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Paup 1995MVP

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  1. You really worship these players don't you? Sure they can run fast, and some are really good athletes. But they can all be replaced by someone else who does the same thing. A lot of them have a real inflated sense of their worth. But Its like that in a lot of industries in today's world. Everything thinks they are special. Most in any field really aren't. Same in the NFL. Only a very few are transcendental talents in their era. Fortunately, we have one named Josh Allen, who is just a normal guy. Lets go Bills.
  2. Its not a fan vote is it? I assume its a collection of NFL Network people who follow the NFL, right? Terrell Bernard had a monster year last year. Who cares if its only one year. As for Milano, his body of work over the years most definitely makes him a top 100 player. And I would argue that Milano is a top 50 player in the league. Bernard is close to it also. There are just not a lot of great defensive players in the league right now. Its an offense based league. But we have several very good defensive players. Ed Oliver also. But not as dominant as Milano and Bernard. But still good. Rasul Douglas is a very good corner. So is Benford. You don't win as many games as we have over the past 5 years without good players. Do you have the entire list?
  3. What makes you think that? He can make all the throws and is a winner.. Did you not watch him at Michigan lead the comeback against Alabama on the final drive of regulation? Go Blue baby!!
  4. The Willie Parker game. His name had escaped me until now. Yes we went on a 6 game run, going from 3-6 to 9-6. I remember beating Seattle during that run on a trick play to Willis McGhahee. I was skiing with my kids in Colorado. I think it was Christmas vacation time. We get home the night of the Steelers game, which I had recorded. And then watched in horror as we played awful. I remember a bad Bledsoe pick. And a missed Ryan Lindell FG from 29 yards. And Willie Parker going off. That entire era was mostly bleak. But I never missed watching a game. In fact the last game I missed was the season finale in 1994 when we were already eliminated from playoff contention. Lets go Buffalo.
  5. Our WR room turned out to be pretty poor last year. And we made changes. I like what we did. The constant complaining on this message board is a bit much. Do a lot of you sit around all offseason bemoaning what we don’t do? I am super excited that training camp is upon us. That means football is almost here. I love that. And I love watching Josh Allen laying waste to the NFL. I trust Brandon Beane and know the team we put on the field this year is going to kick some big time ass.
  6. Long time ago. Mike Malarkey era. That was a lousy year coming off the last game of the 2004 season losing to the backup Steelers at home when a win got us in the playoffs. I hated those uniforms too.
  7. Good point. Noone is driving up to the Elbo Room on Fort Lauderdale beach in one of those. Most get rides on turbo charged golf carts down Las Olas blvd. Which can be a blast as long as you hold on tight.
  8. I remember that now that you sent the video. Great return. Too bad the superdome turf ate him up inside the 10. What year was that?
  9. Didn't that happen to Bruce Smith in Virginia Beach many years ago? As for Addison, 6-8 game suspension? A lot of these young guys are really stupid. I guess their parents don't really show them the way. King Roger will have to take their place.
  10. He was just an excellent football player. Not HOF excellent. But got the most out of his abilities. Seemed like a good guy. Just super solid. Wish we had never let him go. I also loved Terrance McGhee. Another super solid NFL player. Got the most out of his ability. Good team guy. Great kick returner. You just have to love guys who just bring their best week in and week out.
  11. That video "Autumn Wind is a Raider" gives me chills. Other than the Bills, would there have been any team better to play NFL football for then the 1970's Raiders??!! Just tough mean and talented. Maybe the Greatest Show on Turf Rams as well. I loved watching Kurt Warner throw a football. So smooth. I will let my mother know. She will get a kick out of that. She is still a big Bills fan. Lives in Toronto and is 83. Had seasons tickets until about 5 years ago. Would drive down w her boyfriend from Toronto for most of the games. But he has gotten sick and old. So she stays in Toronto and watches all the games on TV. And all the Blue Jays and Raptors games. LOL Last game I believe she went to was the blizzard game against the Colts.
  12. Thanks for those tidbits on George Saimes and how the 1960's Bills interacted with the community. That is really cool. Robert James was great back in the 70's. For some reason I remember the game he blew out his knee. And I think it ended his career? Was it a preseason game? I was a kid and I have this vision of it happening at night. I believe I was watching at my grandparents house in Detroit. Weird memory of being a 9 year old kid..
  13. Dorian Williams. He plays fast. And once he learns the pro game some more, he will be making plays all over the field.
  14. That's very interesting Logic. You sound like a real student of the Bills going way back. I moved to Buffalo at the start of 1976 when I was 10 and became a fan at that point. I remember a guy named Terry Miller who came on board as a RB out of Oklahoma State in I believe in 1978 under Chuck Knox. My first game I went to was in 1977 against the Colts. It was really cold, and we sucked. Gave up like 10 sacks back when the Colts had a great front 4. Dutton Ehrmann Cook and Barnes I think were their names. They just destroyed Fergy that cold day, while me and my buddy froze. Are you a big student of the entire NFL? I was watching hilites the other night on You Tube of the Chargers 1970 season. LOL. Love the music and John Facenda narrating the show. That's interesting about Saimes. He is on the wall so he must have been a force. Is he alive still?
  15. I believe Maddox was more back in the Super Bowl years. But those numbers for Paup in 1995 were off the chart. He was a hell of a player for Green Bay and then the Bills. Too bad he took the money and left for the Jags. A great player. Not HOF great. But still had a really good career. An anecdote about Maddox. My mother used to work for the Western NY Blind Association as a social worker. She told me she helped one of Maddox's relatives who was blind. Said she met him, and he was a real nice guy.
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