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Does Josh Allen still work as hard in the offseason?

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20 hours ago, Buffalo_Stampede said:

Allen said he just threw up because of what he saw.


Josh said he guessed where Big Play Gabe would be and threw it there.


I think it's obvious he isn't working as hard on football in off season as he once was.  I think the Jets game was the result among others.


He who shall not be criticized shouldn't just rely on natural talent. He needs to put in the practice on the practice field and homework to advance his game to where we can win a SB.

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1 hour ago, reddogblitz said:


I think it's obvious he isn't working as hard on football in off season as he once was

Whats obvious is the simple fact that you haven't any idea of what he is doing in the off-season.

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Way too much analysis about the last drive of the Chiefs game. I know we had a chance at the end but it wasn't truly a close game. Only Hardman's hilariously stupid fumble kept us in it. Just like the 2022 divisional round where we were only in it at the end because Butker missed a FG and an XP earlier. And the only reason we even took advantage of these unlikely opportunities in each game is because Allen himself made several miraculous improbable plays of his own.


We honestly haven't come close to beating the Chiefs in the playoffs. It's been a total rout on everything but the scoreboard the last two times. The only difference between those games and the blowout 2021 AFCCG loss is circumstance, not performance. Personally I would rather not rely on several different unlikely events happening in the game and Allen simultaneously creating several miracles. I would rather the coaches and other players just do their jobs better. Mahomes doesn't have to create miracles to beat us. He just has to play a pretty good game. Any analysis outside of that is pissing into the wind IMO. Fun barstool argument but it misses the real point.


Edited by HappyDays
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13 minutes ago, HappyDays said:

Way too much analysis about the last drive of the Chiefs game. I know we had a chance at the end but it wasn't truly a close game. Only Hardman's hilariously stupid fumble kept us in it. Just like the 2022 divisional round where we were only in it at the end because Butker missed a FG and an XP earlier. And the only reason we even took advantage of these unlikely opportunities in each game is because Allen himself made several miraculous improbable plays of his own.


We honestly haven't come close to beating the Chiefs in the playoffs. It's been a total rout on everything but the scoreboard the last two times. The only difference between those games and the blowout 2021 AFCCG loss is circumstance, not performance. Personally I would rather not rely on several different unlikely events happening in the game and Allen simultaneously creating several miracles. I would rather the coaches and other players just do their jobs better. Mahomes doesn't have to create miracles to beat us. He just has to play a pretty good game. Any analysis outside of that is pissing into the wind IMO. Fun barstool argument but it misses the real point.




You say that but like 3/4 plays go the other way in the 2021 AFCCG and it's much closer. I remember Singletary dropping a 30/40 yard screen. They also didn't get the redzone issues right.


2022 came down to the Bills not properly defending 13 seconds and losing a coin flip. Last year it was terrble 3rd down calls and a whole LB core injury. The Bills Offense did the best against the Chiefs Defense during the postseason.

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10 minutes ago, Mat68 said:

The end of the last 2 seasons he is at the presser with blood stains on both arms and some are questioning his dedication? 

Two things can be true right? Josh hates practicing and preparing but loves to play the game and competing in games.

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  In the games against Mahomes Josh and Patrick’s stats are literally almost identical.
  The difference is Patrick’s teammates pickup their play around him. Josh’s teammates do not.

  Josh living in the Buffalo facility isn’t going to change the fact that the Bills defensive line which was fully healthy couldn’t sniff Pat Mahomes. 
  Even in the Bengals loss he was the best Bills best player by far. There is always going to be people on this board who will blame Allen if the sky is cloudy. 
 Sure Josh deserves criticism he doesn’t play LB, DE, or safety. In the Chiefs playoff game he also had to be the bills best running back as James Cook had checks notes 18 carries for 61 yards. 

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16 minutes ago, Buffalo_Stampede said:

Two things can be true right? Josh hates practicing and preparing but loves to play the game and competing in games.

I get the troll job.  Gotta bring more than the guy with 0 scholarship offers who was raised on a farm doesnt work hard enough. 

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23 hours ago, Success said:


Still a team game.  I don't agree w/ your characterizations, either.


