michigan 3 points in Pennsylvania 4 points in Wisconsin As for Joe Biden: 73% of Dems said he was too old prior to the debate After the debate, almost 2/3rds of Dems wanted Biden to withdraw 87% of Americans believe that Biden made the right decision to step down Seems like most people wanted Biden to drop out and Dems are very enthusiastic about Harris replacing him. And yet, clickservatives won't stop complaining, pretending that Dems should feel slighted when they actually feel the opposite. MAGA must be scared...
  8. Can you cite support for your claim that Dem voters are not happy with Kamala? I gotta say, fundraising, polling, and general enthusiasm seems to disagree with you
  9. Do I know (((who))) you’re talking about? Do you want to be more specific?
  10. Fun fact: Harris is *not* the nominee. Dem voters can put pressure on their delegates to vote for someone else once voting started. Dem leaders who don’t want Harris can declare to challenge her. The fact is that when Biden dropped out, his delegates became unpledged. They can vote for anyone. They still can, but it seems she has probably locked it up. I don’t know why people don’t trust Dems saying they are happy with this and being upset on the behalf of Dems who are perfectly happy
  11. Come to Illinois and work for Citadel or Uline https://www.opensecrets.org/elections-overview/top-organizations
  12. I'm old enough to remember when Harris received about $100 million *after* Biden dropped about. For those who are fewer than a couple of days old, like apparently Big Blitz here, had it been someone else, the Biden-Harris money could have been converted into a Super PAC and everything earned for the non-Harris candidate would be in their new campaign coiffeurs. As far as Republican scandals go, after 34 felony convictions, being found guilty of sexual assault, huge judgements for defamations, having to shut down a charity due to stealing from kids with cancer, allegations of raping a 13-year old who looked like his daughter, being buddy-buddy with Epstein, serious allegations of money laundering, self-evident violations of the emoluments clause, and the lyingest liar who ever lied as the three-time GOP nominee... I'm not sure *any* allegation against a Republican would actually do anything.
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