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  1. Carry on posting "funny" memes about couches and dolphins that barley work on a third grade level.
  2. Your mom's so ugly... How ugly is she??? Your mom's so ugly she could only get a dolphin to **** her in her blow hole.
  3. That's a level above the "JD Vance has sex with couches" meme.
  4. I'd rather bang a couch than your mother... Is that how this works?
  5. You're lucky if you test at elementary school level, from your recent posts.
  6. The meme informed left-wing base doesn't care about what's actually true. They're still running with "Vance has sex with couches" based on a total lie from a guy who calls himself @rickrudescalves on Twitter. For them, because it was a funny meme that denigrates their opponents it has power. And having power is all that matters. The funny thing about that is if a left wing politician was caught having sex with a couch on a zoom call, they'd still vote for him... Realistically, the fact that they've been cosplaying as Palestinians and calling for intifada all spring and summer tells you everything you need to know about how easy they are to mentally manipulate.
  7. It's not a participation trophy motto. It's a do your job to the best of your abilities motto.
  8. Wow, exactly. I heard him say government while after I read government. But he's saying gunman.
  9. You're embarrassing the hell out of yourself with your ketchup conspiracies, and I frankly could care less about what comes next from your train of thought.
  10. If the world wasn't on the brink of WWIII, and if Donald Trump wasn't almost assassinated you would have a point. The Biden cabinet that is actually running the show has been about at negligent as the secret service detail protecting Trump's rally in Butler. From thinking it's ok to turn security for evacuating American soldiers over to the Taliban, to American missiles blowing up Russians inside of Russia and now Iran being 1-2 weeks from Haiti g nuclear weapons. This is the most incompetent and dangerous administration I have ever seen. So yeah, running on abortion is the only thing Harris should talk about.
  11. Randall Cunningham was my favorite non-Bill when I was a kid too. He made the most ridiculous plays that no one at the time was even close to being able to make. He was so fun to watch.
  12. That was $79-$89. Depending on the season.
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