I actually think coaching is the most important aspect of winning a championship.  Reid is the best, and the "Mahomes is way better because he has 3 titles" argument basically ends there for me.


But it's not a savvy argument, regardless.  In a team game like football, "x QB is better than y QB because of titles' is a poor take.  Bradshaw had 4. Dilfer wasn't better than Marino.  Many more examples.



Reid was not as good coach earlier in  career; he has learned a lot of things including game calls, teaching team to break rules until referees enforced it consistently and ignoring actions by players which may hurt teams reputation but he apparently believes winning cures everything.

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Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, Mat68 said:

I get the troll job.  Gotta bring more than the guy with 0 scholarship offers who was raised on a farm doesnt work hard enough. 

My favorite basketball player is Allen Iverson. “We talkin bout practice.” So that should tell you this doesn’t affect how I feel about Allen.


It seems to strike a nerve with a lot of people though. Allen is the one that said all this stuff. He believes less is more is good for him,  it’s not for everyone. It’s just a fact that he doesn’t work at his craft as much as others. It’s not what he’s always done, only the last couple years it’s what he believes is best for him as an established elite QB. Take it however you want. If that bothers you then it’s Josh Allen you have a problem with.

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13 minutes ago, Mat68 said:

I get the troll job.  Gotta bring more than the guy with 0 scholarship offers who was raised on a farm doesnt work hard enough. 

So no one that ever fought their way out of an ordinary situation and obscurity to find fame, fortune and success ever took their foot off the gas and coasted? Good to know. 

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9 hours ago, H2o said:

This is the perfect thread to bring all of the 🤡's and haters out.


Let me preface this by saying Mahomes and Allen are #1 and #2 in the entire NFL right now. I don't care about MVP's, Pro Bowl's, All Pro's, Player voted rankings, none of that. And show me a single QB in this league who means more to his entire team, who carries more of the weight for his entire team, than Josh Allen. There isn't one. Their statistical runs have been matched by no other in NFL history. 


In the last 4 seasons:


Pat Mahomes - 20,148 total yds w/ 151 Total TD's

Josh Allen - 20,010 total yds w/ 173 Total TD's


No other player in the NFL is close to them. Herbert is a combined 2,000 behind Allen and Mahomes w/ 48 less TD's than JA17 in that time. You can claim it's because of injuries for the other "top" QB's in the NFL as to why they aren't close, but durability is also a necessary quality to be an elite QB. In that same span, Lamar Jackson has only amassed 14,916 total yds and 100 total TD's. That is almost 6,000 less yards in that time and 71 less TD's than Allen, but some of the "sports media" bobbleheads would have you believe that Lamar is better than JA17. COMPLETE horse manure. Clearly, these two (Mahomes and Allen) are the cream of the crop. 


In this social media age where people think every aspect of life is or should be put out there, some still don't have their lives on blast for everyone to see. Just because people post videos talking about "we're out here doing this" or "we're out here doing that" doesn't mean the people who don't post about every aspect of their lives are doing nothing. So, ok, Mahomes and his guys are supposedly working out now. That doesn't mean they are going to work through the entire offseason. JA is out with his girl right now, most likely, and enjoying time with her. It's the OFFSEASON. There is a reason why it's called that. You can bet money, though, that Josh and his guys will be getting together at some point and putting in work as well. Josh also still works with Jordan Palmer. There was an interview Palmer did last year talking about his work with JA17 and Kyle Allen. Josh is still going to put in work, but he's also going to decompress and enjoy his life away from the game. Anyone who expects someone to be "football, football, football" 24-7 for the entirety of their career is just delusional. 


Josh is not just some slug in the offseason who does nothing but swing golf clubs, pound beers, and pound actresses. He still puts in work. The main difference the last few years, and I have said this time and time again, is Daboll is no longer here. Josh and Dabs had a special relationship that went beyond football. When he left for the NY Giants I believe it really took a toll on Josh. Dabs understood Josh. Dabs schemed the entire offense for Josh. Dabs let Josh be himself and catered to his strengths. Dabs also knew how to put receivers in the places they needed to be for the offense to be successful. He new the route concepts that worked, the ones Josh favored, and how to fit it all in against the opposing defenses each week. I'm not saying I was always happy with Daboll's play calling, but Daboll was Josh's guy. It was obvious that Dorsey was not. In their time together, Josh just didn't seem to be having fun anymore. It could also have been his personal issues leaking over onto the field. To think that doesn't happen for guys is ignorant at the least. We started to see the old Josh again once Brady took over. I think with a full offseason on tap, and a complete installation of his offense, that Josh and Brady are going to get that same mojo working that he and Dabs had. I'm gonna go ahead and call it now, that in 2024 Josh is going to have the best statistical season of his career. Passing TD's will be up, TO's will be down, and he'll be all in the MVP convo once again. Whether he wins it or not, who knows. But Josh is going to light it up this year. 

Total TD's are nice and all but I would rather take passing TD's in evaluating a QB. Mahomes couldn't answer the competition one time in his career in 2021 vs the Bengals in the AFC championship. The Bills couldn't score when it mattered vs the Chiefs last year. They weren't a conversation vs the Bengals the year before. Mahomes has been more clutch against playoff teams when it matters most. Josh has scored more TD's. Certainly more within 5 yards when using arms or legs.


Nobody is having this conversation outside Bills fans. 

Edited by Mikie2times
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As players get more years on their bodies in the NFL, rest, healing and body maintenance becomes substantially more important.  Not to mention the mental drain of carrying the pressure and stress of a franchise on your shoulders like he does.  Now add in a guy like Josh who also plays with a lot of reckless abandon out there and lays his body on the line most weeks, and the need is even greater because there is no team without him.  


Young players have a lot to work on to get to that upper echelon level of the league...Josh put the work in to get there.  There are no major or raw components of his game at this stage, now its about tweaks more than it is about development.  


So no, Josh should not at all be putting the same level of work in he had to his first few seasons.  He needs the recovery time and he will still put in the work he needs to in order to be both physically and mentally ready for the season, that I have no doubt.  

1 hour ago, Awwufelloff said:

We already know he doesn’t train in the offseason, he said it last year in a poscast. Meanwhile Mahomes post a video like this nearly every week. I think his first was 2 weeks after winning the superbowl. Some people just want it more.. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4yrRpPPq8n/?igsh=MThqeTh3MzgyZjlqMA==


Sorry, this is not accurate.  Mahomes took most the offseason off last year.  He took several vacations, went to Coachella, many golf trips.  It is very funny to me that he posts one video of a work out and fans translate that to mean he was in the gym hard for 5 months of the offseason.  

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19 minutes ago, Mikie2times said:

Total TD's are nice and all but I would rather take passing TD's in evaluating a QB. Mahomes couldn't answer the competition one time in his career in 2021 vs the Bengals in the AFC championship. The Bills couldn't score when it mattered vs the Chiefs last year. They weren't a conversation vs the Bengals the year before. Mahomes has been more clutch against playoff teams when it matters most. Josh has scored more TD's. Certainly more within 5 yards when using arm or legs. Nobody is having this conversation outside Bills fans. 

Allen had more passing TDs then Lamar Jackson who literally won the MVP and the leader in passing tds was Dak Prescott you telling me you would take Dak over Allen?

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11 minutes ago, 78thealltimegreat said:

Allen had more passing TDs then Lamar Jackson who literally won the MVP and the leader in passing tds was Dak Prescott you telling me you would take Dak over Allen?

I would take a three time Super Bowl champion over Josh because I should if I'm a sane person. Let me know when people make the Dak is better than Josh thread. 

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36 minutes ago, Mikie2times said:

Total TD's are nice and all but I would rather take passing TD's in evaluating a QB. Mahomes couldn't answer the competition one time in his career in 2021 vs the Bengals in the AFC championship. The Bills couldn't score when it mattered vs the Chiefs last year. They weren't a conversation vs the Bengals the year before. Mahomes has been more clutch against playoff teams when it matters most. Josh has scored more TD's. Certainly more within 5 yards when using arms or legs.


Nobody is having this conversation outside Bills fans. 

Just glossing over the Super Bowl against Tampa Bay?

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